~Michael surrounds us in the safety of his love, the knowledge of his suffering and the strength of his bravery~
~our own life is the instrument with which we experiment with the truth~
Thich Nhat Hanh
“I am grateful that I am a magnet for miracles.”
Michael Jackson
God pushes gently both from within and without, encouraging us to use gifts and talents. Michael Jackson understood. With crystalline clarity, his comprehension of love wrapped with a pulse of energy that healed, transformed, inspired. Spirituality that allowed for real magic, he risked everything. His wounds scarred over with glorious beauty, a regenerative soul which was often called eccentric, but in reality was simply original. He shared Louise Nevelson’s life choice: “I am closer to the work than to anything on earth. That’s the marriage.” But like with all else in Michael’s world, his life choices went far beyond one explanation. The greater his suffering, the more powerful the healing, for he experienced each to the full. His vision was acute…forward, backward, peripherally.
Hypervigilant, authentic, emotionally sophisticated…and yet possessing an innocence so pure to be incomprehensible for those living in a distrusting and cynical world. Amidst a hailstorm of abuse, Michael’s will would not let go the basic responsibility: WE are here to bring love and care to a dying planet. Reading and truly studying everything he could get his hands on, he learned from the stories of others. The net of his memory knew that the best way out was walking through…knowledge being power. He teaches us that serious daring starts from within. His music and dance, presented to us outwardly, came from an inner spirit. Today, the media holds on to its cynicism, proof of the words of Thomas Carlyle ~skepticism is not intellectual only; it is moral also; a chronic atrophy and disease of the whole soul~
~When you are born in a world you don’t fit in, it’s because you were born to help create a new one~ Justice4MJ
~Never apologize for being correct. Many people, especially ignorant people, want to punish you for speaking the truth, for being correct, for being you. Never apologize for being correct or for being years ahead of your time. If you’re right, you know it. Speak your mind. Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is still the truth~Ghandhi
Michael Jackson’s artistry offers gateways to inspiration that millions of people walk through everyday. Joining together on this dancing path…the more we learn, the greater our empowerment to invent a new world. Encountering cold that deserves no mercy, those that choose media over truth, we simply out fact and out love them.
Beautiful Michael~ Your generosity and devotion to us is beyond human understanding. You gifted us with endless opportunities to find You, to keep You close, to never be without Your love. You are here. I can hear Your voice whenever I choose. I can see Your beautiful face and look deep into Your eyes anytime I desire. I can smell Your fragrance, read the words from Your heart as often as I like. I can watch You move and lose myself in Your grace at my leisure. You gave All of Yourself that we might have the choice to be Yours and surrender in the Bliss of Your Love. I choose You. Thank you for choosing me. Eternally, Brenda Jenkyns
All who have come out of the shadows and into the light find that more is expected…the distinction between work and play dissolves. Our spirit compass points the way. Born again, we refuse to allow our inner child to be survived by an adult, nor will we be overwhelmed by the expectations of others, for we live the secret. ~It is the child that sees the primordial secret in Nature and it is the child of ourselves we return to. The child within us is simple and daring enough to live the secret! Lao-Tzu Imagination gives shape to our world, and with it, change redefines the experience. Possibilities shift to probability (Julia Cameron)
Our unconditional love has led to our creativity. With voices, words, writings, dance, music, paint, cause, community, gatherings, celebrations, social causes, activism…we reconstruct Michael’s home in our hearts and minds. Time and time again, OUR FRAMES OF LOVE lead us to the SOUL WHISPERER (Elizabeth Johnson) In her new book I BELIEVE IN MIRACLES, Liz defines this movement of millions across the planet when she says that having Michael in our souls helps us to heal…mentally, physically, spiritually. The power to heal and to perform miracles comes through his art, his words, his actions and his humanitarian example. Michael’s music helps unblock the inner flow of our LIFE FORCE ENERGY…A SOUL WHISPERER.
~if you just set people in motion, they’ll heal themselves~ Gabrielle Roth
The word frame is defined as a particular state, as of the mind, to conceive an idea, shape or adapt it to a particular purpose. Michael’s energy sets us in motion to do more, be more, LOVE MORE. With singing, our collective password, we have transcended the laws of nature…WE BELIEVE IN MIRACLES. Each of our creations are wrapped in frames of love.
~I believe the lasting revolution comes from deep changes in ourselves which influence our collective life~ Anais Nin
Children of the world, we’ll do it
With song and dance and innocent bliss
The soft caress of a loving kiss
We’ll do it.
Dancing the Dream
Michael Jackson
We love you Michael because we know no other way to live.
Great job again, Jude! God bless you for spreading the words of truth about Michael, for teaching and educating about him and for opening so many eyes, for helping people to come out of the shadow to the brightest light which is Michael Jackson and his legacy. Yes, we live Michael Jackson cause we know no other way to , the school of Michaelogy is only growing on and on. Teaching was your first and formost profession, my dear Jude, in our school of Michaelogy you are a professor!