~Gratitude is the heart’s memory~
Rev. June Gatlin
“He honestly believed it was his job to heal and make a difference. From the depth of his being, his mission was transformation and transcendence. He wanted us to go to that higher level of consciousness with him. With a heart as enormous as his talent, Michael took to BEING the instrument of change that this world so desperately needs.”
In the Arms of the Beloved sets forth these truths: “THE GIFT was that the world, if they wanted to, could now see with crystal clarity what had been given to us. THE GIFT was that the world, if they wanted to, could finally stop addressing who Michael Jackson ISN’T, and begin to flow with who HE IS. IT WAS ALWAYS THERE…hiding in plain sight.” Revisiting what is in plain sight reminds us of why we are here and inspires forward vision. Our continued searching leads to greater wisdom for “Embedded within Michael’s works were the Keys and Codes of activation He needed us to have. The multiple layers He loved to create allowed for any open heart functioning at any given level of understanding to be impregnated with these codes. The alchemy this union created was the Maestro’s greatest gift.” (In the Arms of the Beloved) With Michael Jackson’s artistry, everything has a purpose. Those who interpret his lessons as singular in intent miss the deeper layers of instruction. Revelations take time and study. The sacred is found according to each individual need, with wisdom’s golden gifts grown in the fertile soil of the soul. “No pessimist ever discovered the secrets of the stars, or sailed to an uncharted land, or opened a new heaven to the human spirit.” Helen Keller’s words speak to the capacity of the inner reservoir. The REAL THING has been revealed: priming the pump of inspiration is defined with a single word…MICHAEL.
~Go forth and set the world on fire~
St. Ignatius of Loyola
Loving is the only starting place there is for making our lives our own. We have found love and we can’t get enough of it. But, it goes deeper…we can’t give enough. Michael’s vision has shown us how to spend our lives for something that will outlast us. Asking us to “jump off a cliff,” we have learned that we can fly.
~That man had the force of the sun, the spotlight on him…and we were his planets spinning around his center of gravity~
Florice Gogodze
Whoever sees You and doesn’t
light up with joy,
Whose jaw doesn’t drop with awe
at the sheer beauty of You,
Whose very being fails to increase in a thousand different ways,
Must be made of the cement
of a prison wall.
“He was a man of power, of positive power that brought people together. He brought people of all walks of life, all nationalities, friends and foes alike. He was healing in spirit because he healed a lot of people with his music and with his spirit. Being in his presence, when he visited hospitals, the children would be miraculously healed.”
An Avatar leads an entire world. (In the Arms of the Beloved) Present in our thoughts and actions today, Michael Jackson leads us to be who we really are, do what needs to be done, and have the world we want. The ties of love and hope are strengthened as education thaws the frozen hell of those who find Michael Jackson a steep learning curve. “Every moment a voice out-of-this-world calls on our soul to wake up and rise.” Rumi Both Presidents Reagan and Bush recognized the power of Michael’s ambassadorship around the world. But, many have yet to discover the affect he had on global relations…his influence, both past and present. His universal messages speak to all humankind, about all humankind, for all humankind, dispelling the plague of jealousy and hatred. Within our grasp, within our sight, we set Michael’s dreams alight.
As we revisit the wealth of research available to us, one thing becomes clear…unlike the plethora of flip flop dished out to us by a diseased media…the scope of Michael’s work remained unchanged, his message cherished…recanting unnecessary.
~The harder the conflict the more glorious the triumph
What we obtain too cheap we esteem too lightly
Tis dearness only that gives everything its value~
Thomas Payne
Oh, friend, I hear a dance. Will you be my partner?”
The difference between truth and myth is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug. (Mark Twainism) With room for everyone, we partner with the power, turning all into blessed outreach without boundaries. “He forced rock and roll and the mainstream press to acknowledge that the biggest pop star in the world could be young and black and in doing so, he broke down more barriers than anybody.” Rolling Stone We join Michael in his fierce belief in what we can achieve together. Captivating, seismic, enduring, we follow…inhaling the suffering of children and the ecology, and exhaling our actions valued in pure love.
Thank you, Darling Angel Woodnaika, for giving Tom and me the opportunity to love you.
Thank you, Beautiful Michael Jackson’s Legacy, for giving me the opportunity to serve.
Thank you to the author of In the Arms of the Beloved
Thank you so very much, Jude, for this. Cannot thank you enough. There are still tomes to br written aboout Michael’s global impact and his healing ability, but your workd are among the best and most powerful to remind us about the universal meaning of his abilities and talents, his mission accomplished. The world yet stands on the freshold of understanding what they witnessed in him. Those who know -we knew from the start. Those who do not – they will know thanks to you, your excellent job, my dear Jude. And I see that this new book :In the Arms of the Beloved” is very much worth to have and read. Thanks, Jude, and thanks again. Mt appreciation of what you do has no sky limits.
Thanks to you, Jude, for continuing to write about Michael! You inspire me to do the same. And there is always more to say. I just saw a photo of the child, Michael with Muhammad Ali who left this earth recently. I know Michael was inspired by Ali… who also wrote down his goals and put them on his mirror. Michael did that…. I have always done that as well. It focuses the mind, for certain! Ali was a role model for Michael and he, in turn, was a role model for so many, including Kobe Bryant, for one. I shall NEVER forget Michael…..his artistry in all things. And his fantastic sense of humor! He was just so much fun! This was a very sad month for me and so many others….but not any longer. When I think about Michael (which is every day) I am lifted up and want to thank God for this wonderful human being and friend! Love you always!