IMMERSION…step into Michael’s life and feel the magical energy!


Michael Jackson

This is a journey that will teach you about yourself.

The rush of wonder that we absorb from Michael Jackson glistens within us.  Just as Michael expressed his desire to share his God-given gifts, our mantra is the same.  Simply put, we are compelled by love to share what we know.  Brenda Jenkyns said it perfectly: “There’s no unknowing what we know!”  That truth extends itself beyond the knowing to the sharing.  For some time now, it has been my distinct privilege to join the many voices from around the globe, writing articles which reveal the moral center, integrity and genius of Michael Jackson.  This morning, I discovered that people in 76 countries on 5 continents and 48 states were reading the articles.

People choose the facts they want.  The trail of glitter Michael Jackson left behind will not be forgotten.  With the choosing comes commitment.  The clearer the desire, the clearer the hearing.  We flock to Michael with eyes that are still in love, never getting enough.  Michael’s artistry is unparalleled, producing some of the most influential art in history, changing our culture.  With study comes learning and change.  We who are traveling with Michael find that we have become better human beings.

Michael believed music was not only what you hear, but what you feel.  THAT IS THE smile elevenPOWER OF MUSIC.  It is an emotional depth.

“Music is a tool for healing.  It’s a mantra that soothes the soul.  It’s therapeutic.  It’s something our body has to have, like food.  It’s very important to understand the power of music.  Whether you’re in an elevator or a department store, music affects the way you shop, music affects the way you treat your neighbor.  Music is what lives and lasts.  What’s important is how the story ends.”

Michael  Jackson

IMMERSION is an opportunity to share what Michael has given me.  It is an interactive study where you will have moments to view and listen.  Oftentimes, the interactivity will touch on familiar territory.  I have learned that each time I view or listen, I come away discovering more, with a clearer desire and clearer hearing.  Michael’s artistry offers layers and layers and LAYERS, with never-ending inspiration.

The vastness of research demands a series of articles.  I am delighted to turn back the clock, and then, make time stand still.  Entry points will be dictated by theme, not being chronological.  Making art is a journey, (Meinrad Craighead). Our memory will be  our BE STILL MY HEART FOURnet.  And so, let’s begin.

“I really love the idea of you writing about the segments you have planned.  However your research is presented will be amazing, because I know His hand and your heart are leading it.  It will be PERFECT and I can’t wait!  I really hope your student is able to come next week.  As soon as you start with her, she will catch a glimpse of His Incredible Spirit, and fall under His Love Spell and not be able to keep away.”

Loving words of encouragement from my Dear Friend, Siren.  THANK YOU SO MUCH!



Michael Jackson

DANCING THE DREAMbe still my heart two

I invite YOU to immerse yourself into the flow of Michael Jackson’s artistry.  “When children listen to music they don’t just listen, they melt into the melody and flow with the rhythm.  Something inside starts to unfold its wings and soon the child and the music are one.” MJ  As an artist, Michael’s work was about liberation.  He wanted to free what was bound, transform what was petrified and awaken what was dormant.  He wanted to break through any obstacle that constrained the imagination, and chains-psychological, social or political -that imprisoned the body and the mind.  That is what art meant to him personally and it was his intended effect on his audience as well.  For millions around the world, this is exactly what he accomplished.  To admirers, he was always far more than a mere celebrity or pop star.  HE WAS MUSIC INCARNATE.  (MAN IN THE MUSIC)  “He’s got everything.  He’s got style, he’s got grace, he’s got great stuff.  He combines the best of the old…Fred Astaire, Gene Kelly, with terrific music.  Michael has smooth criminal eightmore energy than anybody.  He even tired me out.”  Liza Minelli

Michael Jackson was a visionary whose art was on the cutting edge.  With a limitless imagination, a tireless work ethic, a commitment to breaking new ground, he raised the bar in popular music and performance.  His short films set standards which are still unattainable.  With an imagination in search of new visions, feeling no boundaries, no borders, no prejudice, racism or bigotry, challenged by joy, refusing to be restricted by only one genre, Michael Jackson soared into the 80’s.  Having taken control of his career when he turned 21, Michael wrote his mantra, moving from a child prodigy to an adult genius.  He achieved Mahatma Gandhi’s vision, “HAPPINESS IS WHEN WHAT YOU THINK, WHAT YOU SAY AND WHAT YOU DO ARE IN HARMONY.”  Feeling chosen by his God-given gifts, Michael had no doubt he was living to use his talents as a vehicle for world healing…for change.  He knew he was living to be a voice for the voiceless.  His message of LOVE was realized in every piece of music he wrote, every performance he did, every professional and personal choice he made.  Michael never settled for work that was less than the best he had to offer, unable to comprehend any notion of mediocrity.  He was a savvy businessman, but money didn’t drive him…CREATIVITY DID.  His purpose sparked the divinity within him.  Understanding leadership, Michael knew the way, traveled the way and showed the rest of us how.

His was a unique kind of artist.  Performance art embraced layers:  recorded performance, short film performance, live performance, personal appearance, landscape art, wearable art, innovation…EVERYTHING he touched came from a limitless imagination of how life in the world could be improved, people’s lives made better.  He  took on every kind of social justice issue in stunning music that packed power.  Being told “NO”…that what he envisioned wasn’t possible, wasn’t  profitable, performance tenwasn’t acceptable to the powers that be, simply meant to Michael:  THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT WE NEED TO DO.  Music had a power beyond other powers in the world.  Possessing NO ego, a humility that caught people off guard, Michael invited millions of people to collaborate with him in efforts to bring healing to the world.  Creatively, collaborators experienced joy as they joined Michael in producing astounding work.  Millions of fans around the world joined Michael in humanitarian efforts that have flourished beyond his passing.

Michael Jackson viewed live performance as THEATRE.  He was a master of stage performance and the WORLD TOUR.  This Study explores the BAD ERA, specifically, SMOOTH CRIMINAL, focusing attention on THE ARTISTRY OF RECORDED, SHORT FILM AND LIVE PERFORMANCE…elements of THEATRE include:  drama, soundscapes, staging, lighting, wearable art, body as canvas, voice, emotion, intros, outros, the value of the audience.

Joseph Vogel, in his book, MAN IN THE MUSIC, described the BAD album as a collection of DREAM CAPSULES.  I like that description.  Mr. Vogel said, “The album is a fantastical, thematically eclectic, sonically innovative musical odyssey…taking the listener from urban subway station to speeding car, to the jungles of Africa to a murder scene and much, much more.”  CINEMATIC THEATRE on the edge of several realities. So much of Michael’s music is attached to the short film that accompanies the recordedadorable still performance because Michael wanted us to not only HEAR music, but SEE it. Michael wanted his expression to be more visceral, exciting and modern.  He was well-studied in music history and kept a close eye on current artists’ work.  Classical music was his favorite and its influence can be felt as Michael weaves story and sound and rhythm into sensual wonders.  “When children listen to music they don’t just listen, they melt into the melody and flow with the rhythm.  Something inside starts to unfold its wings and soon the child and the music are one.”  Michael wanted that for us all.

A library of sounds and soundscapes and the inner drummer that not only resided in Michael’s body movements, but his ability to use his voice as a rhythm instrument, were all part of Michael’s search to manufacture sounds and sights that were innovative, never seen or heard before…aggressive, unusual and unique.  He channeled his songwriting and composing from a higher power…giving credit to God.  “THE CREATIVE PROCESS IS AN ACT OF RECOVERING SOMETHING THAT ALREADY EXISTS.”  MJ  The most difficult part of the process was translating what he saw and heard in his head, to what was presented to his listening and viewing audience.

And so, the “THEATRE” began in Michael’s unique and vivid imagination.

Michael believed that composing music took time, couldn’t be rushed, needed to be revisited many times, nourished and defined over time.  His love of film noir and the 1930’s inspired a trilogy which began with AL CAPONE, moved onto to SMOOTH CRIMINAL, and later continued with BLUE GANGSTA.  His storytelling embraced the mwperiod of the speakeasy, bringing it into the 80’s by including  the social problem of drugs and children.  Once the recorded performance was complete, he turned its theme into a short film, placing SMOOTH CRIMINAL as the centerpiece of a fantastical journey where good overcomes evil and music plays center stage.  MOONWALKER WAS BORN.




Welcome to Immersion!


HIS tory





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