“Whilst some people around me have changed and lost sight of the shore, Michael remains a beaming light to us all.”
Adrian Grant
“A creative writer can do his best only with what lies within the range and character of his deepest sympathies.”
Willa Cather
One thing this remarkable journey has taught me is that pure intent and honesty have found no home in the media.
Jude Ling
For those who have chosen an introduction to Michael Jackson, claiming the events of his life, embracing the idea that our lives are an instrument by which we experiment with truth.. have been rewarded with a gift. We feel that Michael is still with us. His presence gives inspiration and hope to our days, magical wonder to our nights. Each of us has redefined life using Michael as a complex and wondrous blueprint. We have made the connection between past, present and future, carving our own unique paths. For some, the winding journey follows artistry. Others have chosen to continue Michael’s dreams for the planet. Many work tirelessly for the children Michael loved so very much. All join together in one voice to save the voiceless…children, animals and the ecology. Through this sometimes painful process, we have been well-schooled in the realities of Michael’s unjust victimization by the media. For me, the media that has hounded Michael his entire life, lacks any redeeming qualities. I simply believe NOTHING they say or write. They have worked diligently to teach me that horrible truth…and, they have accomplished it brilliantly. If that sounds negative or extreme, there is a hopeful panorama which gives me the courage to face the future.
If we look back to the decade of the 60’s, we will find valor and bravery in the form of the Civil Rights Movement. The FREEDOM RIDERS were men and women who risked their lives in peaceful protest, quietly demonstrating social disobedience. Beaten and imprisoned, they never used violence. Their history teaches us what total commitment to cause looks like. They were seeking integration. Watching film from that era brings me to my knees, weeping. It was a bloody struggle, one that gave us a today where segregation is AGAINST the law, rather THAN the law.
Michael Jackson Fans have taken to the internet as the NEW MEDIA, energetically working to erase the myths and lies created and sustained by today’s version of journalism. We do not employ the “cut and paste” mentality. Instead, we study and read and watch and learn, trying to deliver Michael Jackson truths. We understand Michael’s huge effect on our culture, his bravery in civil disobedience, done through his speeches and lyrics, songs and performances, philanthropic missions. He continued the journey of those brave men and women in the 60’s…and, he too, was abused and punished for it.
For me, I have wanted to PAY MICHAEL FORWARD by sharing EVERYTHING I have learned. It is my privilege and obligation to give what I have learned to those who discover the articles. I have also been privileged to join the masses of loving people around the planet who are reaching out to help children, to protect animals, and to work for a better world. I am honored each and every time someone writes to share THEIR journeys with Michael. More and more people are coming forward to honor Michael with love and respect. THE NEW MEDIA IS ALIVE AND WELL. Today, I give you these truths…
“Michael had the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever photographed. They were large. They were expressive, They were deep. I don’t mean that physically. It was a picture into his soul. I think Michael knew in every picture what he wanted to convey. Even when he was completely natural, he could convey a message to the camera.” Harrison Funk Michael Jackson’s Personal Photographer
“Michael loved music so much…more than any other musician I have ever met. He could listen for hours! This is classical music I am talking about. He adored Tchaikovsky, Debussy, Ravel and many other composers. One of his favorite pieces of music was Nutcracker! When he told me that, I laughed so hard! Of course, he didn’t know that I had played Nutcracker at Christmas time for rehearsals for the ballet…and, also played in the orchestra, (for years,) and practically knew the score by heart. When I told him that, he asked me to play some of it on the piano. He never heard Nutcracker played on the piano, only orchestral recordings. So, of course, I obliged…I happened to have the score at home. (I don’t think anyone else could have persuaded me to play Nutcracker at home on the piano.) He was absolutely transfixed by my adaptation of the score on the piano…and wanted me to keep playing. That day, I played most of it for him…can you believe it? I still laugh to myself when I think of that day. He also adored Afternoon of a Faun by Debussy…plus, some other music by Debussy. He asked me to play those pieces as well. And, Ravel and Bach…which, of course, I did. So I ended playing a great deal of music on that occasion. He was an excellent audience! On one of those musical days, I asked him to sing BEN for me and I accompanied him. I shall never forget that. Sometimes, he would get a far away look in his eyes and I would know that a song or some piece of music was coming to him.(And, at times, he would wake up with a piece of music already done in his head.) One of those times, I ran to get my staff paper and pencil and asked him to sing the melody to me and I wrote down what he sang instantly. He would have the entire piece in his head, the instrumentation, the lead vocals, the vocal harmonies, words, percussion…everything. His ability to sing every part into a tape machine is well-known (with the rhythm in there as well)…beatboxing, it is called…but it was very fascinating to actually hear him do this. When he recorded harmonies to his own vocals one by one…and remembered all the others he had just recorded…this is not easy. All
the vocals were absolutely spot on. He had perfect pitch. (The innate knowing of the pitches of all the notes.) I have this ability as well…it is not so common. Many musicians do not have this particular talent. It is a huge asset in performing and it is very helpful in taking musical dictation. I have to say that he was like a water tap…when the tap was turned on…music poured out. Every day I learned something new about him.”
Dianne Chilgren
Eastman School of Music
Indiana University
Worked with Balanchine, Jerome Robbins, Leonard Bernstein, Rudolph Nureyer
“For me, Michael Jackson is a constant…maybe the only constant in my life, in addition to music, (and, of course, family). He is a genius, one of the few artists who are really able to be fully connected to the Source while making music and dancing. He was that child inside my heart, constantly reminding me of the wonders of the world. He taught me to always look at the world with the eyes of a child. He was a very special connection to the word LOVE…A LIGHT BEING.”
Gessica Puglielli
“I knew that Michael was a special man. He has deeply lived up to the moment with me…humble, gentle, polite…maybe much more humble than me! He made me feel as if he was not Michael Jackson, and I was Gianni, but simply two human beings in touch with the beauty of being human beings and sharing a special moment together. Michael carries you away. It is not possible for me to talk about him in the past. He is there! He is here! The emotions went down inside of me like a waterfall. You know when you’re living a unique moment…the birth of a child or when you meet the woman of your life…you know it’s a unique experience. With Michael, I felt that.”
Gianni D’andria Professional Dancer
Our NEW MEDIA is a global influence, introducing Michael Jackson’s truths. The ground swell of its energy transmits Michael’s inspiration and hope to a world in need of both. Through time, masses of people have bravely sought to make the world better, putting an end to injustices. MICHAEL DOES CARRY US AWAY. We introduce Michael Jackson to all who choose to leave media myth behind…with this warning…ONCE YOU GET TO KNOW MICHAEL JACKSON…IT IS IMPOSSIBLE NOT TO LOVE HIM.
HIS tory
VERY BEAUTIFUL JUDE! I shared some special words from this on my page An Angel Among Us. 🙂
I just read this! Thank you, Jude for using what I wrote about Michael. I am honored!
Yes….it is true that once you know Michael it is impossible not love him! He was just the most loveable person I ever met. I would like to re-experience my entire time with him….of course, that isn’t possible but I wish it were! Such a fabulous man!
Michael was the most humble person. He didn’t like to be reminded of his incredible fame, awards, accolades and never talked about any of it. So we didn’t! He didn’t want to become egotistical or self centered so he put away all those awards, etc. I think his mother has many of them…..he. thought she should have everything. I don’t know another person who has done that. He said he had fun all of it…but didn’t deserve so much acclaim. He thought God was the source of it all. …not him. That was Michael. Bless his wonderful and giving heart!
I have been watching many films of Michael’s rehearsals of himself and others….and continue to see things not noticed before. It is fascinating! He was fascinating…..always! My admiration of him grows every time I watch and listen to him. Since he isn’t here any longer, the films have to suffice. How I miss him! But am so grateful for his having been here and my having known him.
I watch or listen to Michael every day….and never tire of that. There is always more to discover in him or about him! I am so fond of his INVINCIBLE ALBUM! If you haven’t heard everything on it, then let me urge you to do so. As fantastic as THRILLER was, it was only the beginning! And he knew that after THRILLER was finished! If only he were still here to write more!