You can change the world (I can’t do it by myself)
You can touch the sky (Gonna take somebody’s help)
You’re the chosen one (I’m gonna need some kind of sign)
If we all CRY at the same time tonight
Michael Jackson CRY Invincible Album 2001
Sound Bites…
On days when the sun is gone.
Taking a snapshot of a person’s accurate is that? Is there any measure of fairness in it? And, who decides the language for the sound bite, or even what the snapshot looks like? Can a lifetime be summed up in a sentence? Can it encompass reality? Have we become the kind of people who live our lives accepting a headline approach to history? Freedom of speech affords the rights for freedom of the press. For most of my adult life I have not only believed in the freedom which allows for print and media journalism, I have taught children…proudly offering them opportunities to practice journalistic skills. All of that has changed for me. Tabloid television, tabloid journalism, 24 hour-a-day headline news and sound bites have soured my taste for today’s version of journalism. Character assassinations, partial truths, no truth, vilification all make me grow cold inside. There is a kind of “Gotcha” mentality, a joy in power that can destroy reputations and lives and reach fingers deep inside entire families. This is a kind of thinking that fills my heart with sadness, maybe because there is no heart in it. Bullying, hatred, prejudice all come to mind.
Too hard to get over
Too low to get under
Stuck in the middle
And the pain is thunder
Michael Jackson
And so, I begin today’s blog with what I would say is as close to a broken heart as I have ever had. The cruelty and selective thinking where Michael Jackson is concerned has in the past been, and continues to be, unaffected by enlightenment, stubbornly holding on to tabloid vomit. Hearing testimony from low-ceiling imaginations and those who treat the very person who is about to make billions of dollars for their company with such distain…referring to Michael as a FREAK, slapping him, shouting at him, throwing him into a cold shower, I ask myself… “WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE?” Watching television, seeing internet articles slanting every piece of information to make Michael the bad guy. Well, the week was miserable. And then, I turned to Facebook love and found a place to land that eased my pain. When I started this blog, I hoped for two things as I used what I had learned to PAY MICHAEL FORWARD: I wanted to connect with kindred spirits whose hearts had discovered Michael’s love, humanity and unparalleled talent, and, I wanted to have a global connection. Facebook has made those connections for me. As of today, I have been discovered by many countries around the world. That is just amazing to me. I have found many who share my love and admiration for Michael. That eases my pain. One of the things I must guard against is to lose sight of Michael. When I am immersed in trials and false accusations, I tend to forget the man, what he stood for, how he lived his entire life. I get my inspiration from his words, his music, how he recovered as stones were thrown at him. I received a gift the other day that brought front and center the values Michael believed in, taught me, taught the world. Paris Jackson was my gift. Her words brought a smile through my tears. I wanted to share them with you.
“Michael Jackson was the king of pop, rock and soul. He was a genius, he was a warrior, he was a prisoner in this hell hole we call society, he was the bravest man I’ve ever known, he was an angel sent from Heaven. Not only was he the greatest and most talented man but a philanthropist and a patriarch for the Jackson family, the glue that kept everyone together. He loved and cared for children and cared so much to make the world a better place. He was goofy, crazy, hilarious, loving, kind, beautiful, lovable, incredible and the most loving father probably to ever exist. He was the greatest thing that ever happened to the music business and my life. I am so grateful and honored to have known him for over 10 years. He was my life, the only thing that brought me true happiness.” Paris Jackson
All who love and honor Michael have come together from all over the planet to help protect his reputation, his legacy, his truth. Paris and her brothers are that legacy. They represent Michael now. We all do. Michael sang out in Cry…that he couldn’t do it by himself. He leads the way and we, now, all of us, gather to CRY. We CRY for justice and truth. We CRY for an end to prejudice and hatred, bigotry and racism. We CRY for honor and dignity and accountability. We CRY for a better world where children have food and medical attention and LOVE. We CRY for the planet. Michael has inspired us to come together for cause. In an article titled “From Asia to Africa, the King of Pop Emerges As A Global Platform For Philanthropy and Social Change”, (mjjjusticeproject ) some of the amazing projects inspired by Michael were described. They are happening all over this planet. MajorLovePrayer inspires millions to come together in prayer to create light that will heal and give strength for truth. A Million Trees For Michael is working for the planet. OneRose4Michael is spreading love and togetherness. The list is endless and I will take time to give it in detail another day.
What I need to remember is that the tabloid vomit, the lies during trials, the false accusations for money, the twisted reality of the media, are very seductive. That is their intent, to cause me to forget all the amazing love that is being shared all over the world. When the media was crucifying Michael, he was singing, “Stand up for me, Brother, Stand up for me, Sister, STAND UP, STAND UP, STAND UP.” Together, we can make that change. And so, Dear Friends, thank you for taking the time to share my thoughts with me. I know in my heart that standing up for Michael has many facets to it. At this moment, I am holding onto to Michael’s words and the words of his beautiful daughter. IT’S ALL FOR LOVE.
Jude MYstory YOURstory History OURstory
thanks jude everything you bsaid I was feeling, such beautiful words, and paris’s words. I was crying through the whole thing. thanks again. sending my love.