GLOW…an incandescent portal

~Stay close to anything that makes you glad you are alive~

Hafizglow fourteen

“That’s a Glowing Soul when you can just listen and feel the words shine into minds and hearts.  It’s what I find about Michael’s music and lyrics…they glow because they come straight from the heart.  We can feel it when it happens.  Glow cannot be made…it creates itself because it comes from the right place deep within a true loving and kind soul.”


“When Michael was on stage, he was total energy…so much energy…well, did you know, he glowed.”  Orianthi  “So, it is true what Orianthi said about him glowing.  He glowed.  He could light up a room, a stage, an arena.  You could be standing in a room alone and with no sound, he would enter, and the feeling in the room changed.  You could just feel him.  You could have your back turned to him and you knew he was there, with no words.  He lit up the room.  I pictured Michael and his beautiful face and I know my eyes were wide open as I blurted out…OH, MY GOD!  HOW CAN A PERSON DO THAT!  Only God could have done that to Michael.”

Michael Bushart of

Believing that past is prologue, we have come to a place where each lustrous soliloquy Michael uttered has opened a portal, leading us to something that is bigger than ourselves.  “There is only one way to avoid criticism:  Do nothing.  Say nothing. Be nothing.” (Aristotle)  Michael chose to be SOMETHINGWe have been tasked to do the same.  Every time he was hit, he stood back up again.  So they hit him harder.  Michael defines the Standing Man. (Bridge of Spies)  And in standing, the waves of thought in his head gain power as they move to our shores.  “Conformity is like a blanket that leaves your feet cold.” (Dead Poets’ Society)  Instead, Michael lived deliberately, strikingGLOW SIX out to find new ways to reinvent our world toward one end:  Heal the suffering.  There is great difficulty in maintaining strong beliefs in the face of conformity.  Swimming upstream, Michael stirred status quo waters.  Rarely passing open windows, always creating new paths, Michael saw no accidents, only opportunities and potential.  Michael never fled the battle field, making love a weapon against any evil.  The heat from the glow of his actions has created a Love Movement unparalleled, compelling us to realize our strengths as we become the people he envisioned us to be.GLOW EIGHT

“The power of the play goes on and you may contribute a verse.  What will your verse be?”

Dead Poets’ Society

~Don’t grieve…anything you lose comes round in another form~


The strength of Michael’s glow is our saving grace.  When first the warmth of his light wraps itself around us, we are unable to live another day without him.  We need his heat, feeling alive with beauty, passion and love.  With this light of knowledge, we search for the verse we will add to this glorious Michael Jackson Symphony of Hearts.  Our union arises from a common purpose, singular interests, and devoted service.

~Nothing is impossible~GLOW TEN

~Dreams really do come true~

“Love, Work!  Work, Love!”


Resplendent, emitting visual light, filled with emotion, aglow with purpose, Michael invites us to seize each day, every opportunity, as we feel his imposing appearance just up ahead.  Armed with total commitment, we sing and dance with glee, research and gather knowledge to educate the world, offer respect and tribute for one who has earned it unconditionally.  We turn to Michael’s artistry when facing life’s hardships.  We paint, draw, play, write, share loving and life-saving memories, bestow beauty at Michael’s resting place.  Asking the question:  WHAT MORE CAN I GIVE…we turn our energies and gifts to continuing Michael’s work in rescuing children from poverty and hunger.  We bring to reality Michael’s dreams of homes for children, education for their minds and, showing them our unconditional love.  We search the GLOW SEVENworld for causes that Michael believed in…and then, with devotion, try to make each one  a reality.  With hearts beating as one, we defend Michael’s life and legacy, seeking justice.  This is the nature of our work.  We can because we know the truth.  With determination, we will keep asking the same questions until we get the answers we are looking for…and then, we will say Thank You! (Thank you, Beloved Gene and Judy)

The global impact of Michael Jackson is unparalleled with a LOVE MOVEMENT like no GLOW SIXTEENother.  His Glow is felt by hundreds of millions of people spanning the planet…every age, color, race and culture.  His history is prelude to a better world for today.  He has enlightened us, empowered our days, filling our minds with dreams.  In times of crisis, character is defined.  We understand what the definition is…we are the storytellers.

~For future generations~glow thirteen
