Gabrielle Roth
“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”
Eleanor Roosevelt
I always imagined wisdom accompanied age…that with decades lived came that comfort in…”Oh, now I get it!” Being well-practiced in multitasking, in a career that spanned nearly three and a half decades, I have begun to wonder if that was a good thing. In a full-speed-ahead approach, patience is often lost. Now, don’t get me wrong, I have always had a full dose of patience in working with children and parents…but, as for the rest of my life…not so much. When asked what he knew for sure, Michael replied, “Oh, boy, I’m still learning. I mean, life is an education for me. I can’t say that I know anything for sure. I really believe that.” Of course, he was only thirty-four at the time. But, I think he would have given the same answer no matter what his age, because patience is the companion of wisdom…and, Michael was a very patient man in his magnificent state of being whole, advancing on wisdom. Michael’s desires were clear, his hearing acute.
“Some people will never learn anything…because they understand everything too soon.”
Alexander Pope
“God was his guide. He was a Christian and believed in Christ. His life went through so much that his faith was what restored him and kept him. Michael was very spiritual and had enormous faith. He studied all the religions and was open to a lot of different practices, however, ultimately, he was a Christian and believed in Christ fully. On my second trip to Neverland, Michael Jackson hosted a private lunch. He asked us all to connect by holding hands and saying praise. He said a prayer, the peeping sun’s rays shot through the house, setting in his honor. His energy was spiritually magnetic, encapsulating each of us with his enigmatic aura, leaving all of us in tears. He was an incredible light. This was written for me in the books…’I HAVE PROVEN MY PART. NOW, GOD WILL BE THEIR JUDGE’…(Michael Jackson said about the evil-doers who lied, cheated and betrayed him!”)
Taymoor Marmarchi
Worked on Humanitarian Projects With Michael Jackson
Imaginations take flight when souls are reached. Michael dared to share his visions with a spirituality that reached people. He believed deeply in the power of music to bring many kinds of solutions. He adhered to his values…hopeful that the impossible could be possible. His faith in God followed in the footsteps of Dr. Lauren Artress’ words, “To walk a sacred path is to know and trust that there is guidance to help us live our lives on this planet.”
PATIENCE. INTEGRITY. FAITH. Learning to do a thing takes practice…embracing both the successes and the pain with enthusiasm. For those of us left behind after Michael’s passing, it isn’t enough to just hear and see Michael’s messages, we need to participate in the learning experiences, remembering that the past gives power to the present and future.
“Compassion is the ultimate and most meaningful embodiment of emotional maturity.”
Arthur Jersild
With a child’s heart, Michael Jackson was an old soul, with maturity well beyond his years. The combination of youth and age captivated us with its sincerity, sculpting a love that lasts beyond his passing. There is a power in the connection.
“His relationship with his Fans…I’d never seen anything like it with other celebrities. Never! No matter how famous with other celebrities, you see the groupies hanging around, but these were not groupies. Mr. Jackson actually knew a lot of them individually…he remembered what show he first met them at, how many years they’d known each other. He’d point out fans he had seen in other countries. Here we were in Las Vegas, and he was going, ‘That one there, I remember him from Germany.’ It was an interesting relationship, he and his Fans. He loved them as much as they loved him. From his bedroom window upstairs, he could look directly out to the street where they camped out. Sometimes, we’d glance up and see him looking out from behind the curtains, just watching them…observing them. They’d sit and wait. He’d sit and watch.”
“Even those Fans who never met Michael often felt a deep connection with him! He had that capacity to draw you close, to mesmerize you with his love and compassion, but also, with his aura, which he always acknowledged was from God Almighty himself.”
Dee Pffeifer
Life is a learning experience, a roller-coaster ride; sometimes free-falling, allowing things to JUST happen; sometimes giving into the addiction of stress and worry, trying to MAKE things happen. When the ride encounters dangerous curves, we often respond in anger, desperately holding onto our moral principles. I sometimes think it is a greater challenge to defend someone we love than it is to defend ourselves. We who PAY MICHAEL FORWARD regularly experience raw emotions, at times feeling overwhelmed by those who say, “Why work when you can sue Michael Jackson?” (Tom Mesereau) We often ask ourselves if a break is needed to step back and decide who is actually in charge of our lives, remembering not to give consent to feeling inferior. Turning to Michael, his guidance always offers the quiet, joyous expectation of good.
September 12, 1986, Michael Jackson’s CAPTAIN EO was premiered at Epcot’s Imagination Pavilion in Disney World, Florida. The following day, it premiered at Disneyland in Pasadena, California. February, 2010 saw the film reinstated by popular demand. To me, the 17-minute multi-sensory experience represents pure Michael Jackson genius. Why? Because it tests the strength of understanding artistry. Taken in quickly, the futuristic story appears simple in its child-like telling. Those quick to criticize would stop there, dismissing the piece as child’s play. Of course, right there, they have completely missed the point. Some would concentrate on the film’s ahead of its time special effects and riveting musical numbers and dance…the first 4D film ever made…the first discreet 5.1 film in continuous playback. For those who slow down long enough to really study the piece, Michael’s message for mankind becomes visible.
“Captain EO is about transformation and the way music can help to change the world. George Lucas came up with the name Captain EO. (EO is Greek for ‘dawn’). The story is about a young boy who goes on a mission to this miserable planet run by an evil queen. He is entrusted with the responsibility of bringing the inhabitants light and beauty. It’s a great celebration of good over evil.”
Michael Jackson
Although the evil queen is menacing and hideous, Captain EO sees a hidden beauty which can be unlocked with his gift to her… music and dance…revealing her loveliness and compassion for her people. With its playful quality, the story helps to uncover magic. That magic leads to understanding and unconditional love that will turn a world away from its own destruction. Out of pain, fuel. “The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” Nelson Mandela Captain EO didn’t focus on the EVIL, but, rather, a deep helplessness that needed love. In motion’s law of
rhythm, warriors became dancers in a collective spirit. WE ARE HERE TO CHANGE THE WORLD!
“Man did not weave the web of life. He is merely a strand on it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself.”
Chief Seattle
With every breath, Michael Jackson entertained great hopes for the planet and its people, for children everywhere. WE, Michael’s Army of Love, try to do no less. Inspired by his PATIENCE, INTEGRITY, FAITH and DEVOTION, slowing our pace in order to grasp ALL levels of understanding, we continue to discover the chosen path. Although I know nothing for sure…I am certain the passion I have for Michael Jackson has changed my life. I love you.