“It seems strange to say this, but Michael will always be a part of me. No other superstar I worked with wound himself into the threads at my core the way he did. Michael opened a window to a quality of wonder unlike anything I’d been exposed to in my life. For that gift, I felt I owed him. I felt we all owed him. And,
we still do. We owe him an honest view of who he was. We still owe him that until we finally sweep away the crap of sensationalist headlines and clearly see why those who love him know more about him than any expert or journalist who claims to have probed his life. Those journalists and experts do not know Michael Jackson. But, if you love him, there’s a good chance that you do.”
Howard Bloom
The threads of that quote’s delicate effect upon my core define an enduring fabric of unconditional love. I awaken each morning feeling Michael’s “quality of wonder”, its irresistible allure beckoning me. I have this ever-growing conviction deep inside my soul. I am anxious to seize every opportunity I can to PAY MICHAEL FORWARD. Turning on my computer, I jump into loving Michael communities, mingling, gaining knowledge, seeking truths. Michael said that ignorance was the nightmare of the mind. I know that to be true. And, I fully agree with Howard Bloom when he says we owe Michael “an honest view of who he was”. I want to share with the world Michael’s great triumphs and his unexpected setbacks. We as human beings can relate to both. I want these moments to last forever telling the world truths. When spending time with Michael, I am uplifted, energized, inspired. My mind never stops. Feelings of joy and pain inform the mood of each article. Everyday reveals Michael’s monumental works, his unparalleled genius, his inexhaustible efforts to change our world and heal its wounds. There is a Zen saying, “When you are really you, that is enlightenment.” (all4michael) “Michael Jackson held nothing back, when center stage. Each performance was his only performance…the last one. Michael was one soul expressing for many bodies.”
In my lifetime, I have never before known of any individual whose life and every single part of it was made public. In my lifetime, I have never before known of any individual whose life and every single part of it was put under a microscope and judged. EVERY SINGLE PART. In my lifetime, I have never before known of any individual whose children’s parentage was questioned. In my lifetime, I have never before known of any individual whose marriages were questioned as to their authenticity. In my lifetime, I have never before known of any individual whose accidents and health issues were discounted. The disrespect and lack of care from one human being to another brings me to my knees. Just this week, the words grotesque and pedo were used in an article that was supposed to be discussing XSCAPE! I believe this is what Howard Bloom refers to when he says “we still owe him until we finally sweep away the crap…”
“Rarely has an artist been so adept at communicating the vitality and vulnerability of the human condition.” Joseph Vogel
Unconditional love fueled Michael. His ability to share the heartache, the pain, the injustice, the abuse, brought us to Michael. It is what holds us to his heart…to his life and legacy. It fuels us to defend him to the world.
Michael projected what he felt and that is what winds him into threads at our core. The rush of wonder we absorb from Michael glistens within us. We are determined and resilient with a radiant glow that receives its sparkle from Michael’s light. We will not rest until Michael’s truths are known, united in our desire to make a difference. We LOVE him and we DO know him.
I love you!
HIS tory
So beautiful wel spoken im a fan of Michael an its hurts me to hear or even see the wrong tht ppl are doin to him i wsh i was there those days he was goin to court to show my support i knew frm the time tht trial started it was goin to be some messy stuff all for money an to be seen sneddon is mad at Michael cuz he’s smart an he knew wat the devil had planed Michael was doin something wonderful giving an loving ppl childern something they wouldn’t even think about doin cuz they dont care bout nothing an no one but themselves an wat they can put into there pockets these ppl tht has dne wrng to Michael is goin to have their day in court with the big cahoonha an tht God an his son who is Jesus Michael is a blessing to us all an they are hating tht we care more bout Michael thn anything an how we take up for michael an his mom Michael is a sweet gentle soul who was crying out for help who wanted to be loved an not hated i dnt care how weird or crazy he was i except for jus bein him on an off stage i adore Michael me an Michael have some similarities wen it comes to our childhood i feel his pain his hurt cuz i went thru it also i wsh i could’ve shared my story with him i would’ve been there for him an let him knw who was really there for him an who truely had his bck Michael is my role model i look up to him cuz hes a special gem to me tht i love unconditionally with my whole heart my soul there is a day i dnt go without praying for his brothers sisters neices an nephews cousins mom an dad i love u Michael ill never ever forget cuz u hold the key to my heart ur very unique thank u for everything <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3. :-* :-*
Thank you Jude for your loving articles. Knowing Michael requires effort to dig beneath the lies and characature the media and tabloids have painted to assasinate Michael’s character, more effort than most are willing to exert. But once you do, you discover that Michael is pure love. He is a mirror. When you see him you see yourself, and many cannot bear to see themselves truthfully. When you seek, you will find, and when you find that love, you are bound for eternity.
“A man calumniated is doubly injured, first by him who utters the calumny, and then by him who believes it.” ~Herodotus
Thank you jude for your inspirational words regarding Michael. I have a very important question, my sister died 2 years ago from cancer, but she never gave up getting down on her knees to talk with God, Before she passed she asked God if he indeed sent Michael to us to show us the way…she also believed that Michael was a spiritual being sent to bring love,joy,happiness and peace to the world. My sister had her full capacity mind wise, she thought that our Michael was a Saint in all he accomplished. This comes from a 82 year old women who adored Michael, which goes to show you how every age group he touched. What is your opinion?
Your sister was right. Michael was certainly God’s messenger and representative for our New Age of the Child. He used His stage presence, lyrics, and hypnotic dance moves to bring us all closer to God. He believed we were all one family, under one God. He called us His Soldiers of Love…I call myself a disciple, as many others do. 🙂
You can’t imagine how valuable your words are to me! My love for our Michael is too hard to express; as much and as deeply as I feel, I’m not good at communicating the reality of it. So, when others – like yourself – can speak so clearly, eloquently, and poignantly that which so many of us feel, it is a gift I can never repay. But I need to tell you, and you need to know, what a vast kindness you are doing for such as me.
Thank-you Jude! AGAIN! He is a part of us…and we are surely a part of Him. 🙂
peace, light & MichaeLOVE to you!
Another great article Jude. Totally agree…the world owes Michael big time. Such a beautiful person who was treated so badly by TS media and mean spirited people. Hopefully Michael has out last found peace. Love lives forever, love you Michaelxxoo
Michael had no limits. …personally, artistically, or in any other way. I can think of nothing he could not do….including cook! He was so gifted physically that I am sure if he had wished, could have been a first class athlete! That guy could really run….I know that for certain. I say this often and think it every day! The world needs him! Bless you for all you have done….Michael! I love you!