~The foundation of all human knowledge, the beginning of human consciousness, must be that each and every one of us is an object of love~
“This is what he was teaching, preaching, and sharing with the world. His music and concerts were a format to inspire, connect, and move people into states of ecstasy and EMOTIONAL FREEDOM, but the message underlying was this: LOVE.”
Familiar to the Michael Jackson Community is the iconic picture of a woman releasing doves…one for each NOT GUILTY verdict…as the verdicts were read on June 13, 2009 inside the State of California Superior Court. What has become abundantly clear is the dichotomy of the two mutually exclusive and contradictory groups surrounding the white innocence soaring above them. Cries of ecstasy filled the air revealing an unbreakable bond, both understood and incomprehensible.
“My fans truly are a part of me…we share something that most people will never experience.” Michael Jackson
It is life we are dealing with, which often begs the question: How can it touch some people and not others? Why do some choose to live in the shadows while others make the choice to break free? Is it a crisis of faith or a crisis of self? Does the Phoenix rise from the ashes or burn out of existence? June 13, 2005 saw a media empowered with uncontrolled, unaccountable force. The bond of haters is a loose tether connected on the strength of destroying those they have chosen to hate. Their allegiance to one another goes no deeper than a kind of blind rage, which over time turns itself inward. It is ego that drives them in their attempt to mold the world into their narrow image of it. It is a temporary organization lacking courage of conviction. It is a choice to remain in the shadows never allowing the light of truth to bring change. It is all consuming and binds with restraints of prejudice, racism, bigotry, sexism, judgmental in a supreme restriction of mind and lacking in soul altogether. Unable to comprehend one who sees positive in the worst suffering, potential in everyone, the rescuing of a world through the innocence of a child’s heart, haters choose to destroy what they are incapable of understanding.
“This case is about one thing only, it’s about the dignity, the integrity, the decency, the honor, the charity, the innocence and complete vindication of a wonderful human being named Michael Jackson.”
Tom Mesereau
June 13, 2015 saw a calmness in the warmth of love, as fans from all over the world worked tirelessly to educate the public with the truths of that day a decade ago. The quiet of the media revealed a lack of bravery having no ability to admit wrong, stand tall, take responsibility and ask for forgiveness. The boisterous bullies were silent save one, who although admitted some wrong, continued myth-making slanders with inaccuracies about Michael’s life after June 13, 2005…simply replacing one set of public brainwashing for another: Michael being suicidal, Michael running from his country, Michael homeless, disavowing any facts about Conrad Murray being responsible for Michael’s death, ignoring Michael’s comeback. NOT GOOD ENOUGH. Turning the looking glass around, the notion of a media running for cover begins to reveal itself…instead of preparing a comprehensive presentation of all facts (which are available to anyone who has the most rudimentary skills of research) they said NOTHING. If a person can be accused of a crime after death, cannot the media be
held accountable after the fact? History will forever record: INNOCENT June 13, 2005. It will record the lack of media ethics. It will record a lack of a standard of care for one human being to another. It will record criminal acts done to secure a conviction. It will record a celebration before the verdict as the prosecuting team gloated. It will record Michael Jackson leaving the courthouse A FREE MAN. It will record a media, determined to save face, brainwashing the public with their own version of the truth…accusation, verdict, conviction, sentencing. A DICHOTOMY TO THE TENTH POWER.
As we watch each glowing white dove ascend into the heavens, we in the Michael Jackson Community, ascend with it…empowered by the one who walked free that day…empowered by his bravery, his life, his vision, his artistry and legacy, his unconditional love. We have come out of the shadows, breaking free with our diversity and beauty. We are not silent. Defending Michael Jackson is in our blood. It will not go away. It is our mission to see it through until we have educated a planet. Michael was in a league of his own. He has empowered us to join in our league of PAYING MICHAEL FORWARD AND CONTINUING HIS MESSAGES FOR THE WORLD.
“Michael Jackson is still very active in my life. He seems to still constantly be around me. He was one of the few people I have ever met in this entire business who never had a bad word to say about anyone. He approached everything without ego. I know this sounds bizarre, but the first few years I worked with him this was the closest person I know who was a Jesus character because he always was just so kind and loving to everybody.”
Vincent Paterson
I was asked recently to consider standing down. Although cloaked in the words “moving on” it meant to give up PAYING MICHAEL FORWARD…erasing his name and legacy from my writing. Initially, my heart simply sank. I remembered all the times Michael was betrayed and I cried. Commitment and loyalty define the love in the Michael Jackson Community. We are here to stay. I am here to stay for as long as I am able, hopeful that the day will come when the entire world will share in being a part of Michael Jackson’s unconditional global love.
I send my love out to you all.
I love you, Michael.
It is so true…Michael was more like Jesus than anyone I ever knew in my life. He was good, kind, considerate, and utterly generous with his money, time, and whatever was needed. I honestly don’t know another person like this…and I MISS him so much. There was nothing I wouldn’t do for him while he was here…and that still holds true. I so wish that everyone who ever maligned him could be held accountable for what happened to him….however, since that probably will not happen, I have to be content with doing what I can promote and honor his huge legacy. All of that music…he just never stopped. Like a never-ending water tap! Just turn it on, and music pours out!!! Bless you, Michael! You were the BEST!!!
Michael seems to be around me all the time. Wherever I am a song materializes out of thin air….so to speak. He is a part of me…defending him is in my blood and that will never stop…it simply won’t! Bless you dear Michael!