“Do I really believe that we can heal this world that is riddled with war and genocide even today? And do I really think that we can heal our children, the same children who can enter their schools with guns and hatred and shoot down their classmates, like they did at Columbine? Or children who can beat a defenseless toddler to death, like the tragic story of Jamie Bulger? Of course I do or I wouldn’t be here tonight.”
Michael Jackson
Oxford Address
I have thought a great deal about these two statements. When I get overwhelmed with the world’s needs, I remember Michael’s words, “OF COURSE I DO!” Passionately believing in all efforts to PAY MICHAEL FORWARD, I return to David Nordahl’s words. My heart understands Michael’s belief in giving expecting nothing in return. My heart aches to shout out to the world telling everything I have learned about Michael’s creative and humanitarian life. I wrestle with this knowledge. Not only do I feel a fire in my belly when it comes to erasing media-myth-making cruelty and lies…I also know with every fiber of my being, that Michael provides inspiration for millions whose lives have changed after knowing him, and who are stepping up with efforts to continue his humanitarian works. And so I say, “Please forgive me, Michael. But, to educate the world, I must share all that I have learned…all that YOU have done. I do it out of love…love for YOU and love for humanity. I pray you understand. I love you with all my heart.”
And so, Dear Friends, today I share two of the massive number of stories of Michael Jackson’s efforts to heal the world one child at a time.
“When Michael visited the orphanage St. Ecatarina before his HIS tory concert in Bucharest, we were the only reporters who were allowed to follow him. Michael was distressed. He told me: ‘There are thousands of children in orphanages in Romania. Most of them have lost their parents, but some were rejected from their families.’ Michael sat on the floor with dozens of kids around him. He was very relaxed and smiled a lot. The children between two and four years curiously observed him at first, but when Michael started to put together some Lego bricks, they quickly joined in the game. Michael did not have any fear of contact,
although some of the children had AIDS. He gently picked up a baby who had been abandoned on the doorsteps of the institute only days earlier. A little girl called Maria started to put candy into his mouth, which was a very moving moment. These children had never known the warmth of a home, nobody wanted them. Their eyes were sad and fearful. For one day, Michael brought a bit of sunshine into their lives. During his visit, the whole orphanage was filled with a cheerful atmosphere, contrary to the usual sadness. He distributed gifts, flowers,
toys and played with the children for hours. A staff member said to me: ‘I have never seen the children that happy. For them it was like Christmas!’ Michael donated a considerable sum to the director of the institute in the name of HEAL THE WORLD FOUNDATION, which he founded to help children. It was obvious that Michael did not do this for PR purposes but from his heart, as there were no journalists allowed; he only made an exception for BRAVO. In the evening, Michael went sightseeing in Bucharest and did a tour of the majestic palace, where he also attended a traditional show in the great hall and gave a speech about his concern for children around the world. ‘CHILDREN ARE OUR FUTURE! THEY ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT THING WE HAVE. MY GREATEST WISH IS THAT POLITICIANS THOUGHT MORE BEFORE SENDING THEIR CHILDREN TO WAR’ Other superstars lie in their whirlpools, drink
champagne and enjoy their life while Michael spent his time and energy on helping children. And whenever he did, you could tell that he did it from his heart!” Alex Gernandt, Germanyhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCDH_JMqb9M
Hungarian Magazine, “Story,” published a surprising article about Bela Farkas 20 years ago. The story prompted by a happy occasion: Bela recently became a father. The young man on the picture is Bela, the same little boy whom Michael met in a children’s hospital in Budapest in 1994. He never gave an interview before…this was his first conversation with journalists in 20 years. Bela was born with a serious anomaly: an underdeveloped heptic lobe, a life-threatening condition that required a liver transplant. Such surgeries were not performed in Hungary at the time, and were very expensive abroad. Bela’s parents abandoned him at birth, so he had no hope to get the money. When Michael visited the hospital, he asked doctors why the boy was so thin and yellow in the face and was explained Bela’s condition. Michael immediately said that he would pay for the surgery. It was a rare occasion when Michael’s charitable act received publicity and media coverage. Michael himself recounted Bela’s story in a documentary: “Michael Jackson The Private Home Movies,” eight years later. What
Michael didn’t mention in the film was that he not only found a donor for the boy and paid for the surgery, but also continued paying for Bela’s treatment for the next 10 years. “I don’t even like to think about it,” says Bela. “The treatment cost $15,000 a year. Michael spent 50,000,000 forints on me…just because he happened to meet me in the hospital.” Shortly after his surgery, Bela was adopted, so he grew up with loving parents eventually. When Michael returned to Hungary, he met with Bela again. The boy then said to him, “You are like my dad. Thanks to you, I was born for the second time.” Michael laughed and answered, “Then, you are my son.” They stayed in touch until Michael’s death. Michael sent Bela cards, birthday and Christmas gifts and Bela answered with drawings and photos. When Michael passed away, Bela cried as if he had lost his dad. Bela is 24 now and in February 2014, he became a father of a healthy newborn girl. He says the doctors predicted he would not live past his 18th birthday, and here he is at 24, still doing well. He will always be very grateful to Michael. “If I could,” admits Bela, “I would ask him…of all the children in that hospital, why did you choose me?” MJJJusticeProjecthttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iyb0_Jglrj0
“Of course I do!” HEALING THE WORLD, ONE CHILD AT A TIME. Here are just two stories out of the enormous efforts Michael made on behalf of children and the world. Knowing this, I feel both inspired and a little small. What can I do that could make a real difference. When my doubt begins to seep into my mind, I remember Michael’s determination. When I feel small, I remember he told us…NOTHING IS A SMALL ACT. ALL ARE IMPORTANT.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PC49th-Jf0s
Dear Michael, Forgive me for sharing your private, enormous, ever present, never-ending generosity…it was out of pure love and I want the world to know and be inspired and reaffirmed in the efforts being made. YOU ARE MY INSPIRATION AND MY HOPE. I DO THIS OUT OF LOVE FOR YOU…AND, TO GIVE LOVE.
HIS tory
I had NO idea he paid for Bela’s treatment for years!!! Michael was such a pure human being, he understood the importance of LOVE… Many stories (but only a handful in comparison to all the work he did) has been gathered in the wonderful book “A life for L.O.V.E.: Michael Jackson stories you should have heard before” (available on Amazon). And do I believe I can make a difference in this world, as Michael taught me, even though this world is as it is? Of course, or else I wouldn’t still be here 🙂
what a beautiful story. michael was a wonderful human being. only a small amount of michael’s fans know him. the world doesn’t know what a loss. and it’s a shame that people have to hate each other. and familys are becoming alienated against each other. we can make a difference in the world. it’s all for love. your story’s jude touch the heart. I look forward to reading your storys daily.
Michael is reknowned for paying the health cost for children he also financially assisted many others as well. He helped pay for funeral costs of David Ruffin and the living expenses of both Miss Rose Fine and her husband. Michael, a man of great compassion was an empath. He felt the pain and sensed the need of others and it in this essense of pure compassion that he reaches into our hearts and squeezes. To understand why is was habitually maligned, attacked and villified one has to examine the society’s issue with Otherness… His lyrics were replete with the message of brotherhood. But let’s be cognizant of the fact that – He couldn’t be forgiven for being black, and so extraordinary and this is a sad fact. When he complained that “the history books don’t tell the truth” he was beginning to verbalize in speeches what he’d been conveying in his songs for years. Don’t forget his songs came “from above” and he was purely an instrument – He had been given a mission from God to illuminate the minds and preach togetherness of people despite culture, religion, ideology or race and yet it was these very things that were held against him… Ironic, but true. .. Thank you Jude ..for each of your posts. They are inspiring.
Michael was a true empath…and he never failed to assist anyone in need. I remember when he paid for David Ruffin’s funeral expenses. When I was a bit short of money, he opened his wallet and pulled out several hundred dollar bills. I was dumbfounded…and at first refused to take the money. But he became so upset with me that I hurriedly accepted his generosity! I have never experienced another person like Michael….he was beyond special. On this day…June 25th, 2015, I can only thank God for him. The world needs him….but that is not to be. Bless you….dearest Michael….I miss you so much.
Thank you for all you do for the children’s voices to be heard, dear Jude. FIVE Heal Your World for Children books have been sold for World Child Cancer so far this month, June 2015. 🙂 I celebrate every HYWFC book that goes out into the world! Thank you for supporting this beautiful book all along. It is by children and for children, empowering them to heal this world in a very real way. 🙂 Their art and wisdom directly helps pay for treatment for low income families to receive cancer treatment for their children. xoxoxox
Heal Your World for Children is HERE: http://www.amazon.com/Heal-World-Children-Heaven-Leigh/dp/1503072983/
Thank you. Much LOVE and many blessings.
Today….June 25, 2016….again another anniversary of Michael’s passing. I cannot believe I am still here and he is not. The entire day has been spent thinking about him…and the times we shared…and trying not to ask the question…WHY? Why did he have to leave? Who were the people \who engineered his death…and I don’t have any answers, but many suspicions. However, I try not to dwell on that…as it is of no use whatsoever. Best to keep one’s head up, and going forward…and emulating him as much as possible. Thank you, Jude, for all your work and writing about him. You have done wonders in that area. There is always more to say about Michael…always more. I have a cutout cardboard lifesize figure of him in my room….and last night when I got up to post some additional items about him, I could have sworn he was there. I caught my breath…and then realized it was the standing image of him. But for a moment, I thought he was there…and who knows, maybe he was! I know so many people are thinking about him today…I just learned that a dancer I know decided to become a professional dancer after seeing Michael perform. He now is the chair of the dance department in a major university…and just finished choreographing a ballet. He said he is dedicating it to Michael…as the inspiration came from MJ. I was very happy to hear this….and thought to myself…Michael still has a major effect on young people. He would be so gratified to hear this. I hope he knows it. Bless you, dear Michael. I love you so much!!!!
I keep learning about wonderful acts of kindness and generosity that came from Michael! And I marvel at this man who never stopped doing for others! And in addition to his musical work…..how did he accomplish it all? I will never completely understand that. He was tireless, and so energetic! Being around him always made me feel better about everything….he was a rare human, that is certain! Thank you, dear Michael!