MICHAEL IS WHERE MYstory BEGINS…a storyteller in the moment


“I bind my soul to my music.”  Michael Jackson


I looked for you in hill and dale

I sought for you beyond the pale

I searched for you in every nook and cranny

My probing was at times uncanny

But everywhere I looked I found

I was just going round and round

In every storm, in every gale

I could hear your silent tale


You appeared wherever I went

In every taste, in every scent

I thought I was in a trance

In every quiver I felt your dance

In every sight I saw your glance

You were there, as if by chancegold flame


Even so, I have faltered

Despite the fact, my life has altered

All my doubts were struggles in vain

Of judgments made in memories of pain

Only now, by letting go

I can bask in your glow

No matter where I stray or flow

I see the splendor of your show

In every drama I am the actor

In every experience the timeless factor

In every dealing, every deed

You are there as the seed

I know now, for I have seen

What could have happened, could have been

There is no need to try so hard

For in your sleeve you hold the card

For every fortune, every fame

The Kingdom’s here for us to claimearth

In every fire, every hearth

There’s a spark gives new birth


To all those songs never sung

And all those longings in hearts still young

Beyond all hearing, beyond all seeing

In the core of your Being

Is a field that spans infinity

Unbounded pure is the embryo of divinity

If we could for one moment BE

In an instant we could see

A world where no one has suffered or toiled

Of pristine beauty never soiled

Of sparkling waters, singing skies

Of hills and valleys where no one dies


That enchanted garden, that wondrous place

Where we once frolicked in times of gracehugs

In ourselves a little deep

In that junkyard in that heap

Beneath that mound of guilt and sorrow

In the splendor of another tomorrow



“Music has been my outlet, my gift to all of the lovers in this world.  Through it I will live forever.”  Michael Jacksonhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qsf3ThWAqbY

This year’s lovely summer season has produced, for me, a reality as close as I have ever gotten to the English Garden of my imagination.  I especially enjoyed seeing a large window box burst into magical color at first light.  The amazing thing was it contained flowers planted quite by accident.  Deep purple morning glory’s lovingly wrapped vines around pink geraniums and cobalt blue lobelia, their dances swirled in the breeze.  I began to think of them as a metaphor for MY LIFE WITH MICHAEL.  Quite by accident, Michael’s life has wrapped its loving arms around me.  He has awakened every fiber of my being in a magical dance, fingers and toes reaching into all layers of my life.  In attempting to write HIStory I have rediscovered MYstory.  The rich tapestry of Michael’s life has given definition to truths I hold dear.  There has not been a single day in the last 54 months where I have failed to feel a kindred spirit in Michael’s heart, soul and actions. Beyond that, and equally as powerful, my feelings have grown stronger.  Michael said once that he quite literally felt the pain of others, especially children.  There would be times when he would cry on stage, emotions spilling out from tearsa day spent with dying or disadvantaged children.  He felt the earth’s pain at the hands of mankind.  I have always found it hard to erase from my mind acts of horror.  Most recently, I passed a homeless gentleman on the street and felt myself physically wounded wanting to do something right then and feeling guilty for what I have been given.  Now, I know that guilt was never Michael’s message.  He celebrated every act of love, great or small.  But, in that moment, I felt real physical pain, more than I might have 54 months ago.  The interesting thing about Michael was that he could feel that pain and still be capable of fun and play and living.  He was someone who believed in prayer but at the same time believed in action.  His gifts reached into every aspect of living…when I say every, I MEAN EVERY!  He quite literally lived the teachings of Jesus Christ.  And, he was given enormous pain as God’s suffering servant.  To understand the Bible, you must be able to understand paradox.  To understand Michael, you must also understand paradox.  Life is paradoxical.hospital visit

The enormity of the good and the great in this man is difficult to discuss simply due to its vastness.  I find myself in a conversation with someone and realize a direct parallel between their experience and Michael.  I listen to sermons in church on Sunday with a knowing smile because no matter what the subject or focus, I have found that wisdom with Michael.  Whether art or religion or charity or music or creativity, the list continues and, quite literally, you cannot pick a topic that wouldn’t benefit from Michael’s teachings.  Now, Michael would be the first to say that he was a vessel channeling what was already created above.  And, to be sure, there have been others whose wisdom has guided mankind.  But, for me and millions of others like me, Michael had the gifts of africateaching and inspiring masses of people for good.  This is the love and purpose I have found.  MYstory has evolved.  I “feel the embryo of a seed…a gestation.”

When asked “What he knew for sure,”  Michael gave an answer that would have come right out of my mouth, “I am still learning.”  In many ways, I feel at the beginning of the search for life’s meanings and purpose.  But, of course, I have over six decades of experience to draw upon that I would not trade.  To my great joy, Michael has “lighted” a rebirth for me.  He is my role model for this tapestry. I am becoming a storyteller in the moment.  The vines of love that entwine MYstory with HIStory are alive with growth and structure.  Just last week, Dear Friends gave me a large chalkboard.  I must admit, I do have a love affair with chalkboards, an occupational hazard I’m afraid.  I am, by nature, a very visual person, so, I decided to brainstorm writing paths that I am feeling rightjapan three now.  DEFENDING MICHAEL  is at the top of the list.  In this time of extortionist behavior and continued adolescent media myth-making, all Michael supporters need to be alert and determined.  I AM!  Injustices to Michael are wrong and undeserved and THE NEW MEDIA, namely Michael Jackson Activists, must speak out. The educating of the public is a crucial part of this.  INSPIRATION AND CHARITY are next.  I really don’t mean that they are less important.  They are not!  I am honored to be a part of more and more groups doing such good around the world.  I know of no other person who has inspired such love.  Michael said, “WHAT MORE CAN I GIVE.”  Happily, that is where I am.  And then there is CREATIVITY/MAGIC.  That path includes PLAY.  Michael was a master at play.  I am not.  I find the first two paths tend to weaken mysharing and receiving lovefantasy sense of play.  But, of course, you cannot have the first two without PLAY!  I am just a novice, but Michael is just there and I hear his giggling and see his beautiful smile.

When you realize that modern thinkers Dr.Wayne Dyer, Dr.Deepak Chopra and humanitarian Nelson Mandela, to name only a few, take inspiration from Michael…then, you can begin to see why masses of others do the same.  Michael’s wisdom is grounded in the innocence of children.  However, he is neither naïve or childish.  He is a thinker and a learner…a dreamer and a lover.  His words, his music, his actions all speak to truth and unconditional love with no color, no boundaries, no borders, no religion to separate us.  “The blood inside me is inside of you.”  We are one!

Michael’s power is in his love and humility, his generosity and his creativity.  He uses his power by not using his power.  Instead, he speaks of the power of the people.  I am one of those people and I feel that connection with so many others.  I thank God every day for all the wonderfully loving people from all over the world who have been inspired by Michael to Make That Change.  All are “the seeds of creativity that will heal the hands twoworld.”

I HAVE PROMISES TO KEEP as I TAKE THAT PLUNGE, TAKE THAT LEAP.  When I feel over-whelmed and discouraged, I turn to Michael’s music.  When I’m happy and creating, I am inspired by Michael.  When I want to play, I DANCE THE DANCE OF LIFE with Michael.  And, I tell MYstory and HIStory.  The two stories will always be entwined growing beautifully together.  If you know about gardening, you know that when vines grow together they are not separated without injury.  THIS BOND IS SO STRONG.  I feel it with every fiber in my being.man

And so, Dear Friends in Michael, I once again offer you my heart.  This time it is in the form of a small flower wrapped in the loving beauty of a vine that spreads all over the world.  We all have promises to keep.  Let’s take our unique plunges together inspired by one who never hesitated to swim the vast waters of the planet.  Let’s celebrate the play and music and dance and let’s hold each other in our arms when the waters are dark.  I absolutely know in my heart that it was because Michael swam those dark waters, LIVED every single word he sang and spoke and never, NEVER stopped loving, remained WHO HE WAS his entire life…that we all gain strength by his example.  IT IS ALL FOR LOVE.  Live  and thrive in OURstory!WORKING









3 thoughts on “MICHAEL IS WHERE MYstory BEGINS…a storyteller in the moment

  1. Once again I am amazed by your beautiful writing. I love the image you use at the beginning of the English Garden of your imagination. Those of us who know and love you realize how important nurturing your garden is in your world. You always make me think and this post is no exception. I do believe, after reading what you’ve shared with us, that Michael did live the teachings of Jesus Christ. That is an inspiration to all of us. It is not an easy road and there are many obstacles as we struggle to follow his example. You are making a difference and paying Michael forward. I didn’t realize that you have been working on this project for 54 months. The love and passion you share is new and fresh each time you post a picture, write something, or share a discovery. I love the idea that you call yourself a storyteller. That is indeed what you have done for those of us who don’t know much about Michael’s life. Your challenge to celebrate the music, dance, and love is exactly what you are doing. Thank you for continuing this journey of love. You inspire me and everyone else who is blessed to know you!!

  2. Michael never wavered in his direction…his aim, ambition, and intentions. He was steadfast…I never knew another who was SO steadfast. He didn’t get angry (at least not very often). Whereas I used to get very angry at what was written about him…because I knew him…and WHO he really was. But he, always just said…let it be…don’t be angry…it isn’t good for you. You are a pianist, a musician…that is what you should be doing, not worrying about me. Hmm. Well, I couldn’t do that…of course, I did keep practicing…and even now…these many years later, I think about him every day…and what I can do to let people know who and what he was. If I didn’t know that Christ already came down…I would think that Michael was he. I know that isn’t true, but he was and is the closest thing to divine…my goodness. So I continue to write about him….I know that many people have been influenced by this…and it keeps me sane about him. Because when he left this earth, I went into a deep depression…and it took a while before I emerged from that blackness. Michael was such a force…not only for me, but for his nephews, his friends, the people with whom he worked…so many. He left a huge hole in all of our lives. So I want to keep a promise I made…and that is to advocate for him as long as I am living. Dear Michael…love you forever….

  3. This is 2 years after my last post on this blog. Michael is ever present in my mind and thoughts! There won’t be another like him….never, of that I am certain! So there is nothing to do except write the truth about him. He was a wonder….an enigma, gifted beyond belief and a performer extraordinaire! Dear Michael ….I love you!

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