“There is NOTHING that will ever make me stop loving Michael…Not time, not space, not friends, not family. Not lies, vicious rumors, or damning innuendos. I will never stop loving him because it is LITERALLY PROGRAMMED IN MY DNA to do so.”
Siedah Garrett
A Giver
Kindness in words creates confidence.
Kindness in thinking creates profoundness.
Kindness in giving creates love.
The ties between us, ties of hope and love that bind men, women, and children across the planet, all are revealed when we turn our thoughts to Michael Jackson. “I’ve never seen anybody LIVE like Michael. No one will ever come close.” We can take Rob Lowe’s words beyond surface definitions of LIVE performance, and instead come to this truth: The REAL THING reveals the exultation of the possible. Time and time again, revisiting reminds us of why we are here, and inspires OUR forward visions. We embrace the notion…if there is a book we really want to read and it hasn’t been written yet, then WE must write it ourselves. It is in our DNA to do so. Although the notion that we cannot change someone who doesn’t see an issue in their actions often swims around in our consciousness, we are so far from done. For, Michael Jackson’s power is real whether you believe it or not. Knowledge is the beginning of understanding, of that we are sure.
~When you find something you love, you can never get enough of it~
Although true, we cannot stop there. We feel an obligation to share the love. A 20 second hug releases the bonding hormone neutron transmitter oxytocin, nature’s anti-depressant and anti-anxiety. Oxytocin is a powerful hormone. A hug acts as a neutron transmitter to the brain. Scientists suggest that you need to experience at least 8 hugs a day in order to feel happier and content with life. Michael gave the science of this fact velocity. His gentle, passionate perseverance was unflinching in the belief that showing love changes the world. His long hugs are legend. The authenticity of intimacy is palpable. Simply watching gives spiritual impact. Hungering for this beauty and goodness finds a home in our soul. We then set about doing Michael’s heartwork, his soul and ours are the same…profoundly connected.
“As for me, I know of nothing else but miracles.”
Walt Whitman
Our passion is embodied in our prayers for something more. Michael’s dreams for a better world are translated through our actions. If, as Diane Ackerman says, that choice is a signature of our species, we choose our birthright, looking for the gifts within the struggle and benefitting from them.
The biggest enemy of Michael Jackson’s legacy is the myth. Opening our eyes to a new day, we pray that joy cometh in the morning. And alas, many mornings fall short of that prayer. Erasing the unrecognizable version of reality is increased during the months of June and August. Many claim to crawl into Michael’s mind and then define what they think they have seen there, presuming to know…but, instead spotlighting myths. To those with a media spin, facts won’t help…no attention given to the masses of Fans gathered in Los Angeles, Forest Lawn, Neverland and Gary, Indiana…no coverage for TRIBUTES, MEMORIALS…LANTERNS OF LOVE…vigils of devotion. While authors join talking heads to increase the sales of disrespectful fiction and trash tabloids return to 2005 to obliterate facts…we gather to write the truth…the “book” we want to read. Spending our time in search of causes that continue Michael’s
messages, we give energy to changing the lives of children for the better, seek answers that protect the ecology.
~The most pure people are always torn down. It will continue to be proven that my beloved Dad has always been and forever will be INNOCENT~
Paris Jackson
Once again, we awaken searching for joy, and finding despair instead…yet another attempt to destroy, begun by a sleazy tabloid and gleefully used as a take-down-piece by mainstream media. Instead of truth, words are put where answers should be. It is time once again to turn to the REAL THING, exalting in the POSSIBLE.
Our light shines for you
We are falling, falling through time
“He was a man of power, of positive power that brought people together in the time he lived. He brought people from all walks of life, all nationalities, friends, and foes alike. He was healing in the spirit because he healed a lot of people with his music and with his spirit. Being in his presence, when he visited hospitals, the children would be miraculously healed. Michael should be remembered for being one of the most positive and unselfish beings that ever lived. He just happened to be a singer and a dancer.”
Jonathan Moffet
“I asked him why he didn’t learn to read music and he replied that God had given him a gift, and he was afraid that learning too much about the intellectual side of music would mess it up.”
George Atwell
~I see beauty in all children. They are all beautiful to me. I love them equally~
“Rose Fine…a Jewish woman who was my beloved childhood tutor and who traveled with me and my brothers when we were in the Jackson Five…she called me her son. I learned unconditional love from her. I have seen it. I have experienced I. It doesn’t matter with blood or race or creed or color. Love is Love. It breaks all boundaries. I see it in children’s eyes. When I see children, I see helpless little puppies. They are so sweet. How could anybody hurt them? Children are truly the highest form of perfection to me. They are God’s greatest miracles.”
“If you’re a rocker, you can mournfully emote over a guitar, and rappers have made an ethic out of being too stone-cold to move on stage. But, if you’re a man singing pop music today, there’s a long, moonwalk shaped shadow you have to live up to.”
The L.A. Times
“Charity in the modern age began with Michael Jackson. Whereas every billionaire would squander away token money in order to evade taxes and earn immortality, Michael Jackson would give away the entire proceeds of his shows to the cause of black children in America, and for the dispossessed in Africa…without mention in the press. If charity meant following the trumpets on celebrity T.V. shows, if charity meant giving, without expecting perhaps in its grandest term, it has ended as well, with Michael Jackson.”
The music industry grants of America, with their racist press collaborators, took away the life of the greatest entertainer the world has witnessed in recorded history. Unlike anyone in human history, way more than any president of modern times, or emperor of the ancient age…It was Michael Jackson who was recognized by people all across the globe. Michael Jackson was the black man who steadfastly refused to walk the ropes, to plead with the press to sell his musical soul, to corporate copyrighters. Everything he did, he did with a sense of dedication that shook the foundation of common knowledge, violating the principles of the status quo. Michael Jackson was an internationalist. Greater than any country on this earth, greater than the UN’s duplicitous endeavors, and certainly greater than the neoliberal rhetoric by free market champions, are the contributions of Michael Jackson in making the world a better place. Children, to him, were the past, present and future. They were the center of the universe. Believe Michael over mainstream press. Trust him over a racist judicial system.” Saswat Pattanayak New York based Media Research Scholar
“All this stuff about Michael being a weirdo…it’s a pile of goddamn shit. I’ve recorded a whole lot of these pop musicians, and this guy’s the straightest of the goddamn lot!” Bruce Swedien
Our confidence and love come from the profound kindness of Michael Jackson. Seeing the lows in the media, shocked by its depths…we go high. Across millions of miles, our heartbeats are tossed in unison rhythm…ONE VOICE, ONE LOVE. It is in our DNA. Celebrating the past, joining together in the present…creating a future in Michael’s name. IT IS ALL FOR LOVE!
Somebody may ask: why do you guys continue to gather by flocks for every Michael Jackson’s date like June 25th and August 29th after all those years? The answer is simple: the power of love brings us together. The power of love – the strongest feeling among the array of human’s emotions. It’s true: when you find somebody you love you cannot get enough of them. True in regard of Michael, true in regard of MJ community. So that strongest power of love keeps us together, we hear that call of the one we love, it takes us again and again to MJ sacred place – his resting place and to the places where he lived, worked, created his magic making this world much much better, where he has left his King’s marks. We need to be there physically, spiritually, in any form. We need to feel and re-new our bond, an MJ bond, we need to give each other MJ hugs. It gives us our MJ unity back, the feeling that cannot be compared with nothing. We need to share that love, to bring to the world knowledge that THIS ONE who graced this earth by his visit has left the longest shadow of moonwalk on the surface of this planet as well as in the hearts and souls of millions. Michael has purified and enlightened those souls, healed the wounded and erazed the darkness inside many of those. Brought light, joy and happiness instead. Those are things that form our MJ brotherhhood. Just take a look when these MJ brothers and sisters meet at Forest Lawn, Neverland and other placed connected with Michael: just look how they greet and hug each other, what words they say to each other, what greetings and words of immediately recognisable LOVE and CARE can be heard there. And you will understand that this MJ community is something special. We are in a hurry when MJdates approach, many of us drop important things and sacrifice everything to be there,among the MJ FAMILY. To show the world our endless love to our hero, to stay strong by him, to cherish him and defend him. Yes, media still tries to kick dirt onto him by continuing to invent myths, unreal stories and lies. We know too well: while money is on stake it will never end. But with the years passed we have worked out the way how to react immediately and give tabloid jerks the strongest rebuttal hitting back immediately with spreading and sharing around the world on-line networks the truth. Exposing the lies, showing the facts. We do not speculate , we fight back. And this article of Jude is one of those MJ comminuty cannoballs aiming the media trash to be dispersed. We will stand by Michael until our last breath. IT IS in our DNA, rightly said, Jude! Thank you for your tireless job in MJ’s honor. Deep bow to you.
I am in accord with all those who defend and stand by Michael….and have done that since I first knew him…many many years ago. When he was first accused I was dumbfounded and absolutely in disbelief. And I told him that NO ONE could possibly believe any of that nonsense. Unfortunately, there was a prosecutor who was relentless in his pursuit of Michael…and I don’t think he quite realized how bad things could get. And did! He just didn’t believe people could be so evil…his mother once said that she should have given him better advice…so he would be alert to the fact that people would want to use him. Michael represented $$$$ to so many…even those in his employ. Not to his good friends or musical colleagues…we all knew that he was as good as gold, so to speak. I remember telling him he needed to watch his back, always. Everyone wasn’t like his family, close friends, etc. I warned him about one particular person…and actually, he did believe me. But most of the time, he disregarded my warnings. On this day,, July 10, 2016….I STILL regret that I didn’t go with him on that BAD Tour….(not to play, necessarily, although that is what I would have done), but to just be there for him. I felt so protective of him….He was so sweet…and just so innocent. If one could only turn back the hands of time….but of course, that isn’t possible. I will continue to speak out for Michael for as long as I live…He was too good for this world, I do believe. Bless him…and Jude, Thank you…for providing this outlet for all of us.
I continue to speak out for Michael….and will do so as long as I live! He was extraordinary in every way and deserves recognition for his humanitarian deeds as well as his fantastic talent and performances! I miss him every day and feel his presence often! Bless you dearest Michael!