
~A title is earned but a name is given~

Prince Jackson

“The greater and more beautiful the work is, the more terrible will be the storms that rage against it.”

St. Faustina

~They are not your friends until they have defended you in your absence~ 

The Bully Project

“Thinking is the process of asking and answering questions of yourself.  If you want something better in life, a better answer to life…ask better questions.”

Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson’s story is meant to be unfinished so that we can keep reaching.  It may be an answer to the question:  Is it better to journey than to arrive?  If service is the rent we pay for living, Michael’s persistent payments command us to find our humanity against all resistance, with due diligence, as we live in what many would say is a culture of fear.  Led by someone greater than us, with the capacity to bring love and compassion into our lives, changing mindsets into what is possible, we come together to move barriers into meeting points.  Hope is learned.  It is a call for a wake up.  Joseph Vogel described Michael’s artistry as substantive lyrics becoming so much more in the delivery.  It is a rallying cry to action.  People care about Michael’s music and dance, seeing Michael inside of it, responding from deep within his body.  Social justice problems laid out in verse, solutions found in the choruses…questions asked and then answered by a community of voices, powerful as one.  Jeremiad:  a lamentation, mournful complaint. 

Here to express his inner being with an infinite power of light, Michael was never his own obstacle, never owned by the environment he found himself in, but rather owning the phenomenal world around him…creative in every moment of it.  A modern day prophet, a spokesperson predicting what is to come.  In our world today, those who seem surprised by the idea of fake news and alternative facts, accepted the code or set of principles that contained different provisions for Michael throughout his lifetime.  And, although appalled by current events, remain willing to continue the double standard where Michael Jackson is concerned.  A study of Michael’s life reveals the turning point in the decline of ethics and values that once held journalists to a higher standard.  The adage ~Nothing loses my interest faster than someone lying  to me~ has caught up with a media that now seeks to regain its credibility.  They seek the connection which is an energy between people.  Respect is earned, not given.  After decades of losing all respect…a comeback to a principled press is unlikely.  ~The arc of the moral universe is long and bends toward justice~ 

~Nothing in life has any meaning except the meaning I give it~

Michael Jackson

We who PAY MICHAEL FORWARD have learned that the quicker fake news is refuted, the quicker it dies.  Michael  has taught us that we are all the right person, at the right time, for the right issue…the time is always NOW, allowing no roadblocks built out of media myth to get in the way, never looking for a safe option.

“He is the strongest person I know, and he tried to do everything with as much love and kindness as possible.  All my inspiration, I would say 99%of my inspiration comes from him, because he has always been my world.  He is my roots.”

Paris Jackson

Nobody knew his secret ambition

Nobody knew his claim to fame

He broke the old rules steeped in tradition

He tore the holy veil away

Questioning those in powerful positions

Running to those who called his name

But nobody knew his secret ambition

Was to give his life away

M.W. Smith

Secret Ambition

~Even if no one recognizes you…I do, because you are my life and my soul~  Rumi

Vital voices come together each day with the mantra:  I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change.  I am changing the things I cannot accept.  (Women’s Movement 2017)  No longer will we accept the media mantra:  We are about conclusions in search of evidence.  We stand with Malala Yousafzai when she says:  Do not wait for someone else to come and speak for you.  It’s you who can change the world.

~Those who live passionately teach us how to love~

~Those who love passionately teach us how to live~

Sarah Ban Breathnach

Michael has shown us over and over again that we were not born for ourselves.  Connection affects the way our brain develops and performs.  We are part of something bigger.  Michael’s storytelling gave definition to how we all live.  Resisting captivity, we seek a better world.  As within, so without.  A superficial look at Michael Jackson might provide the Epithet KING OF POP.  And, although that is true, it is only the beginning.  Looking deeper, the definition expands to take in a universe of meanings.  A title is earned…a name is given. 

“And the end of all of our exploring will be to return to the place where we began, and know it for the first time.”

T.S. Eliot

We revisit Michael’s artistry to renew our strength, to empower our hopefulness, to refocus on what is vital.  With each visit, we find added layers that ignite a richer experience.  Our connection to Michael and to one another is grounded in love and compassion.  From Michael’s Scared of the Moon, we understand that sharing stories and experiences improves our physical and mental health. (Professor James Pennebaker University of Texas)  In turning human struggles into great art, Michael defined Carl Jung’s words when he said:  I am not what has happened to me.  I am what I choose to become.  Owning our stories allows us to write the endings.  Disconnection doesn’t protect the human spirit.  Not only was Michael capable of being wounded, his vulnerability has been a birthplace of love and belonging, joy and courage.  We have learned to join hands, pulling together for the greater good.  Unlike those who spew unclaimed rumor…we believe…If you are not comfortable owning it, don’t say it.  From the greatest dreamer we have ever known…we have learned how to dream.  For if it ends now, it is just a frozen dream.  (E.J.Walker)  We will never allow that to happen.

Michael  has  told us…I can’t do this by myself…gonna take somebody’s help.  Rising collectively, in the company of Kindred Hearts, with a sense of great privilege and humility, honored beyond words, we continue an unfinished story.  Our hope is that our best work has not yet been realized.



~Keep on reaching~

~Do it for me~








Nelson Mandelaactual five

Martin Luther King

Michael  Jackson

~all in a struggle with power, greed, jealousy, those threatened by pure love~

“To be a star you must shine your own light, follow your own path, and don’t worry about the darkness…for that is when the stars shine brightest.”

Napoleon Hill

~Magical child was ready to bowACTUAL

Sow the seed, pick up the plough

With effortless ease, without a sigh

Without a tear, without a cry

With silent perfection

Under God’s direction

To sing together as one race

Stem the tide, transform this place

Michael Jacksonabout twelve

Of late, we have been subjected to a world pointing out violence and devastation, the paint still wet on a portrait of human suffering.  Many voices urge us toward separatism with a distrust of those whose path winds differently from ours.  Seeing into the heart of darkness is both horrifying and seductive, for it creates in it a fear which overtakes us with hopelessness and distrust…putting us in a constant state of great distress.  How contagious hatred can be.  Has hell taken the place of paradise?

~Our problems are manmade

~They can be solved by manactual two

John Fitzgerald Kennedy

When coming face to face with tales of madness, our answers must be drawn from the light.  This light shapes our way of seeing, focusing not on ourselves, but on others.  It shines on those outcast by circumstance, molding us into peaceful warriors…without limitations or condition…whose spirits never die.

“In the stillness  of the quiet, if we listen, we can hear the whisper of the heart giving strength to weakness, courage to fear, hope to despair.”

Howard Thurmanabout three

“Today, we stand together all around the world, joined in a common purpose, to remake the planet into a haven of joy and understanding and goodness.  No one should have to suffer, especially our children.  This time we must succeed.  This is for the children of the world.”

“What we need to learn from children isn’t childish.  Being with them connects us to the deeper wisdom of life which is ever present and only asks to be lived.  They know the solutions that lie waiting to be recognized in our own hearts.”

Michael Jacksonabout fourteen

In Rumi’s words: ~Not only the thirsty seek the water, the water as well seeks the thirsty~  Few have the gifts Michael Jackson possessed, and few have been chosen to cause a love moment of gargantuan size, encompassing the entire planet…to SAVE the planet.   Wisdom and solutions are to be found in the profound simplicity of a child’s heart.

“For without laughter, without joy, without smiles, without happiness, without magic…there’d be no children.

Their souls are the universe.  See it sparkle through their eyes and know we’re all constellations connected in the same, great big world of love.actual four

Love that exudes through the pores of children all over the world, ready to hug, kiss, talk to, laugh and comfort anyone and everyone!  To them, everyone deserves that!  There are no limitations and conditions to their heart.

Oh, we can learn so much from children!”

Ashley Sullivan

Khalil Gibran tells us that ~The teacher who is indeed wise does not bid you to enter the house of his wisdom, but rather, leads to the threshold of your mind~  Michael Jackson has led us as the most powerful teacher of our time, for he touches every age, every race, every culture, every religion.  Through his artistry and his mantra of What do you need and how can I help…all is revealed:about seven

~Now be silent.  Let the One who creates the words speak~ 

~He made the door

~He made the lock

~He also made the key


I believe that Nelson Mandela was correct when he said…History will judge us by the difference we make in the everyday lives of children.

In the light of morning, in the middle of the night, when swimming in doubt or drowning in pain, in the joy of a giggle, when faith is clouded, when a need for escape overtakes us, when dancing is the only thing that will help, when singing at the top of our voices empowers…we find our sanctuary in MICHAEL JACKSON.  He shows us the changes that need to be made…turning random acts of kindness into INTENTIONAL ACTS OF KINDNESS. 

“He made broken look beautiful and strong look invincible.  He walked with the Universe on his shoulders and made it look like a pair of wings.”actual seven


Our hearts and minds have been touched profoundly this month.  Two treasures revealed…Greg Gorman’s photograph of Michael the Dancer, deep in creative thought…and, the exquisite parable written by Brenda Jenkyns with the magnificent Siren and her beautiful paintings.  These treasures offer hours of study and layers of learning, true to Michael Jackson Excellence…giving blood and soul to the work.

“The Maestro devoted his life to giving all of himself to the world.  Eventually, the seventh childtime came when he chose to close his eyes for the last time and melt into the melody again, in the form of pure love.  At that instant, an exquisite glow radiated out across the land, kindling Sparks of Creation within the hearts of people everywhere. The people looked at each other in a new way, and saw  that there were no differences between them.  The Knowledge of Oneness shone away thoughts of separation.  They chose to devote their lives to becoming their true selves, inspired by the Maestro.  They did this by expressing their creativity, and by loving one another as he had loved them.  Many who hadn’t known the Maestro in life felt their hearts open, and began to remember the Oneness that had been so long forgotten.  The land was filled with artists, dancers, writers, bakers, teachers, healers and endless other expressions of the soul.  The Dance of Life that the Maestro had  demonstrated became their Truth.  They were wrapped in His Beloved arms once again. “

Brenda Jenkyns and Siren

The 7th Child is dedicated FOR MICHAEL, OUR MAESTRO.  It is a masterpiece of word and picture…a parable offering greater wisdom with each visit.

Greg Gorman’s photograph offers layers of discussion and has garnered many ABOUT TWENTYviewpoints.  For me, it has been a pictorial definition of Siren’s words:  Heaven hath no beauty greater than this.  It has haunted my dreams, setting me aright with a key to rekindling my creativity.  After a month of quiet at the page, both The 7th Child and the Gorman photograph have inspired me to new words.  Finding REFUGE in Michael’s artistry and in the artistry of those inspired by him, such sanctuary has given new blood pulsing through my veins…expressions of my soul…finding my true self.about ten

~Nature caresses you, the rhythm of each dawn and each sunset is part of you…the falling rain touches your soul and you see yourself in the clouds that are playing tag with the sun~

A Child is a Song

Michael Jacksonabout eight

“I want tolerance and harmony between mosques and churches.  Together we are one.  Religion shouldn’t make enemies.”

Ahlam  11 years old from Gaza

~Magical  children, don’t worry how

Don’t delay, this moment’s now~

Michael Jacksonabout two

Our refuge is in Michael Jackson’s artistry and legacy, his message and life…

“For to have faith is to have wings.”  Peter Pan

I love you all!









BAPTISM…immersed in healing waters, wrapped in a blanket of light

Vox populi

~the voice of the peopleABILITY THREE

“Mahatma Ghandi knew how important bringing the world’s attention was to gaining freedom to India without using weapons.  In some ways, he was the first person to truly understand the importance and power of the public.  He has always been an inspiration to me and it gives me even greater joy and pride to be recognized by his people.  We have the same message:  TO BRING PEACE TO THE WORLD.”

Michael JacksonABILITY TWO

Bollywood Humanitarian Award from the People of India


~the voice of the people is the voice of God

~Trust is like that-it always seems to come down to trusting in yourself.  Others cannot overcome fear for you; you have to do it on your own.  Trusting yourself begins with recognizing that it’s okay to be afraid.  Having fear is not the problem, because everyone feels anxious and insecure sometimes.  The problem is not being honest enough to admit your fear.  Whenever I accept my own doubt and insecurity, I’m more open  to other people.  The deeper I go into myself, the stronger I become, because I realize that my real self is much bigger than my fear.  In accepting yourself completely, trust becomes complete.  There is no longer any separation between people, because there is no longer any separation inside.  In AWE FORTY TWOthe space where fear used to live, love is allowed to grow.”

Michael Jackson  DANCING THE DREAMability four

~love empowers

~hate consumes

Lately, my mind is awash with all manner of thought…real, and conjured by gripping doubt and paralyzing fear.  In the middle of  a life crisis, it is difficult to envision the bigger picture, because you find yourself reeling and reacting to sideways and front-on blows…often feeling formidable and downright ruthless.  Driving from the hospital, I was often amazed that I found my way home through blinding tears, panic a constant companion.  As is so often true, a before, during, and after picture begins to take shape when the stresses and pressures from a life struggle begin to subside, and our minds and bodies are freed for reflection.  “Others cannot overcome fear for you; you have to do it on your own.”  The time arrives when the ordinary no longer feels menacing, and emotion becomes recollected in the light of gratitude.  Inner strength is empoweredABILITY by regaining faith, and that renewal brings with it an acknowledgment that it was a shared journey all along.

“But you have an angel in you.  Everybody does.  I can see it right now ,and I thought you could, too.  It all depends on what you think you are.  Your angel is a speck of light perched at the very center of your heart.  It is smaller than an atom, but just wait.  Once you get close to it, your angel will expand.  The closer you awe fortycome, the more it will grow, until finally, in a burst of light, you will see  your angel in its true shape, and at that very instant, you will also see yourself.  So now I am looking for my angel all the time.  I sit silently turning my gaze inward.  It wasn’t long before I caught a glimpse of something.  ‘Is that you, Angel, holding a candle?’  One flicker and it was gone. Yet that was enough to set my heart wildly beating.  Next time, my angel will be waving a lamp, then holding a torch aloft, then lighting a bonfire.  That’s what the angel-watcher promised, and now that I have caught sight of glory, I know enough to believe.”

Michael Jackson  DANCING THE DREAMawe thirty-nine

Acknowledging hindsight as a forerunner to a better foresight, I am mindful of the cleansing waters given by earthly and heavenly angels who have been both felt and seen.  As I number them, I feel baptized in their love.  This was not a solitary act, but an entire community of minds and hearts.  And, at the center of it all I stand, better for the journey, stronger from the caring, their contagious belief, welcomed and washed in a raining power of the people~never underestimating the people…always trusting that time will sort good from bad.awe thirty eight

And, once again, Michael Jackson was my rescuer…never waiting to be asked…always saying…What do you need and how can I help?

My mantra these past weeks has been taken from Michael’s composition KEEP YOUR HEAD UP~ Everybody say that time is borrowed…and, hanging down your head just ain’t no good, and if you dare to rise above tomorrow, just give yourself a chance, fight the circumstance, rise and do it again…KEEP YOUR HEAD UP TO THE SKY…KEEP YOUR MIND UP, STAY ALIVE…GIVE ME YOUR WINGS SO WE CAN FLY…KEEPfamous foot YOUR HEAD UP TO THE SKY.

~I have cried those words, screamed those words, sung those words…everyday! 

There are those who as yet have been unable to embrace Michael Jackson as a classic…someone who has never finished saying what he had to say…failing to realize that Michael Jackson is a MOVEMENT.  Sometimes I have been told to think about changing direction…pick a different topic and write about that.  The truth is…I AM WRITING ABOUT EVERY TOPIC.awe thirtyseven

Declare the Voice of Michael Jackson as World Heritage

Michael Jackson fans believe that his artistic and personal contribution by far exceeds the contributions made by other artists, backed by the many records Guinness obtained in that area(humanity) as well as his career and his great philanthropic spirit which transcends generations, and are still present in his songs today.

Council Representative of UNESCO Change.orgyes fifteen

Words matter.  What we say as we continue to share Michael Jackson with the world matters.  Language is the key to the heart of people. (Deedat)  As Steven Aitchison said, “Your words have the power to hurt, to heal, open minds, and change the world.  Never forget the responsibility you have over the words you speak.”YES THIRTEEN

“I’m passionate about getting the truth of this man heard and passionate about having his heartbeat felt around the world.  He inspires the words I write.  He inspires the actions I take.”


Zita humanity

Michael offers a safety net for all who are in despair…a blanket of love that comes from deep within…a knowing that comes from a wounded soul.  He not only believes in the voice of the people, he inspires it, and with the inspiration comes empowerment.

~Michael out-sang his cynics, he out-danced his doubters, and he out-performed the pessimists when they knocked him down…he got back up.  Every time they counted him out, he came back…MICHAEL NEVER STOPPED!  MICHAEL NEVER STOPPED!  MICHAEL NEVER STOPPED!

Reverend Al Sharpton

Michael Jackson MemorialYES TEN

July 2009

I am reminded of Stranger in Moscow.  Michael sang of isolation and despair, feeling the grip of betrayal and pain.  He used rain in both his recorded and short film performances, creating deep emotions of anguish and ultimate recovery.  Baptismal waters raining down cleansed all who appeared in the iconic artistry of the short film.  I have felt those rains these past weeks.  I have felt the abandonment as if alone on an island floating in the ocean with no sight of land.  Life has been a tangle as I fought to do what was necessary and overcome flight fear.  All the while, Michael stood alongside, offering perspectives and solutions, either by word or action.  No, I am not moving to another form of writing for I have found the answers to every human drama here.  And, I am committed to sharing each one with the world.  In the space where fear has lived, love grows.  YES TWELVE

“Throughout it all, in fact throughout his whole career, Michael’s remarkable instrument continued to remind us that a voice is more than just the sound of a pair of vocal chords flapping against each other at high velocity, more than the air that rushes across the diaphragm of a studio microphone.  It’s a conduit that can convey the entire spectrum of human emotion directly from one mind, one heart to another.  It’s a seamless blend of one manart and craft, of gift and effort, of intellect and emotion.  And, while it may be reinforced with style, music or celebrity for it to be effective, for it to be transformative…it has to be able to stand on its own.  When all is said and done, after we’ve stripped away its accoutrements, a voice as magnificent and as timeless as Michael Jackson’s is nothing more and nothing less than a window into an incomparable artist’s soul.”

The Michael Jackson OpusYES EIGHT


Renewed in my hopefulness, reflective in gratitude, baptized by love, I once again have looked into Michael’s soul and found my light.

I love you, Michael.  You are my inspiration and my hope.


~for Tom with my love

Courage doesn’t always Roarawe fortyone

Sometimes courage is that quiet voice at the end of the day saying:

I will try again tomorrow.

and..THANK YOU, DEAR ZITA, for your inspirational writings and artistry in SIMPLY MICHAEL.



“My mother’s wonderful.  To me she’s perfection.”

Michael Jackson

MOTHERdancing the dream six

Eons of time I’ve been gestating

To take a form been hesitating

From the unmanifest this cosmic conception

On this earth a fantastic reception

And then one fateful August morn

From you being I was born

With tender love you nurtured a seedahhhh fifty eight

To your own distress you paid no heed

Unmindful of any risk and danger

You decided upon this lonely stranger

Rainbows, clouds, the deep blue sky

Glittering birds that fly on high

Out of fragments you’ve made my whole

From the elements you fashioned my soul

Mother dear, you gave me life

Because of you no struggle or strife

You gave me joy and position

Cared for me without condition

And if I ever change this world

It’s from the emotions you’ve unfurl’dkatherine two

Your compassion is so sweet and dear

Your finest feelings I can hear

I can sense your faintest notion

The wondrous magic of your love potion

And now that I have come so far

Met with every king and czar

Encountered every color and creedDaddy

Of every passion, every greed

I go back to that starry night

With not a fear for muscle or might

You taught me how to stand and fight

For every single wrong and right

Everyday without a hold

I will treasure what you’ve mold

I will remember every kiss

Your sweet words I’ll never miss

No matter where I go from here

You’re in my heart, my mother dear.

Michael Jacksonbe still my heart today five

With love,


Thank you, Zita

SHOUT~ an immersion into time and space

Ignorance of people purchasing diamonds and necklaces

Kids are murdering other kids for the fun of it

Tragedy on top of tragedy, you know it’s killing meMICHAEL AND CHIMP

So many people in agony, this shouldn’t have to be

Too busy focusing on ourselves and not His Majesty

There has to be some type of change for this day and age

We gotta rearrange and flip the page

Problems, complications and accusations

Dividing the nations and races of empty faces, a war is taking place

No substitution for restitution

The only solution for peace is increasing the height of our spirituality

Masses of minds are shrouded, clouded visions, deceptions and indecision

No faith or religion, how we’re living

The clock is ticking, the end is comingmesmerizing five

There’ll be no warning, but we live to see the dawn

How can we preach when all we make this world to be

Is a living hell torturing our minds

We all must unite to turn darkness into light

And the love in our hearts will shine

We’re disconnected from love, we’re disrespecting each other

The damage we have done is gonna last forever

Ashes to ashes and dust to dustEARTH SONG PERFORMANCE SIX

The pressure is building and I’ve had enough

I wanna shout, throw my hands up and shout

What’s this madness all about

All this makes me wanna shout

Michael Jackson

How many lives would we be leading if we made different choices?  Moving from moment to moment, our path rushes towards its end, so rarely taking time to examine the reasons.  Did we choose our path, or is it simply one into which we have drifted, never really seeing?  If we stop for a time, pause to take stock of each precious moment, would we more clearly see the forces that have shaped us, and then choose ANIMAL LOVERa  different direction.  Our pain creates a need for healing physically, mentally and spiritually.  Holding onto our fears makes us forget who we are.

~Holistic practioners and many Eastern religions believe in energy fields…living beings exist beyond  the physical dimensions of time and space.  We are composed of layers of energy and consciousness…AURA…having little to do with scientific truths, and much to do with faith.

The strength of Michael Jackson’s aura creates moments in time where things are incredibly clear. If we believe that everything happens for a reason, then: It’s just a matter of what we do with it.  We feel this energy in our minds and hearts…our imaginations alive with possibility…profoundly real and deep in faith. Knowledge is power and should be accessible to all, while creating our calling and applying our passions…a lifelong adventure through heritage and heroic struggle.  Michael Jackson is a PEOPLE’S LEADER…powerful enough to silence the shrill discourse of the media…too beautiful and too real to miss.  His HISTORY represents one man’s vision quest.  That quest was for a better world brought about by its people.  “He and his audiences were off together on a great adventure.  Jackson didn’t just want BUBBLES FIVEmindless spectacle and escapism.  He wanted something deeper, something that changed people’s consciousness.  It comes through most powerfully in EARTH SONG..an apocalyptic blues-operatic piece that paints a devastating picture of the destruction we are doing to the world.”  J. Vogel  “YOU, YOU, YOU, US, WE!


~They decided that man would learn best from a kinder message.  Let us show WOUNDED WARRIORhim our reverence for life.

~In the midst of so much death, the elephants could just give up.  All they have to do is drop to the ground.  That is enough.  They don’t need a bullet:  Nature has given them the dignity to lie down and find their rest. 

But they remember their ancient pact and their pledge to us, which is sacred. 

So the elephants march on, and every tread beats out the words in the dust: WATCH, LEARN, LOVE.  WATCH, LEARN, LOVE.  Can you hear them?  One day in shame, the ghosts of ten thousand lords of the plains will say:  “We do not hate you.  Don’t you see at last?  We are willing to fall so that you, dear small BREATHLESS FIVEones, will never fall again.”


Michael Jackson

Feeling the power of what has been learned from Michael and remembering all the dreams that were his and ours, we answer Michael’s shout: “Do you give a damn!  Aaaaaaaaah  Aaaaaaaaah”  We do!


~Helping the elephants march to freedom~


Our latest venture takes Michael into the heart of the Savannah as we seek to help alleviate the plight of elephants.  Michael’s heart for elephants was laid bare when he wrote “So the elephants march” for his book DANCING THE DREAM, and later, he questioned whether humanity had lost their trust in his hit EARTH SONG.

Sadly, the poaching of elephants has increased.  So much so, that the African elephant in particular is at risk of extinction.  Today, many of these dear creatures do not get theelephants chance to roam freely as Michael’s beloved elephants did at Neverland.

The good news is that the International Elephant Foundation (IEF) has been tirelessly helping elephants and communities to live side by side in harmony for many years.  In a picture here you can see one of their teams treating an injured elephant in Uganda.

Now, we are excited to be afforded the chance to work with them in securing just a few of the necessities to continue the phenomenal work they do on a daily basis.  As always, we know that many hearts right here will join us in ensuring success, as together we take another step towards Michael’s dream of healing the world. MJLmjladorable smile two

~MICHAEL JACKSON’S LEGACY~ yet another project to forward Michael’s dreams for the world.  From children to horses to the elephant. 


Listening, switching off ego, leading an enlightened life, Michael teaches us how to live, empowering us with his own life choices as a role model.  EARTH SONG is grounded in a rich tradition of prophetic poetry honoring the traditions of an Ancient American Indian prophecy:  When all the trees have been cut down, when all the animals have been hunted, when all the waters are polluted, when all the air is unsafe to breathe, only then awe eightwill we discover…you cannot eat money. With a wounded voice and a vulnerability of spirit, Michael’s life and aura have whispered, sung, shouted, pleaded…dramatizing clearly the choices to our fate. It is a struggle against overwhelming odds.  But, never did he relinquish his profound belief in us as a people.   A PEOPLE’S LEADER showing us that we are intrinsically connected and intrinsically valuable…and that WE HAVE THE POWER TO MAKE CHANGE.  Refusing to accept a media model of disrespect and disregard, which relies on a numb and drifting public, Michael calls us into action.  MICHAEL JACKSON’S LEGACY is now offering another choice to meet the call.


I love you,

JudePicnic pics - 2014 -11 Medium Web view

~I used to dream, I used  to glance beyond the stars…now I don’t know where we are, although I know we’ve drifted far.


~Earth’s songearth song beauty


ONE SONG WE SING…an immersion into devotion

“Glory follows virtue as if it were its shadow.”

Ciceroepic performance

Michael Jackson’s art transcended every way that human beings have thought of to separate themselves and then healed those divisions…at least at the instant that we shared his music as the globally understood grammar of love.”

Michael Eric Dyson

Michael Jackson’s multi-faceted artistry came from deep within his soul, revealing a connection between the roots of all living things, leading to universal self-discovery.  His marriage to his art, cherished for a lifetime, went beyond a singular body of experience.BEAUTY FOREVER TWO  He sang and spoke, danced and created:   as a child, as a man.  His sounds were food for the brain of all mankind, his power was used constructively to bring light where only darkness existed.

Michael was unique on every level.  Since he saw art in everything, it isn’t difficult to understand that he included his body as canvas…from the top of his head to his beautifully long, slender fingers, to the tip of his magical toes.  Those who know Michaelonce easily understand that his face held a stunning beauty, captivating all.  Through time, with age and changes in hairstyles, make-up, life experiences…depending on the creative vision of each era and each project, Michael’s biography was “written” on his face.  Michael’s art constantly pushed the envelope, creating excitement, a pioneer in visual images.  How frustrating it must have been, to live in a world of narrow-minded, limited imagination myth-makers, who distorted every possible facet of Michael’s artistryBEAUTY PERSONIFIED EIGHT and personal life.  Those who claim to have been friends and proceed to denigrate Michael’s appearance lend truth to the statement, “With friends like these, Michael didn’t need any enemies.”  And, with all forms of media who gleefully give time to these so-called friends, claiming to be bastions of equal opinions, Michael’s artistry continues to be assaulted.

Try as they might, the reality is that Michael Jackson’s art is a definitive way to reach the truth.  The truths he sang about, spoke about…the stories he told…trigger our emotions and uplift our intentions, and no amount of media fodder changes that.  Using every gift God gave to him, Michael spread his messages to a global public.  He used his travels to experience first hand the world’s sufferings and beauties.

Michael continues to hold us in his hands.  Because he acted in accordance with his truest nature, those who experience his art feel its authenticity, its sincerity, its universality.  It is all real because Michael is real.  Far exceeding the idea of product, human beings are drawn to the heart and soul of another human being…when that human being gives it all for love.  We are drawn to Michael’s stunning appearance, andICONIC POSE then travel through his genius musical mind, right down into his heart.  And, there we stay.  We are captivated, mesmerized, attracted and bonded forever.  Moving from physical appearance and fashion leader, Michael gives all his energy, all his talents, and all his love to those who are within his grasp…devotion to his artistry and to the man, follow.beauty personified seven

What holds Michael to masses of people across the planet, what causes hundreds of millions of people to flock to him, is his artistic message.  Not only do we experience deep emotions…we come to serious realizations about ourselves.  Our epiphanies change who we are and help us focus on the next step.  Those who have missed this, either accidently or by design, claim idol-worshipping, fanatical mindlessness.  In reality, cynicism or agenda has gotten in their way.  Researching  has taught me that Michael’s artistry is irresistible to those who come with open minds.  Why?  Because it deals with the human experience, the human condition, the basic goodness of man, the gifts of innocence in a child’s heart, the saving of the planet, the rescuing of children, the power of music and dance.  It is about pure and unconditional love.  WHO COULD POSSIBLYTIMELESS RESIST?

THE SEVEN VIRTUES, a beautiful book by Siren, offers stunning paintings of Michael and, studied definitions.  Each virtue defines Michael so completely, it takes your breath:  Diligence, Chastity, Humility, Patience, Charity, Temperance, Kindness.  Simply put: We recognize Michael’s character of… upholding convictions, work ethic, capability of not giving up, honesty, embracing moral standards, selflessness, ability to calendarconfront fear, endurance, generosity, unlimited kindness towards all, proper moderation between self-interest and public interest, compassion, trust without prejudice, inspiring kindness in others.  Many often say that a sense of bliss comes over them when theypure love sixteen journey alongside Michael Jackson.

Michael described it in these words:


You and I were never separate

It’s just an illusion

Wrought by the magical lenses of perception

Let us celebrate the joy of life

Let us dance the dance of creationKING FIVE

Who could possibly resist?  Yes, Michael Jackson is the King of Pop.  But, that title is only the beginning of the definition of the man…a starting point.  Further education opens up a universe of where we can go.  As we learn more and more, we feel compelled to follow the Chinese Proverb that tells us that once we learn something that we have benefitted from, we are obligated to share it with others.  Michael has given usANGEL FACE TWO the mantra to HEAL THE WORLD…and, in order to do that…we will share what we know.  We will carry on Michael’s messages and visions for the future.  That is our devotion to the man we love…who loved us first.

We see the dream and the glory, we bask in Michael’s artistry, we listen and we learn.

“I believe children bully for attention.  I think you could trace every evil in adults to when they were growing up.  We have to be so careful and love and be loving toursall the time.  Know how you are hurting them later on in every little incident.  I read children’s eyes and find out who is hurting the most and give them the longest hugs…I pick the fattest or the most grotesque-looking, and people would say, ‘Why did you pick that one?’ and I would say, ‘This is the one who needed it the most.’  When I look into the eyes of my son, Prince or my daughter, Paris, I see miracles and beauty.  Having children allows me to enter that magical and whole world every moment of every day.  I see God through my children.  I speak to God through my children.  I am humbled for the blessings he has given me.”SCHOOL TWO

Michael Jackson



Thank you, Michael.  We will sing with you forever.


“The only limits  you have are the limits you believe.”

Wayne Dyer

ART INCARNATE…an immersion behind the scenes

“Michael had an amazing eye.  It was he who dreamed up the white glove, the bits of tape on his fingertips, the uniforms.  It  was he who thought that marching down steps with dozens of blue-suited policemen would look cool, that running through the streets ANGEL FOREVERMOREwith hundreds of men in uniforms would be  dramatic and thrilling for the viewer.  He sought out the best talent to work with and oversaw every aspect of his music videos, which he actually thought of as short films, and always referred to as short films.

I was with him a few times when people would come to the house to try to get his approval on merchandise they wanted to create.  He wanted it to be of the finest quality, to be worth the money people would pay; he wanted it to last.  He was a perfectionist.  Look again at the music videos; really look at every detail, note the care taken with every shot, every outfit, the lighting.  His hand was in everything, his unerring eye was always the final arbiter.”

Shaye Areheart 2009a dancer's dancer five

“My attitude is if fashion says it’s forbidden, I’m going to do it.”

Michael Jackson

“It is nearly impossible to find someone Jackson worked with who didn’t walk away with a profound level of respect and appreciation.  From producers to assistant engineers to fellow musicians, they describe him as possessing a certain ‘aura.’ down-to-earth, humble and polite.  They describe his sense of humor and ‘boisterous’ laugh; they describe his curiosity; they describe his passion and excitement for each new project.awe five

Making music for Jackson was rarely an isolated act.  The idea might come in a moment of solitude, but it was realized in much the same way a director realizes a film:  through dynamic, decentralized interplay of creativity.  Once he found the right people, from the earliest OFF THE WALL sessions to his latest projects, the motto remained the same:  music first.”

Joseph Vogel  MAN IN THE MUSIC

~Jackson made “pop” multigenre, multimedia affair that was limitless in its range of sounds, styles and possibilities.  J.V.


“In the end, the most important thing is to be true to yourself and those you love, and work hard.  I mean, work like there’s no tomorrow.  Train.  Strive.  I mean really train and cultivate your talent to the highest degree.  Be the best at what you do.  Get to know more  about your field than anybody alive.  Use the tools of your trade, if it’s books or a floor to dance on or a body of water to swim in.  Whatever it is, it’s yours.  That’s what I’ve always tried to remember.”AWE FOUR

Stepping behind the scenes is time spent in a wonderland of magical creativity.  With a career spanning five and a half decades, not only were crowds mad for Michael, but, collaborators as well.  Quite simply, it was exhilarating to be with him.  A shy, humble man…who cherished art, appreciating those who made it…a man who is unequalled in work ethic, bringing with him a sense of joy and excitement for every detail of every project…one who channeled the music of the spheres…astoundingly birthed miracles before the eyes of all who shared in his visions.

I know that the creator will go, but his work survives.  That is why to escape death, I attempt to bind my soul to my work.”

Michael Jacksonlove you five

If we take the time, not only will  we find truth and purity in Michael’s performances…vocal, dance, live, film…we will realize that the behind the scenes work profoundly reveals the MASTER ARTIST at work…a chord of connection in our hearts drawn between artists and art lovers. Here, in CHOSEN VOICES, an attempt is made to gather truth and set it down for those who choose to find it.  Words are the vehicle…and, words matter.  It is a chance to once again marvel at KEEPSAKES.

“He changed my life.  And, it never stopped feeling that way.  When you did something Michael liked, he would say, ‘That’s it.  That’s perfect.  Lock this in cement.’  We called the versions that were special ‘Bible versions.’  We’d go through thousands of versions, but we’d put Bible by the best ones.  It was just an extraordinarily, pleasant, fun time because of the musical freedom.  You knew at the end of the day, you would have something.  It never got old, it never got  stale.”  Producer Bill Bottrelllove you four

“Behind the curtain was no façade, but a very real man with a deep love and appreciation for art, someone who very much embodied the dreams he inspired in others. “

Michael Bush

“He was a master at hiring the right people for what he needed done, perhaps because he had an uncanny ability to sense the highest potential in others and draw the best out of them.”

Michael Bush

“Michael’s creativity transcended anything Dennis and I thought could be perceived in reality.  He trained us to change the way we thought, the manner in which we looked around us, and helped us to understand what pushing the envelope really meant.  We knew Michael didn’t like when we looked and didn’t notice.  Michael made it clear that he wanted his clothes to encompass a whimsy that asked his fans, ‘Are you looking?  Did you notice?'”


Michael Bush

“Michael Jackson had the wisdom of a sixty-year-old and the enthusiasm of a child.  He was a genuinely shy, handsome kid who hid his amazing intelligence with small smiles and giggles.  But beneath that shy exterior was an artist with a burning desire, perfection and unlimited ambition to be the biggest entertainer in the world.”

Quincy Jones

“With Michael he never stopped creating.  He wasn’t an artist who said, ‘OK, I’ve got an album coming up, I better start writing songs.’  The songs were constantly flowing from him, and if it wasn’t a song it was a poem, it was an idea for a short story or a short film.  It was a constant creative process.”

Matt Forgerangel of emotion

“Michael loved finding sounds that the human ear had never heard.  Often he would say, ‘Brad, get me a sound that hurts really bad.’  That meant he wanted something that shakes him inside.  He simply heard music in everything (glass, metal, trash cans, baseball bat, basketballs…)and asked his collaborators to record it and store it for potential use.”

Brad Buxer

In truth, I really didn’t want the album to be about old songs.(History Album)  To me, greatest hits albums are boring.  And, I wanted to keep creating.  (The new album would be a powerful rebuttal to those who declared him dead: a record so strong, diverse, and bold that people would have no chance but to acknowledge it.)

Michael Jackson…Man in the Music

“It is amazing.  The writing process was like that on all the songs we did together…he was very fast, very intense.  Everything was written in a whirlwind.  It just came to him.  It  was exhilarating.”

Jimmy Jamangel to me six

“Michael was at another level…and it was a hell of a level  to go to.”

R. Kelly

“He’s the only person in my life where, when I saw him, my whole voice-box went.  I didn’t know what to say.  My hands were trembling.”

Wyclef Jean

“I don’t know that many people would have the patience or  work ethic to create the records that Michael did.  We’ll never have the budgets again, that’s for sure.  There was this constant pursuit for sounds the ear has never heard.”

Rob Hoffman

“There’s no other artist at his level…and, I’ve worked with many.  He is great to work with because he knows exactly what he wants.  He is so innovative…he doesn’t want the usual stuff that they play on the radio all the time, and he is very hands on.  Everything has to be as he wants it.”

Rodney Jerkinspure joy

“You can just hear  him having fun.  His spirit and emotion are totally there.  He knew in demos  he didn’t have to be totally perfect in his execution.  So, he’d be loose.  He’d throw in adlibs and dance or sing or pop his fingers or clap his hands.  You just hear  him enjoying himself.”

Matt Forger

A respite of solitude offers us excursions into creativity but, life is not lived in isolation.  The chords that bind us to one another grow stronger when they are securely wrapped around our hearts.  “Together!  Together!  Together!”  Michael sang and danced those words across the stages of the world…embodying the dream he envisioned as he inspired a planet.  Keepsakes he left for us…empower.  With his generous confidence in the power of the people,  he lavished upon us a belief that there is nothing we cannot do when we stand together.  When we peek behind the curtain, we see Michael’s faith in people painted on a portrait of joyous collaborations.  With each stroke, he lives out his dreams of a utopian world where every person is celebrated and the art in the painting lives forever.  In reaching for his best, we are invited to reach for ours.  He embraced potential in everything and everyone…even within the darkness of abuse and cruelty.  Art Incarnate…Michael earth song performance fiveJackson’s life…the final arbiter.



Michael Jackson

~exhilarated in his presence, Jude




“You are my joy.  The fullness in my heart is because of you.  I love you beyond  now and forevermore.”

Michael Jacksonhands of love

~for Paris, Prince and Blanket

Michael was huge on every continent.  He transcended ethnic lines and color barriers.  He crossed all  of those lines with no sweat.  What made Michael special was the fact that people knew he was real.  He was such a great performer, one of the greatest the world will ever see.  He knew what he wanted and he knew how to put it  together.  Michael has left us a catalog of great music.  His music and his spirit will never die, it will go on forever.  Now, he has moved on up a little higher.”

Aretha Franklin  Ebony 2009love you five

“Every time the sun rises, Nature is repeating one command;  “Behold!”  Her magic is infinitely lavish, and in return all we have to do is appreciate it.”

“When we open our hearts and appreciate all she has given us, Nature finds her reward.  The sound of applause rolls across the universe, and she bows.”

Michael Jackson



The priceless gift of dawn…when first we open our eyes to the world’s rebirth, repeated joys that are both familiar and surprisingly new, allows Nature another opportunity to teach.  We then choose to either pause and search for new meaning, or, rush into our genius threeday blindly…and, if we are being honest with ourselves, the days we are given reflect a bit of both.  Deeper meanings come with repetition.  Michael Jackson often referred to it as revisit, nurture and define… like watching a flower move from seedling to full blossom and back to seed, a gestation…a pregnancy.  Rapidly gathering information can be helpful at the time, but meaning and understanding are often missed or forgotten…the gestation period truncated.  For knowledge to be power, it is necessary to give the precious gift of time…and  that requires study.  One fact is clear, learning never ends if life is to be fully lived.  The adage:  “Once you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all.” does not apply.  Added to new revelations comes the priceless gift of PASSION.  Seeking knowledge and understanding with a passion breathes wondrous excitement into living in the moment.  “It’s all meant to be play.  Keep to your course, but dance while you do it.”  MJ Dancing while we learn, playing toward understanding, passionate repetition all create deeper levels of understanding.  And, until we move on to a higher level, there remains much to appreciate.real three

I have often written about the energy I feel when returning to Michael’s words to right my course, as I dance and play PAYING MICHAEL FORWARD.  Sometimes, the dance is a serious one, as I grapple with the everlastingness of the despicable media.  Sometimes, my dance is filled with anger, as I try to make sense out of cruelty and abuse.  More often, my playful dance is buoyant, as I reach to reclaim my bliss.  With every step comes greater understanding.

Recently, I added a page to CHOSENVOICES dedicated to Michael Quotes.  It is a wonderful work in progress. (~thank you, Irina, for all your help!) Michael has given language to the human condition, the human spirit, and, I strongly believe that he should be allowed to speak for himself.love you seven  And, as with all education, a quick pass-by, a simple nod to the man, is never adequate.  Michael Jackson wore many, MANY hats…both figuratively and literally.  At the very foundation of his greatness lies his chosen path…TO TEACH THE WORLD HOW TO LOVE.  He applied his astounding gifts to the task.i love you three

Today, I have decided to give the floor  to the MASTER.  “The greatest education in the world is watching the masters work.” MJ  Revisiting, nurturing and defining our paths brings us closer to THE MAN and closer to realizing our goals…returning and repeating strengthens our memory net.


Jackson compared the reciprocal energy of a performance to be a Frisbee, “You hold it, you touch it, and you whip it back.”  Audiences, he believed, were more than passive spectators; they were a vibrant community, composed of all ages, races, religions and cultures, standing shoulder to shoulder, temporarily bound up in the collective spell of his music, imagining the world anew.  “You can take them anywhere,” he effused.  This was his gift as an artist:  the ability to dissolve into the stories, the emotions, the MAGIC of his music, and to take masses of people from all walks of life with him.  He called this creative bond many things over the years:  escapism, entertainment, showmanship, art.  But, ultimately for Jackson, it was about sharing and receiving LOVE.”


“Music is tapestry.  It’s different layers, its weaving in and out, and if you look at it in layers, you understand it better.”ANGEL TO ME NINE


“…the band was there while I sang and we were able to feel each other.  It gives such a spontaneous feeling and reminds me of when R&B first started in the South and all the Blacks would just get together in a shack and jam.  That’s what’s missing today.  Everything is so commercial  and mechanical.  Too many musicians today are into what they are doing  for themselves and not with each other.”  1979


“And, I think I haven’t scratched the surface yet of what my real purpose for being here is.  I’m committed to my art.  I believe that all art has as its ultimate goal the union between the material and the spiritual, the human and the divine.  And I believe that that is the very reason for the existence of art and what I do.  I feel fortunate for being that instrument through which music flows. “


“I’m not one to sit back.  I want to do something, to help those who lost their parents, who lost their mothers and their fathers.  Those are our people.  Those are our children.  Those are our parents.”  9/16/2001

GESTATIONangel to me seven

“When you know it’s right, sometimes you feel like something’s coming, a gestation, almost like a pregnancy or something.  You get emotional, and you start to feel something gestating and then magic, there it is!  It’s an explosion of something that is so beautiful, and you go, WOW!  There it is.  That’s how it works through you.  It’s a beautiful thing.  It’s a universe of where you can go with those twelve notes.”  MJ 2007


“I don’t even care if they’re applauding…I want their jaws on the ground!”


“It’s not the machines that are destroying the world.  It’s the people that are destroying the world.  Not a happy ending.  I want it burning, I want it there, lasting and burning, and I want us standing there with our arms reached out asking PLEASE, BEFORE IT earth song performance fiveBECOMES A TRAVESTY.  YOU!  YOU!  US!  WE!    (This is it rehearsal, June 24, 2009)


~Huge thoughts require much study.super bowl seven

~Michael’s music endures because his voice haunts each song with an attachment to his soul.

~The blue heat of his performances ignite a fire in our souls.

~His very being surprises, seduces, invigorates and inspires.

~His catalog of art is message-driven.

~He is instinctual in giving language to the human condition.

His gift of internalizing the pain and suffering of others allows us to see him as very real.

In a culture that continues to struggle with equality, Michael Jackson is the undeniable “Jackie Robinson” of MTV history.SWEETNESS PERSONIFIED

In sharing his remarkable gifts of getting inside the music, inside  the dance, we are being taught how to get inside ourselves and truly inhabit our lives.

“I am a palette.”


If we understand that HALLMARK is defined as a standard of purity and genuineness…we can add Michael Jackson’s name to the definition.  If we define LEGEND as someone to be celebrated…we can add Michael Jackson’s name to the definition.  If we accept PIONEER  as someone who is at the forefront, leading the way…we can add Michael Jackson’s name to the definition.  If we define ARTIST as an aesthetic and sensitive creator of superior abilities…then, we can add Michael Jackson to the definition.  If the GOLD STANDARD is accepted as the finest unit of value and an GENIUS is one who strongly influences others destinies for good character and conduct…we define Michael Jackson.


Michael Jackson, MASTER TEACHER, is always ready to show the world…all we have  to do is open our hearts and appreciate all he has given us.

~and, listen for his applause!

Class dismissed!

Michaelhand with tape




“His invincible armor was a shield of bliss.”



Michael Jacksonsexy again and again

“If you’re locked into a pattern of thinking and responding, your creativity gets blocked.”

“And that’s what innocence is.  It’s simple and trusting like a child, not judgmental and committed to one point of view.”


Michael Jacksonangelic six

Neal Donald Walsch’s words speak to Michael Jackson’s Legacy when he says, “If you cannot find a group whose consciousness matches your own, be the source of one.  Others of like consciousness will be drawn to you.” 

“Hate has caused a lot of problems in this world, but it has not solved one yet.”

Maya Angelou

DANCING THE DREAM offers a glimpse into Utopia…describing what it could be like, and what needs to be changed to reach it.  The wonder, magic, mystery and innocence of children delivers the key to unlocking the hidden beauty.  Without innocence, Utopia is only a dream.  Without love, its possibilities will never happen.  The power of innocence, of compassion, of light  point the way.handsome always

Michael Jackson believed that every action needs to come from love.  That was his mantra for five decades.  Placing his faith in the power of the people, he challenged us to be better, creating music, film and performances that opened our minds, bringing us out of our comfort zones.  Tackling everything from child abuse and neglect to racism, from abandonment to greed and corruption, from abortion to drugs, from the abuse of women to runaway children, from media misused power to corrupted officials, from false accusations to AIDS, from environmental destruction to injustice…issues that many believed found no home in pop music.  Michael Jackson Communities gather strength from these love memories.  Those who were threatened by Michael’s civil rights actions, continue attacking, minimizing and otherizing to this day, locked in their pattern of thinking and responding ANGEL MAN THREEwhile living in a world of “cut and paste.”

Many find the paradoxes that surrounded Michael to be proof that he wasn’t for real.  But, again, narrow minded thinking prevents real understanding.  What must first be accepted is that Michael Jackson was a “GENIUS WITHOUT BORDERS,” (Chicago Columbia  College Symposium 2014)…and, that “WHATEVER YOU DO, DO IT WITH LOVE,” was not a cliché.  Michael’s teachings came in part through paradox.

“Michael was a man of many paradoxes, most of which we were able to represent in the clothes we designed:  rigid military cuts that were also elastic and movable; rebellious regalia fit for army commanders worn over the heart of a gentle man; bedazzled embellishments adorning a man blessed with a quiet humility; one-of-a-kind handcrafted clothes worn with aged, scuffed Florsheim shoes.  Michael was the epitome of an enigmatic superstar.”BILLIE JEAN MSG

Michael Bush


Michael Bush

His pioneering spirit, visionary creativity and limitless imagination turned worldly iconic symbols into HIS ICONIC TRADEMARKS…purposefully reversing the original intent. Military clothes, marching armies and statues spun violence, hatred and war into a whole new reality.  That spinning caught the narrow-minded, agenda-ridden, off guard and reeling with self-righteous and attention-getting indignation.incredible three

In a 1995 interview, Michael was accused of political, fascist intentions…”most boldly vain glorious self-deification a pop star ever undertook with a straight face.”

“Yeah!  They fell into my trap…I wanted everybody’s attention.  The symbols have nothing to do with that.  It’s not political, it’s not fascist, it’s not dogma, it’s not ideology, and all that stuff.  It’s pure simple love.  You don’t see any tanks.  You don’t see any cannons.  It’s about love.  It’s people coming together.  It’s art.”

Michael Jackson

Clearly, the interviewer was out of her comfort zone and portrayed the public to be along side her.  Reality painted a different picture.  Michael’s HISTORY promotional campaign thrives to this day…its statues being placed around the world.

Taking symbols of oppression and violence from the past, dancing them on their heads history world tour sixand replacing them with positive energy and armies of love, defined one of  Michael Jackson’s uses  of paradox…inspiring people to think and change their perceptions.  No other artist has used his body as canvas, creating wearable art that offered message.  Normal is said to rob us of the opportunity to be extraordinary.  Few would argue that Michael Jackson was extraordinary in every sense of the word.  Using his fame and fortune, tirelessly working with every one of his God-given talents, he presented the world with the dilemma of human struggles and a window into what a Utopian world could be like.  Through paradox, he engaged our thinking and presented us with workable solutions.GOLDEN

Michael Jackson’s artistic power has no boundaries, no borders.  It came from a place of innocence and was wrapped in childlike joy.  His potency and power threatened the agenda-ridden.  He is a part of us…we are a part of him.

In endless ways they tried to destroy

His simple trust, his boundless joy

His invincible armor was a shield of bliss

Nothing could touch it, no venom, no hiss


Each day we are given ONE MORE CHANCE AT LOVE.  Michael is forever.  Through paradox and challenging our minds, he moves us to want better, imagine better and strive to BE better.








Thank you, Michael.  We love you!

Thank you, Sister Irina, for your words…”There is no way not to grow a better person under those divine eyes.”



Inside your heart sits a seer

Between his thoughts, he can hear

A melody simple but wondrously clearsongbird

The music of life, so precious, so dear.


Michael Jackson

“I think about the generations and that we want to make it a better place for our children and our children’s children, so that they know it’s a better world for them.  I think they can make it a better place.”


Words spoken in the introduction by a child.

 My parents blessed me with the gift of life on 9/11.  For all my years, that date has represented only love…9/11/2001 brought with it something else.  It’s hard to believe more than a decade has passed since that shining September morning when the world stopped spinning for a time.  This week, I celebrated yet again…gifted with my Husband,BE STILL MY HEART FOR YOU Friends and Michael.  The morning began with memories of Michael’s 56th birthday in Gary, Indiana, as  told by my Dear Friend, Irina, who traveled all the way from Moscow.handsome at all ages  Through her eyes, ears and enormous heart, she shared tearful stories…telling me of Michael’s beautiful children…their humility, politeness, generosity, strength and love.  She looked into their eyes and saw Michael looking back.  My heart filled with joy.  I felt strengthened and more hopeful for their young lives.  I was then given Michael through the beautiful talent of Siren in her watercolor, SONGBIRD.  She has truly captured Michael’s soul as love pours out on the canvas.  Hanging in my little writing studio, I feel both Siren and Michael with me.  Sitting along the shores of Lake Superior, I drank in the beauty and power of crashing waves and my friend Donna’s creativity with words.  Donna is a BELIEVING MIRROR in my life.  She gives strength to my creative process.BAD REHEARSAL TWO

September 11, 2014 ended with MY SONGBIRD.  Tom and I sang and danced, smiled and cried our way through Michael’s HISTORY WORLD TOUR Copenhagen Performance.  “When an audience lights candles and sways to ‘HEAL THE WORLD’ a space is created where nobody is unholy, no religion can exercise its imaginary INJUREDexclusive patent on the true God.”  Deepak Chopra

As the day drew to a close, my mind swirled in thought.  My gratitude prayers given, I lay thinking about my meaning for the word SONGBIRD.  I laughed when I looked in the dictionary, discovering the narrowest of parameters for the word, having been written before the genius that is Michael Jackson.

Michael’s music takes on a life of its own.  His performances take on a life of their own. give in to me two Fans and scholars alike listen, analyze, and extol the work…artists draw inspiration, cover and copy from the work.  The myth-making media work round the clock to find fault, to accuse, to minimize…obsessed with taking it all down.  Those of us who have taken the time to really KNOW  the man, simply bask in the magic. We allow the SONGBIRD to give us an escape, teaching us who we are and how we should live.

DANGEROUS by Susan Fast was a birthday gift.  In reading her discussion of HEAL THE WORLD, I was reminded of the profoundness of Michael’s teachings about HWT PERFORMANCEchildren.

“What Jackson does not do in introducing children into his utopic visions, importantly, is buy into conventional ideas of normative futurity, i.e. that the future belongs to children, or: what we can’t achieve ourselves, our children will achieve on our behalf.  For him, there was a utopian impulse in children not because they represent the future, the hopes and dreams of adults, the continuation of a ‘normal’ progression of time and family, but because their honesty, simplicity and innocence center adults, bring us back to feeling, to good affect.”

Our SONGBIRD teaches.  Michael believed his music could affect world change.  He PHOTO SHOOT  FOURwas right.  It has…it is!  And, his inspiration for his music came from children and the child living inside.  “Now, when the world is so confused and its problems so complicated, we need our children more than ever.  In their innocence, very young children know themselves to be light and love.  If we allow them, they can teach us to BE STILL MY HEART PLEASE TWOsee ourselves the same way.”  Michael Jackson

A SONGBIRD of light and love…my birthday gift of the heart.  It has flown to me in a kaleidoscope of memories, words, paint, dance and song, THE MUSIC OF LIFE…woven in a tapestry of kindred spirits who share the same soul.  We have been given the exquisite, extraordinary gift of Michael Jackson…and, choosing to honor this priceless gift, we join him in recreating the world.

Thank you, Irina!

Thank you, Siren!

Thank you, Donna!

Thank you, Tom!

Thank you, Michael!twymmf again three

Thank you, all My Kindred Spirits in Michael!

I love you all.





give in to me two“…The courage to be intimate.  Expressing your feelings is not the same as falling apart in front of someone else-it’s being accepting and true to your heart, whatever it may say.  When you have the courage to be intimate, you know who you are, and you’re willing to let others see that.  It’s scary, because you feel so vulnerable, so open to rejection.  But without self-acceptance, the other kind of courage, the kind heroes show in movies, seems hollow.  In spite of the risks, the courage to be honest and intimate opens the way to self-discovery.  It offers what we all want, the promise of love.”



It is raining this morning.  It has been raining all night.  There is a beautiful isolation in it.  Darkness captures dawn’s light, holding it at bay, while I allow the quiet to relax my mind.  Cleansing and urging me to the page, the rains encourage thought.  There is an intimacy felt when wrapped in a blanket devoid of color.  I am alone in a silent house, thinking of umbrellas and people caught in the rain, and Michael.  “Stranger in sim fiveMoscow” is an artistic masterpiece in every sense of the word.  For me, it is a true representation of intimacy, for while capturing it, self-discovery leads to the promise of love.

Michael’s journey has given me a clear picture of courage.  Bravery accompanied every choice, every challenge, every part of his artistry.  Not only did life demand Michael face all manner of struggle, he also internalized the pain of others.  In turn, he then presented it to the world in naked vulnerability.  Prose, poetry, music, dance, performance…all invited a closeness that revealed the depths of Michael’s soul. “The Black Tradition is a tradition of soul.  Soul is the most precious thing you can share because you’re sharing yourself and the world needs that gift now more than ever.”  Michael Jackson  We completely relate to Michael’s vulnerability because he gave completely.  His was real pain felt, experienced, shared.  Alone on giant stages, before millions of people, Michael emptied his soul into waiting vessels, which in turn emptied across the entire planet.

STRANGER IN MOSCOW, a tale of “out-of-step, but soul-deep anguish,  is eloquent SIM FOURenough to mythify alienation in pop terms and elicit a reconsideration of post-cold war, post-civil rights angst.  It captures a detached, empty feeling of a man estranged from the world around him.  The track begins with the sound of rain, then a slow beat built on Jackson’s beatboxing, and a soft-strumming guitar.  Jackson sings in exquisite call-and-response, the echoing effect perfectly captures his feeling of isolation.”  J. Vogel  Coming after  “THEY DON’T REALLY CARE ABOUT US,” on Michael’s HISTORY Album, it marks a sharp contrast from social justice outcry to vulnerable ache outcry.  Michael said he was feeling  so lonely in his hotel room when the song came to him.  To be sure, back home, the frenzied media and false accusers were gearing up with their destruction plans.  It was 1993.

The short film that Michael created for the song is an exquisite piece of fine art in black handsome manand white, understated and bleak: “a visual narrative in which the lives of six isolated strangers play out as the world moves around them in slow motion.  Jackson is identified with these regular people, he too is alone, and wanders the streets in a black trench coat like a ghost, unacknowledged.  About midway through the short film, he and the other characters step out into the pouring rain.  As they are individually baptized by the water, something changes.  It is as if the aching alienation they each feel  is  temporarily washed away…they are cleansed and connected by a common experience, their suffering.”  J. Vogel

I feel a renewed faith as Michael sings with great emotion, his head turned toward the sim twoheavens.  The collective vulnerability and shared pain bring with them…empowerment.  When we openly share who we are and what we are feeling, we form a bond, and with that bond comes strength…POWER.


Reaching out to one another, being vulnerable, honesty with ourselves and others…self-acceptance and unconditional love…Michael’s messages for a world more in need of them now than ever before.  When people wonder why I continue to do what I do, I reply, “Michael’s life and legacy are needed to save a dying world.”  He is no longer walking the planet…but, his legacy remains to be shared.  We are his voice now.  It is public appearanceup to us.  “IT OFFERS WHAT WE ALL  WANT, THE PROMISE OF LOVE.”

I love you, Michael.

I love you, Dear Friends.


HIS tory

MYstorygorgeous again four






“When I was little, I used to lie on my back in the grass at night.  I began to tell DIRTY DIANA AGAIN THREEone star from another and wished that one of them could be mine, like an imaginary friend. 

…then one night I was tossing in bed, hurt and worried.  My heart felt heavy with troubles.  Stumbling to my feet, I looked out the window.  Thick clouds masked the midnight sky.  No stars!

I trembled to think of a world without stars.  No guide for the sailors at sea, no jewels to dazzle our sense of beauty, no hunter pointing to the next horizon, no lovely ladies trailing perfume to heaven’s ballroom.  But, all around the globe, the air is so dirty and the lights from cities are so bright that for some people few stars can be seen anymore. A generation of children may grow up seeing a blank sky and asking, ‘Did there used to be stars there?”STUNNING AGAIN TWO

Let’s give them back the sky and let’s do it now-before it’s too late.  I’m going to search for my star until I find it.  It’s hidden in the drawer of innocence, wrapped in a scarf of wonder.  I’ll need a map to tell me which hole it should fill, and that will be a small one.  But there are nearly five billion of us on earth, and we all need the sky.  Find your star and throw it up to heaven.  You still have it, don’t you?”

DANCING THE DREAM Michael Jacksonearth song brit awards


Michael Jackson  Ebony Interview

November 13, 1987

Michael Jackson touched on deep values and gave expression to them through his artistry and personal life, weaving diversity and global need into a tapestry of color and texture, bound by love.  Traveling in the light, he gave energy to a dialogue for working through world problems, finding solutions together, not because we were all alike, but because we were diverse.  With many textures we arrived at one mind…LOVE WAS THE ANSWER.   He called upon children from all over the world, meeting in WORLD CONGRESSES, to share their innocent enlightenment.  Contrasts and differences created a more beautiful tapestry.  Through our journey with Michael,INJURED grounded in a belief that together as one voice, WE CAN MAKE CHANGE. First we crawl, then we walk…and then only, can we fly.  Like a child, fearlessly stepping forward into a whole new world, I have found my security in Michael’s genius mind, driven by its singular purpose…to use his creative gifts to bring change to a dying world.  Watching and truly seeing, listening and truly hearing, I took those first steps.  When I fell, I reached for Michael, my vulnerability meeting his.  He has provided an answer to every question, wiping away my tears, strengthening my weaknesses, forever offering me inspiration for my faith.SPIRITUAL I have come to understand that complexities provide longevity.  So often, I have described Michael’s life and legacy as HUGE.  Alas, huge is not a big enough word.  Doors constantly open onto a greater landscape of human knowledge, human experience.  More and more authors focus their writings on Michael, in an effort to allow him to continue to teach us and ground us…so we can spread our wings and fly.

“Human solidarity-LOVE-was for him the foundation of Justice and the meaning of Life!  Armed with this simple vision, Michael set about to dedicate his life to others.  As a young boy, he burst onto the world’s stage like a bolt of lightening and, once there, he inspired youth, and the youthful, to act on behalf of justice and the human community.  He created a powerful synergy with his audiences and through this confluence helped generate a moral force that over time would bring the world to a better place.”  Gerald L. CampbellANGEL FOUR

We all fly to find our own individual star…filling billions of the gaping holes.  That is what Michael taught us…how to turn from forces of spiritual alienation to seeds of empathy and a love eternal…for there is power in the bond among five billion souls. “Michael, a man of great compassion, was an empath.  He felt the pain and sensed the needs of others and it is in this essence of pure compassion that he reaches into our hearts and squeezes.  He had been given a mission from God to illuminate the minds and preach togetherness despite culture, religion, ideology or race.:  MJJJusticeProject


Michael WAS the change he saw for the world.  We have learned that from him.  In ohhhh!giving everything he had, he receives us.  We are his voice now.  We have learned to crawl and walk, each in our own unique style.  We stand together ready to throw our stars up to heaven.  We stand together, empowered by a love like we have never known before.  And, we are ready to fly.

“Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls, the most massive characters are seared with scars.”  Kahlil Gibran

I love you, Michael!

I love you all!


HIS tory






Oh, friend,” I whispered to him, “do you think anything can solve problems without love?”  That one in the mirror wasn’t sure.  Being alone for so long, notearth song brit awards trusting others and being trusted by others, it tended to detach itself from the reality of life.  “Is love more real than pain?” he asked.  “I can’t promise that it is. But it might be.  Let’s discover,” I said.  I touched the mirror with a grin.  “Let’s not be alone again. Will you be my partner?  I hear a dance starting up.   Come.”  That one in the mirror smiled shyly.  He was realizing that we could be best friends.  We could be more peaceful, more loving, more honest with each other every day.”



Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson’s physical presence in the world has remained, despite his passing ondirty diana again two June 25, 2009.  In fact, its momentum increases daily.  Devotion is a term not often used when describing the dance.  Michael Jackson Fans bring a new perspective in a movement delivered with intensity and creativity, a series of steps leading toward revelations of truth…rhythms for justice, and, a beat powerfully played in a collective choreography.  We who have joined the dance, clearly possess a determined strength, inspired by the character of the greatest dancer in modern history.  Those who choose to become educated about Michael’s life and legacy, discover this truth…he is honesty personified.  Elizabeth Taylor described it as honesty to the point of pain.

Those who continue efforts to try to dissolve Michael’s history are described well in a sweet fivequote by D. Antoinette Foy, “My heart’s scriptures taste foreign on the mouths of cowards and on the tongues of those who never breathed in the moon and breathed out the world.”  Michael inhaled the moon’s light and breathed out the world with a dance of spirit that embraced an entire planet.  He sang with a voice for the voiceless.  And, he asked us to join him in a dance for mankind.  His dance of life traveled like a bolt of lightning, providing light in the darkness of prejudice, racism, bigotry…man’s inhumanity to man.

With time, many dancers are moving forward contributing their Michael truths.

“It is not commonly recognized how much Michael Jackson contributed to U.S. public diplomacy during the last decade of the Cold War.  Throughout the 1980s and early 1990s, Michael’s music inspired young people in captive nations to takeLOVING ALL chances on behalf of freedom and democracy.  With his dramatic style, he electrified youth and stirred them to unite in common purpose.  In response, they rallied moral forces against fear and set about to challenge the ubiquitous brutality of totalitarian regimes.  The collective energy Michael and other artists inspired became a factor in bringing about the political collapse of the Soviet Union and its Eastern European empire.  “WE ARE THE WORLD!”

“There have always been singers and dancers, but Michael was in a class by himself.  I have been to perhaps 12 of his concerts and there is really no one who comes close to his level of artistry.”  Brad Buxer

“The Michael that I read about and see on TV was not the real Michael.  They portray him to be some weird, quiet, asexual, virgin, hermit that he is not.  Michael Joseph Jackson was one of the most flirtatious men I’ve ever encountered.  Always throws me that people think he was asexual or even gay.  MICHAEL LOVES WOMEN.  PERIOD.  I dangerous again threesaw him being very heterosexual.”  Naomi Campbell (IN THE CLOSET short film).

“No matter where he was or what he was doing, the kids always had access to him and they knew it.  If he was in a meeting and one of the kids needed him for something, he’d stop everything to attend to the child and then return.  If they made a fuss about going to sleep, he stayed with them, talked to them, explaining why they had to go to sleep and what he was doing or where he would be.  He soothed them if they were upset.  He never handed off a crying child to Grace or the babysitter.  He always took the time, no matter how late for an appointment it would cause him to be.  He was never angry or frustrated.  His patience was infinite and the result was that his children were grounded,DADDY'S GIRL secure and open to the world.”  Frank Cascio MY FRIEND MICHAEL

Those who cannot join the dance find depravity in the normal behavior of a man who devoted his life to his children and the children of the world.  Those who cannot join the dance refuse to acknowledge the world figure Michael was…his far-reaching impact and profound positive influence.  Those who cannot join the dance admit to an unparalleled michael and michaelartistry, but, stop at the Thriller Era, ignoring masterpieces that came after.  Those who cannot join the dance hold onto the media-myth lies that brought about the most despicable high-tech lynching in history.  Refusing to KNOW the character of the man brings about accusations that insult intelligence.

We have chosen to join the choreography of this beautiful dance, which finds its vitality in our hearts.  Michael has told us that it is the DANCE OF CREATION…THE CREATOR AND CREATION MERGE INTO ONE WHOLENESS OF JOY. Of that we sweet fourare sure.

Thank you, My Dear Friends, for the time you have taken to join me, the comments you have written that so touch my heart.  I am honored by YOU.

“Your articles are as a warm bath on a cold winter night.”

Thank you, Dear Elaine.  I am humbled by you!

I love you all.


HIS tory

MYstorydangerous again two






THE IMMERSION PROJECT~Michael Jackson Tapestry [Love in many forms]

There is a legend that says:  “Once in your lifetime something happens and changes your whole life forever.  After this turning point your life will never be the same.”ANGEL FROM HEAVEN

We know that legend to be true!

From the Fans:

“Michael Jackson wrote  the soundtrack of our lives.  When we were in the “room”, we could feel him.  He seeded in us grains to use in our lives.  He set masses of us on fire.BREATH-TAKING THREE  You can never get enough of him.  He emitted a bright light, magical without being dependent on conjuring tricks.  He stirred up our passion just like someone shaking a bottle of champagne.”

“An artist should let his style evolve naturally, spontaneously.  You can’t think about these things.  You have to feel your way into them.”

Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson’s  language of love embraced human emotion.  He believed that you should be able to move people with only sound.  “Michael tended to deeply internalize the suffering and injustice experienced by others.  Many of these experiences and emotions surfaced in his work, though often in subtle or metaphorical ways.”(J. Vogel).  Michael was keenly attuned to real-world issues tackling neglect, abuse, exploitation, prejudice and much, much more. Michael wrote about the sensual. His voice and body were undeniably sexy.  “I sing about things that are loving, and if people interpret it as sexy, that’s up tocurtain call two them. I let the music tell me what to do.”  (Michael Jackson)  Although Michael didn’t see his work as sexy, his sensual appeal is legend. In his book, MAN IN THE MUSIC, J. Vogel colorfully writes: “Michael’s sexual dynamism irradiating from the arch of his dancing body, challenges government standards for a nuclear meltdown!”  I would agree with that!  Michael wrote in his autobiography, MOONWALK, that he loved the interaction between the sexes.  “It is a natural part of life and I love women.”Dirty Diana

There are those who have been gifted the talent of songwriting, those whose vocals capture our hearts, those whose talents lie in producing, arranging, composing.  Others dance to perfection, some perform all over the world.  There are poets who stir us with their words, storytellers who inspire.  Many have what we call charisma.  I know of only one person in my lifetime that embraces all of these wonderful characteristics…the man who fulfills the legend for me, and for masses of people on every continent.  Simply put, there is a hugeness, a depth that has no parallel, no peer.  The phenomenon of Michael Jackson is rooted in love.  It is a love that has experienced great pain.  It is a love that understands the ecstasy, and the depths of the human condition.  Michael Jackson has everything required to give to us LOVE IN MANY FIFTYFORMS.



The Artist:  1987 Ebony Interview  (When you want to know Michael Jackson, ASK HIM!)

FIRST LOVE:  “Love Never Felt So Good”  The joy of listening to a demo lies in wonderment.  Michael is experimenting, playing with vocals, lyrics, dancing, fingers WEMBLEY 1988snapping, hands clapping as only those huge hands can…a “raggedy” experience infused with smiles that come right through the vocals.  “Michael sounds incredible on this track just like he always does.  There was never a day when he was anything other than great.  He is immortal.  And the song is great.”  XSCAPE  There is an innocence about the song that reminds us of that first young love.divinity two

“What I do when I write is that I’ll do a raggedy, rough version just to hear the chorus, just to see how much I like the chorus.  If it works for me that way when it’s raggedy, then I know it’ll work.”  Michael Jackson Ebony Interview 2007

BETRAYAL:  “Chicago”  (a Michael Jackson duet)  From the opening notes of the musical score, this demo sensually seeps into sexuality we dare not speak about.  Michael begins by sharing a story of an unexpected passionate encounter with a woman he meets on the way to Chicago.  His voice paints intimacy.  The song becomes a duet when anger overtakes the  betrayed lover who discovers deception. Orchestration and Michael repeat the underlying sensuality of the love story while gritty and aggressive vocals unleash a torrent of pain and shame, once again laying claim to a voice that can brilliantly conjure emotional extremes.  The listener feels the love-making AND the anger.

YOUNG LOVE:  “The Way You Make Me Feel”  (short film)  Rolling Stone described twymmf short film twothe song as, “four and a half minutes of unadulterated bliss.”  Bruce Swedien remembered Michael dancing in the studio as he recorded the song.  Rather than take out the sounds of the stomping, spinning, finger snapping and beatboxing, Michael decided to leave it in as part of the overall sonic picture.  Bruce said he would hate to record Michael with what he called a clinical approach because his earthy charm would be lost.  It is playful and flirtatious with heartfelt affection.  The nine minute short film is set in a smoky urban neighborhood street, providing a sultry setting for Michael’s twymmfsevenexaggerated sexual advances made with bravado.  The short film brilliantly uses lighting, shadows and textures to establish mood and atmosphere.  The silhouetted twymmffourteendance ending is the short film’s masterpiece and created an iconic and memorable dance sequence which Michael performed at the 1989 Grammys and around the world on his Bad and Dangerous and History World Tours.  Both song and short film are among Michael Jackson classics.

FORBIDDEN LOVE:  “Dirty Diana” (short film)  “I love DIRTY DIANA.  It’s a story about a ‘groupie’…I hate to say the word ‘groupie’, but that’s what it is.”  (taken from Michael’s dirty dianaEbony Interview in 1987).  Michael said he and others had experienced groupies while on the road touring.  “Michael executes the internal conflict of temptation to perfection, capturing the frustration, guilt, excitement, anger and pain of an affair.  The song’s sexuality is by far his most explicit to date; yet like all of Jackson’s best songwriting about relationships, the story is subtle and suggestive enough to remain open to interpretation.” ( MAN IN THE MUSIC)  Body as Canvas is brought to perfection both in the short film and in Michael’s stage performances of “Dirty Diana”.  Take away the music and the vocals and watch only the dance.  The story is all there. dirty diana nine ICONIC!

COURTSHIP: “In the Closet” (short film)  Seduction at its finest!  The sexual tension is palpable in this song, the lyrics and vocals feature a fluid, thumping beat and sensual entreaties of the mystery girl (performed by Princess Stephanie of Monaco).  Sonically, it offers elegant piano, strings and all kinds of percussive sounds: glass breaking, doors slamming, fingers snapping, a variety of industrial noises and Michael’s voice of groans and grunts conveying sensuality.  Thereitc four is a persistent gyrating beat using a variety of drum machines Michael came up with.  The short film is set on a balmy, deserted ranch in California capturing every ounce of the song’s elegance, passion and sexual tension.  It shows off Michael’s extraordinary ability as a dancer, closing with a riveting series of moves in silhouette in the space of a doorway.  The memorable imagery, energy and dancing make the short film as classic as is the song. (J. Vogel)

LOVE LOST:  “The Black Panther Coda”  For me, this is the finest dancing I have ever seen in my lifetime.  This is Michael’s most controversial short film and his first to be censored.  It is a brilliant percussive dance routine done to Michael’s internal rhythms with no music.  It is the very description of BODY AS CANVAS dealing with the uncomfortable subjects of racism, prejudice, bigotry and sexuality.  Michael’s approach is primal taking on animal characteristics to show his frustration with discrimination.  Wearable Art plays a part in the short film’s impact…black and white.  Of course, this PANTHERcoda followed the short film “Black or White”.  The climax comes in the form of smashing windows containing racial slurs and crying out in pain while tearing away his shirt.  The climax shows Michael spinning like a tornado before dropping to his knees in a puddle of water, wailing in agony and then slipping away as the black panther.  The final frame says: PREJUDICE IS IGNORANCE.

“I wanted to do a dance number where I could let out my frustration about closet twoinjustice and prejudice and racism and bigotry…and within the dance, I let go.”  Michael Jackson. 

“The short film is the most significant personal gesture any American artist has made in years.  He’s already charmed the world, “Black or White (Panther Coda) shows he has the courage to shake it up.”  Armond White

LOVE FOR CHILDREN: “Speechless” (The Invincible Album)  Michael’s talents of songwriting, arranging and producing, along with his legendary vocals give “Speechless” its full measure of Michael Love.  MAN IN THE MUSIC aptley describes the climax of the song reaching a spiritual transcendence that is uncommon to pop music.  “He wanted it to be this kind of ecstasy,” Brad Buxer recalls.  Michael said, ‘I want you to play these arpeggios.’  When the modulations start coming, you hear all this arpeggiating on the keyboard.  It’s not sequenced, it’s all playing.  That’s what Michael wanted.  Michael’s received his creative inspiration from the natural world, from animals, from CHILDREN and from PLAY.  While staying in Germany, Michael recalled playingin the closet four with children when the inspiration for “Speechless” came.  “They are these two sweet little kids, a girl and a boy, and they’re so innocent.  They’re in the quintessential form ofCHILDREN HAPPY innocence, and just being in their presence I felt completely speechless, ’cause I felt I was looking into the face of God whenever I saw them.  They inspired me to write the song.  It is a LOVE song about pure love, unconditional, an innocence within.  Having three children of his own, Michael would feel that kind of love each morning when he arose to greet his world.

LOVE’S ENDING: “Don’t Walk Away” (The Invincible Album 2001)  Now we come to love’s gripping pain…when all is finished and nothing can be done but to face the ending.  There is a sophistication and maturity in the lyrics.  Michael said about songwriting, “YOU HAVE TO HAVE THAT TRAGEDY, THAT PAIN TO PULL FROM.” The song tells of heartbreak in a way that brings the listener inside the pain, beauty again threeprofoundly and completely.   The lyrics and Michael’s vocals capture the anguish in his soul.  “Michael will never lose the quality that separates the merely sentimental from theGITM FOUR truly heartfelt.  It’s rooted in the blues, and no matter what genre Michael is singing, that boy’s got the blues!”  Motown Legend Marvin Gaye  It isn’t possible to listen to “Don’t Walk Away” and not be shaken to your core.

COLLECTIVE LOVE:  “Cry”  (The Invincible Album 2001)  Released after 9/11, “Cry” revisited Michael’s tireless attempts to awaken a world, looking both backward  and forward in its vision.  Michael’s voice, and his use of choir, a community representing  the power of the people, sing of people barely holding on, of pain without end, truths hidden, the pretending that tragedy doesn’t exist.  Michael’s music faces LOVE AND THE LACK OF LOVE head on, using confrontation and asking for a COLLECTIVE LOVE to make the changes needed for the planet to survive.  Michael believed in communication and his vehicle for that dialog waswmcig three his music…powerful and thought-provoking.  He ends the piece with the words, “CHANGE THE WORLD!”  The listener is summoned to join in efforts of love to make the world better.  IS THAT NOT THE GREATEST FORM OF LOVE THERE IS?fan love three

(Michael was the only artist I know who created short films in which he was not seen…the message being more important.  “Cry” was one of those films.)

Setting aside the unparalleled talent, the unequaled creativity, the tireless work ethic, the vision and pioneering, Michael Jackson’s body of work offers LIFE LESSONS for humankind.  Here, we have explored a PORTION of the work.  It is a huge mistake to stop at the Thriller Era when studying Michael Jackson.  Each of the eight ERAS havePERFORMER wealth and teachings that apply to all mankind.


Michael Jackson  THIS IS IT










Shams Tabrizi

What is staying power?  Do we invent who we are by surrounding ourselves with people, color, sounds and work that offer nourishment as Sark suggests?  Does our need for connectedness help us sidestep the dangers of this world?  I am shaped and HWTfashioned by what I love which has danced and sung its way deep inside my heart.  Grieving loss, I have learned where my creativity lies and, that creativity numbs the ache, allowing tears to cleanse my soul…lighting a fuse within.

“The things you are passionate about are not random, they are your calling.”30th ann two

Fabrienne Fredrickson

There are days when I am overtaken and I must accept that I will never truly get over the emptiness.  But, the magic that dwells inside the journey gives energy, feeding my desire to continue.  I am forever.

“In all creation, in all eternity, in all realms of your infinite being, the most wonderful thing is THAT fact!  You are God.  You are the ‘I AM THAT I AM.’  You are consciousness.  You are the creator.  This is the mystery, this is the great secret known by seers, prophets, and mystics throughout the ages.  This is the truth you can never know intellectually.  The important thing is that it is within you, it is your world.”

Dr. Wayne Dyer

Michael knew all this and lived accordingly.  He knew he had the spark from God DANGEROUS TWENTYSEVENin him.  He knew that God was his very essence.”

Elizabeth Johnson


Michael Jackson


The spark that lived in Michael Jackson…that light that illuminated the world…still shines.  Every action, every piece of art, every word, every minute of his life burst with color, sound and energy.  Its passion was driven by pure love.  That love has been passed on to masses of people through his music, his performances, his interviews, his speeches, his lyrics, his writings, his humanitarian efforts for the planet.  The connections made are timeless…THEY ARE FOREVER.  We love him because HE LOVED US FIRST.  He gave us AWARENESS, AWAKENING AND HOPE.  He used his unparalleled talents and gifts, his fame and fortune to heal the wounds of the world.  Now that he is no longer with us, WE HAVE CHOSEN TO CONTINUE.  Our passion rides the winds of faith.  “Life is too precious and too short not to reach out and touch TIITHIRTEENthe people we can.”  Michael’s words are indelibly printed on our collective hearts.  He spoke the language of love because he knew what it meant.  He gave us magical, joyful and fantastical escapism.  He dropped to his knees with emotion and vulnerability before our very eyes.  We sang and cried, we hugged and…we were FOREVER CHANGED. He taught us and we now know.

“My breath was taken away.  Every movement that he made was perfect.  He was so enjoying it and really happy.  I thought to myself that he looked fantastic.  Every movement was so precise and led perfectly to the next movement.  It was exhilarating to watch Michael perform with complete joy.  Michael knew how he wanted to present himself to the world.  It was as if the magic he possessed was being channeled from the cosmos.  Watching Michael dance was like watching the entire history of dance.”

Kate Simon Photographer “ROCK WITH YOU” 1980bad performance


Michael Jackson

I have never been more fascinated, never more committed.  Traveling in Michael’s light inspires passionate creativity for those who have looked into his eyes and enter a magical and loving place…CHANGED AND CHALLENGED TO MAKE THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE.  “HE WHO FINDS HIM STAYS FOREVER WITH HIM.”emotion ten

Thank you, Michael.  I love you.


HIS tory










MY WISH FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD…FROM MY HEART…taken from ancient writings…I love you, Michael Jackson

Peaceful be Heaven

Peaceful be Earthdangerous nine

Peaceful the Broad Space between

Peaceful for us be the running waters

Peaceful the plants and herbs

Peaceful to us be the signs of the future

Peaceful what is done and undone

Peaceful to us be what is and what will be

May all to us Gracious be

Compassion is a life-changing word both for the one who holds its soul-satisfying meaning, and for the one who feels the sheer ecstasy of its grace.  It is liberating for both.  Each act takes on a life of its own.  Moving in this world with the sole purpose of finding solutions for healing change, Michael Jackson created artistry with great pathos…emotion and vulnerability in every note, every word.  “It was a voice that could brilliantly conjure emotional extremes, injecting the most ordinary lyric with depth and pathos.”  MAN IN THE MUSIC Joseph Vogel.  A simple message with complex meanings so infectious that it has managed to move masses of people around the planet toward positive human efforts for five decades.  And, the love grows.  Michael believed that by using his gifts, he could help tiifiveothers to discover theirs.  Happily, that is exactly what is taking place as choices are being made to continue his messages.

What fuels longevity?  For me, Michael’s artistry embraces endless layers of creativity.  Whether it be music, composition, lyrics, performance, staging, wearable art, dance, public message…you name it…there is no end to its wisdom.  There is no opportunity to grow tired or bored because there is no end to discovery.  In my lifetime, that has never, EVER happened before.  Because it all comes from Michael’s soul, his huge heart, sincerity and ROLE MODEL.  I have never been drawn to someone who tells ME how to live and then lives differently.  The old adage “do as I say, not as I do,” has never spoken to me.  MICHAEL JACKSON LIVED HIS MESSAGE…he spoke of it, sang of it stunningly…but, that would not have been enough to fuel longevity.  MICHAELcute LIVED THE VALUES…through fires that would have put out flames of desire in a much lesser man.  We have seen Michael’s compassion nature so many times we have lost count.  We  have heard him bravely put his heart on the line amidst a climate of complacency and apathy, and then, pay a huge price for it.

Heaven Leigh, in her book, ENDYMION ORACLES NINA’S STORY, writes a magical and mysterious story of love and bravery which carries Michael’s pathos messages.  Compassion for fellow human beings is the key theme, as this powerful love story heaven tworeaches its fingers into a definition of pure love.

“Nina’s Story is of an intense LOVE that defies all physical odds.  Endymion and Nina are the keepers of each other’s souls, calling to each other’s hearts beyond realms of beast, spirit and human.  Interwoven into their impossible romance is Nina’s quest to save her people from a new religion that threatens to destroy theireons two peaceful existence and everything Nina has ever believed.  Nina’s Story has traveled through EONS of time to find its way into your hands.  The rest is up to you.”

Heaven asks the question, “Do you believe in LOVE after Life?”  Michael’s message rings out on the page.  His presence in the story adds to the long list of miracles happening all over this planet.  Heaven uses her amazing writing talents to create a eonsmulti-layered tale of pathos and love.  Like Michael’s artistry, it takes many visits to grasp its complexities.

The parable of THE boy AND THE PILLOW engages the reader in a lesson of pathos.  cute twoIts layers are many…teaching, innocence, compassion, wisdom.

“A wise father wanted to teach his young son a lesson.  ‘Here is a pillow covered in silk brocade and stuffed with the rarest goose down in the land,’ he said.  ‘Go to town and see what it will fetch.’  First the boy went to the marketplace, where he saw a wealthy feather merchant.  ‘What will you give me for this pillow?’ he asked.  The merchant narrowed his eyes.  ‘I will give you fifty gold ducats, for I see that this is a rare treasure indeed.’  The boy thanked him and went on.  Next he saw a farmer’s wife peddling vegetables by the side of the road.  ‘What will you give me for this pillow?’  he asked.  She felt it and exclaimed.  ‘How soft it is!  I’ll give you one piece of silver, for I long to lay my weary head on such a pillow.’  The boy thanked her and walked on.  Finally he saw a young peasant girl washing the steps of a church.  ‘What will you give me for this pillow?’ he asked.  Looking at bad fifteenhim with a strange smile, she replied, ‘I’ll give you a penny, for I can see that your pillow is hard compared to these stones.’  Without hesitation, the boy laid the pillow at her feet.  When he got home, he said to his father, ‘I have gotten the best price for your pillow.’ And he held out the penny.  ‘What?’ his father exclaimed.  ‘That pillow was worth a hundred gold ducats at least.’

‘That’s what a wealthy merchant saw,’  the boy said, ‘but being greedy, he offered me fifty.  I got a better offer than that.  A farmer’s wife offered me one piece of silver.’  ‘Are you mad?’ his father said.  ‘When is one piece of silver worth more than fifty gold ducats?’  ‘When it’s offered out of love,’ the boy replied.  ‘If she  had given me more, she wouldn’t have been able to feed her children.  Yet I got a better offer than that.  I saw a peasant girl washing the steps of a church who motown 25offered me a penny.’

‘You have lost your wits completely,’ his father said, shaking his head.  ‘When is a penny worth more than a piece of silver?’  ‘When its offered out of devotion,’ the boy replied.  ‘For she was laboring for her Lord, and the steps of His house seemed softer than any pillow.  Poorer than the poorest, she still had time for God.  And that is why I offered her the pillow.’


If we accept the premise, “Art is not what you see, but what you make others see.”  gorgeous eightEdgar Degas, both Michael and Heaven paint their words with pathos, inspiring readers into action.  The very definition of tenacious, Michael’s blood has given millions life.  His inexhaustible call for activism empowers.  Calling for a better world, speaking for children and animals and  ecology, seeking peace and healing, bravely standing for cause, for justice, all define Michael.  Nina and Endymion both stand for cause, healing and justice as they travel through time and space in love.


Love was taken from a young life

And no one told her why

Her direction has a dim light

From one more violent crime

She innocently questioned why

Why her father had to die

She asked the men in blue

How it is that you get to choose

Who will live and who will die

Did God say that you could decidehistory five

You saw he didn’t run

And that my daddy had no gun

In the middle of a village

Way in a distant land

Lies a poor boy with his broken toy

Too young to understand

He’s awakened, ground is shaken

His father grabs his hand

Screaming crying, his wife is dying

Now he’s left to explain

He innocently questioned why

Why his mother had to die

What did these soldiers come here for

If they’re for peace, why is there war

Did God say that they could decide

Who will live and who will die

All my mama ever did

Was try to take care of her kids

We’re innocently standing by

Watching people lose their lives

It’s seems as if we have no voice

It’s time for us to make a choiceperformance six

Only God could decide

Who will live and who will die

There’s nothing that can’t be done

If we raise our voice as one













Michael Jackson


When I need to feel empowered, I listen to “ENOUGH” and I sing it with Michael at the top of my voice.  It is the most powerful social justice song I have ever heard…its pathos overtakes my soul.  Compassion fueled everything Michael did.  Compassion fuels Fans across this planet every day, each giving of unique talents in an effort to speak out for change and healing and love.  “In death, every good intention lives on.  Endymion is one of those very powerful spirits that continues to heal the world.  Jealousy, revenge, selfishness, insecurity-those things die-are dissolved in the realm of light, but even the smallest intention filled with love lives on forever.  And even the smallest intention filled with love…will change the world for the better.”  Thank you, Heaven, for those inspiring words.  “TRUST WHAT YOU SEE WITH YOUR HEART.” HL.

I love you, My Dear Friends.  Together, we feel Michael’s empowering love…and, together, we are helping each other share unique gifts.beauty nine


HIS tory









“Oh, that is the day I hunger for!”


Justin Timberlake sings HUMAN NATURE with his audience.BEAUTY THREE


Michael Jackson

Two Birds

It’s hard to tell them what I feel for you.  They haven’t ever met you, and no one has your picture.  So how can they ever understand your mystery?  Let’s give them a clue:GORGEOUS SEVENestwo

Two birds sit in a tree.  One eats cherries, while the other looks on.  Two birds fly through the air.  One’s song drops like crystal from the sky while the other keeps silent.  Two birds wheel in the sun.  One catches the light on its silver feathers, while the other spreads wings of invisibility.

It’s easy to guess which bird I am, but they’ll never find you.  Unless…

Unless they already know a love that never interferes, that watches from beyond, that PERFORMANCE FOURbreathes free in the invisible air.  Sweet bird, my soul, your silence is so precious.  How long will it be before the world hears your song in mine?

Oh, that is a day I hunger for!

Michael Jackson


In the rehearsal footage from the final day (preparing for his 50 sell-out concerts at the O2) Michael Jackson is shown, at one moment, pointing out at his imagined audience:  You, you, you, us, we.”  (MAN IN THE MUSIC Joseph Vogel) The limitations of the world’s realities did not prevent Michael Jackson from boundlessly imagining that collectively we could change the terrifying future our children face.  “It’s not the machines that are destroying the world…It’s the people that are destroying the world!” he said.  He didn’t want a happy ending to the shows.  “Not a happy ending.  I want it burning, I want it there, lasting and burning, and I want us standing there with our arms reached out, asking people ‘please!’ …before it becomes a travesty.”  With all his heart, Michael’s talent elevated understanding.  He held to the idea that even though nothing comes LIESeasy…all good things come in due time.  He saw an intricate connection in all things and never lost  sight of the power of potential and a collective energy.  “KEEPING YOUR HEAD UP TO THE SKY, WE CAN JUST RISE UP TELL ME NOW, GIVE ME YOUR WINGS SO WE CAN FLY.”  Michael Jackson

“The man who has no imagination has no wings.”

Muhammad Ali


Michael Jackson

I agree with Anne Finger when she says, “Part of getting over it is knowing that you will never get over it.”  Michael’s Army of love will never get over it.  Those who worked with Michael will never get over it.  His family will never get over it.  Unlike media critics whose most recent utterances include calling “DO YOU KNOW WHERE YOUR CHILDREN ARE?”  another tiresome, touchy-feely side of Michael’s work, indulgent in righteousness…once again defining the saying, “Critics THINK they know the way, but,XSCAPETWO cannot drive the car!”  Randall Roberts of the L.A. Times ended by alluding to XSCAPE as a work reminiscent of Michael “before his flaws felled him.”  Whenever I read this all-too-familiar criticism I wonder, if the names Dylan or Lennon were attached to the work, would it then be taken seriously as a social justice piece?  Those who subscribe to the idea that if it sounds too good to be true, it must be, slip into cynicism and minimize it as self-serving sentimentality. But, we the FANS, will never get over the message…never get over the tireless efforts to raise public awareness…never get over the dream.  NOT ONLY DO WE KNOW THE WAY…WE CAN COLLECTIVELY DRIVE THE CAR!  We have taken the time to KNOW the man, understanding from the facts learned, and speaking out against the tonnage of disrespect and disinformation.  We connect with the soul of a man who refused to allow cynicism to cloud his vision.  Instead, he asked the CHILDRENTHIRTEENquestion, “WHAT MORE CAN I GIVE?”  We can hear him say, “WHAT DO YOU NEED AND HOW CAN I HELP?”

“People will never really comprehend this man’s range-and the emotion behind his words and music.  He has a song for every situation in life.”  J. Marie

“By binding his heart to his art, Michael would keep his musical legacy alive.  Through binding his heart to our hearts, he keeps his humanitarian legacy alive.  FOREVER.” iconic MJL

“When Michael Jackson had an audience with Pope Paul, he brought Seth Riggs, his vocal coach, along with him.  While they were waiting to meet with his Holiness in the outer chamber, a fly came into the room.  It skillfully buzzed freely around them with a childlike freedom and Seth Riggs became so annoyed and killed it on the spot.  With tears in his eyes, Michael asked, ‘Why did you do that?’ Seth retorted, ‘It was just buzzing around here and getting on my nerves!’  Michael answered him like a Zen master and said, ‘He was enjoying his freedom and living his life and you ended it.’  From that day forward, Seth understood and animalstook on a deeper appreciation for all life because of Michael’s compassion for the fly. We were recording this song once called, ‘KEEP THE FAITH’ and came to an impasse for 20 minutes.  Michael said, ‘The song cannot be finished-we must think of something.’  So my friend, Andrae Crouch looked at me and said, ‘Howard, go to the piano and give us the pass that we need.  Do something.’  I went to the piano and came up with a three part harmony on the spot.  Michael jumped three feet in the air and said, ‘I love it!  I love it!  I love it!’  As always, he went around and hugged everyone to show them his love and danced around the studio because we got the part. My friend, Andrae says, ‘Every song that has been written has already been written.  We just receive it.’  So it was one of those magical moments in the studio.  It’s not planned.  Michael once said to me, ‘Whenever I dance on stage, I never count.  I just dance.  It just happens.’  Can you imagine that?  With the way that he moonwalks and everything, he never counts.  He does it spontaneously because if you can create in the moment, then you are a true artist.  That’s why XSCAPEpeople love Michael Jackson, because he is so spontaneous.  You will see this kind of spontaneity in his concert, I promise.  Michael knew how important it was to motivate everyone on his team with love to get the best performance, because he knew that love is the most powerful force in the universe.  We loved him and he loved us like a family and made each of us feel like we were the most important person in the world.  TOGETHER, WITH LOVE, NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE.”  Howard McCrary of the McCrary Family handsome twoSingers

It isn’t possible to be motivated if you believe that it is too good to be true.  Instead, you go from belief to doubt to cynicism.  Media fodder lives to disbelieve.  We, Michael’s Army of love live to BELIEVE.

Some may argue, am I not “preaching to the choir” as I attempt to write articles that PAY MICHAEL FORWARD.  I would answer…I AM PREACHING TO THE CHOIR, (myself, included) TO GIVE US ALL A CHANCE TO SING.  “Magic is what happens when you have encountered the DIVINE.”  Phyllis Curott.  Michael Jackson Fans have had a profound encounter with the DIVINE…and, WE WILL NEVER GET OVER IT.  We will sing loud enough for Michael to hear.  We will allow our tears to water our collective soul.  And, in doing that, we will satisfy Michael’s hunger. I love you, Michael.  I love you, Dear Friends.fans seven Jude HIS tory SINGING MYstory SINGING YOURstory SINGING OURstory SINGING  



James M. Barrie


For some, the long goodbye has a duration of years, disease ultimately winning, demanding an end.  For others the goodbye is unexpected, an abrupt, life-changing visit, compelling in its harsh chaos.  “Perhaps loving something is the only starting place there is for making your life your own.”  Alice Koller   Each of us has a love story to tell and with that telling will inevitably come goodbye, causing us to meet our vulnerabilities face to face.  Sigmund Freud taught that out of vulnerability comes strength.  For me, the loss of my parents, the loss of friends, the loss of adored pets were all visited in different durations of goodbyes.  All brought an ache that reclaims my heart still.  “Therehandsome two is a poignancy and power to beauty nearly spent.  It holds the remnant of what it was, and its fading grandeur reminds us that we die to bloom again.  We are gone to seed, according to plan.”  Julia Cameron WALKING IN THIS WORLD. 

We will all be invited to join in on the BIG ADVENTURE one day.  And when that happens, we might ask how we will be remembered.  Michael Jackson was asked that question often and he replied, “How would I like to be remembered?  As a person who came and brought light to the world, some escapism.  Also as the voice for the voiceless children, because I love them.  I’m living for the children.  If it weren’t for the kids, I would throw in the towel.  A baby, a child-now that’s amazing.  They’re little geniuses, you know, little geniuses.  They really are.  Being a father is my favorite thing.  I love it.  I love it.  I love it.”  Gold Magazine, England, Interview 2002.

Michael’s life supplies light to a world in great need of it.  “In order to carry out greatsuper bowl enterprises, one must live as if one will never have to die.”  Marquis De Vauvenargues  Michael’s enterprises on behalf of children and the planet were undertaken with no thought of failure, no concern for the status quo, and, no end in sight. He subscribed to Goethe’s theory, “That which we understand we can’t blame.” 

“Ryan White, an American teenager from Kokomo, Indiana, who was diagnosed with HIV/AIDS in 1984  when he was just thirteen years old…White was often teased and threatened at school, and when the threats turned to violence, his family was forced to leave their hometown.  White subsequently became a spokesperson for AIDS education (AIDS was deeply misunderstood and feared at the time).  Michael Jackson befriended Ryan White in 1989.  In the final years of White’s short life, the two spent many days together at Neverland, forming a deep bond and friendship.  ‘He didn’t care what race you were, what color you were, what was your handicap, what was your disease.’  recalled White’s mother, Jeanne, ‘Michael just loved all children.’  White died in 1990 just before graduating from High School.  GONE gtsTOO SOON and its accompanying video, a montage of White’s life, was Jackson’s tribute to him and his cause.  One can never choose to forget how much vitriolic hate was spewed against AIDS patients at the height of the virus’s transmission.  Jackson released his tribute at a time in the 1990’s when I can’t recall many, if any, artists willing to talk about or discuss AIDS publicly. ”  Joseph Vogel, Jason King  MAN IN THE MUSIC




Ryan White

Ryan White, symbol of justicegone too soon

Or child of innocence, messenger of love

Where are you now, where have you gone?

Ryan White, I miss your sunny days

We carelessly frolicked in extended plays

I miss you, Ryan White

I miss your smile, innocent and bright

I miss your glory, I miss your light

Ryan White, symbol of contradictionwit one

Child of Irony, or child of fiction?

I think of your shattered life

Of your struggle, of your strife

While ladies dance in the moonlit night

Champagne parties on chartered cruises

I see your wasted form, your ghostly sight

I feel your festering wounds, your battered bruises

Ryan White, symbol of agony and pain

Of ignorant fear gone insane

In a hysterical society

With free-floating anxiety

And feigned piety

I miss you, Ryan White

You showed us how to stand and fight

In the rain you were a cloudburst of joy

The sparkle of hope in every girl and boychildrentwelve

In the depths of your anguished sorrow

Was the dream of another tomorrow.

Michael Jackson


Both Michael and Ryan are now drifting in the brilliance of an awfully big adventure.  As our lives swirled in their unexpected goodbyes, each exemplified God’s image, their great love offering miracles to this world.  In the freedom of their lives, each used burdens as…”the opportunity to give expression to Divinity on earth.  When we choose to honor this priceless gift, we participate in the recreation of the world.”  Julie Cameron  Each chose this honor.

In Heaven Leigh’s book, ANGEL MICHAEL ORACLES, Ryan speaks on behalf of his children sixfriend…“Michael is like a being so far from what anyone in your world can seem to imagine that a human could be.  He shook you all up!  He isn’t complicated folks!  He came to make people smile and believe in magic again.  You all have gotten so far away from believing in goodness and magic.  Sure you have to watch out for the ‘bad guys,’ the ones who are troubled inside and visit their troubles on others.  That is so far from who Michael was and is.  I wish you could know him, know his heart like I did and like I do and always will.  He had a messed up childhood in some ways.  Some people have pain in their childhoods and they decide to get all angry.  They are suspicious of everyone and trust nobody.  Michael took his pain and turned it inside out to help other FOR THE FANSkids to have happy childhoods, no matter how sick or hurt or hungry they were.  He wanted to help them.  Some people cannot fathom this kind of unselfishness.  They look for other motives.  It says more about the people accusing Michael than it does about Michael.  Don’t you get it?  Don’t let them fool you, please.  It’s important to me.”  RYAN WHITE’S SPIRIT MESSAGE

I often think, if only I could turn back time…bring back the ones I love and hold on tight.painting  They were GONE TOO SOON and I wish with all my being I could change that.  But then, would I be denying them a great adventure…would I be denying Willa Cather when she says, “WHERE THERE IS GREAT LOVE, THERE ARE ALWAYS MIRACLES.”

Michael understood the people of the world were warm and fertile beds in which to sow his seeds of love and peace and humanity and justice.  Unconditional love was always his starting place.  A part of his great adventure NOW  is watching ourhtwten germination.

And so, amidst our goodbyes, we seek to change the world, making a little space to make a better place.  HEAL THE WORLD.  I love you, Michael!   I love you my Dear Friends.



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Michael Jackson

“I admire that kind of strength, people who take a stand and put their blood and soul into what they believe.”

Michael Jackson

Just the other day, I read a quote from Albert Schweitzer:  “The true worth of a man is not to be found in the man himself, but in the colors and textures that come alive in others.”  In the case of Michael Jackson, I both agree and disagree with that statement.  “Look and you will find it, what is unsought will go undetected.”  Sophocles.  My human natureallegiance to Michael Jackson comes from looking, finding and detecting sheer ecstasy…a life so dynamic and unrestrained trumpeting vast swaths of contribution which harness the human experience…an elegance, unwired and attuned to the human heart.  Whether focusing on artistry or humanity, there is an irresistible entanglement of spirits.  Michael’s unique creative sensibilities, a fertile mind knowing no limitations, his physical presence, had and still have, genuine worth.  “Life isn’t a matter of milestones, but of  moments.”  Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy  Amazingly, those of us who have been diligent in our attempts to know the man, revel in the knowledge that, in Michael Jackson’s case, both are true.  The worth of Michael Jackson IS found in the man.  Reflecting on the second part of Albert Schweitzer’s quote, even the most jaded of detractors would admit Michael Jackson’s influence remains strong today.  And, so, my agreement and disagreement children sevenwith Mr. Schweitzer.

Dear Poli, a kindred spirit and tireless member of Michael’s Army of love, suggested we in the community take a moment to self-evaluate.  My imagination, always in expansion mode, felt her seed push into my mind’s soil…coaxing the gestation of an idea.  Ideas for articles are randomly captured.  Poli’s suggestion took hold.  “AND, WE’LL FLOWER, JUST PLANT THE SEED.”  The colors and textures that come alive inspiredsuper bowl by Michael’s life and legacy, music and artistry leave an indelible mark on the collective soul.  “Develop interest in life as you see it; in people, things, literature, music-the world is rich, simply throbbing with rich treasures, beautiful souls and interesting people.  Forget yourself.”  Henry Miller  Could there be a better  description of Michael?  Could there be a better description for those who live their lives inspired by Michael?

“The world of reality has its limits, the world of imagination is boundless.”

Jean Jacques Rousseau

Intellectually, I get that.  Emotionally, I reject it.  When I see the limitless imaginations creating ideas that continue Michael’s messages, I see a boundlessness to them.  “Don’t listen to negativity…go for what you feel is right.”  Michael Jackson  There are always new realms of possibilities.  As Van Gogh said, “What would life be like if we had no courage to attempt anything.”  Millions are turning dreams into reality each day. you are not alone two A dream can be big, a dream can be small…each has value.  Michael’s words do not fall between crevasses, instead, they take root and grow.  Gardeners know that plants come in a variety of sizes and growing patterns.  So, too, with dreams.  And, each dream has the power of love, if we only believe.

For me, Michael’s hypnotic rhythms inspire my creative spirit, my efforts to change my life, and to contribute all I can to the world’s healing.  I am comforted by the fact that Michael celebrated both small and large victories, since I am but a tiny part of the mazes and patterns of love.  Believing in the power of love, the presence of angels, new realms of possibilities all have become a part of my life since beauty twoJune 25, 2009.  Michael has taught me not to miss what is everywhere.


One night a  baby fish was sleeping under some coral when God appeared to him in a dream.  “I want you to go forth with a message to all the fish in the sea.”  God said.

“What should I tell them?”  the little fish asked.

“Just tell them you’re thirsty.”  God replied.  “And see what they do.”  Then without adorable threeanother word, He disappeared.

The next morning the little fish woke up  and remembered his dream.  “What a strange thing God wants me to do,”  he thought to himself.  But as soon as he saw a large tuna swimming by, the little fish piped up, “Excuse me, but I’m thirsty.”

“Then you must be a fool,” the tuna said.  And with a disdainful flick of his tail, he swam away.

The little fish did feel rather foolish, but he had his order.  The next fish he saw was a grinning shark.  Keeping a safe distance, the little fish called out, “Excuse me, sir, butblack or white two I’m thirsty.”

“Then you must be crazy,”  the shark replied.  Noticing a rather hungry look in the shark’s eye, the little fish swam away quickly.

All day he met cod  and mackerels and swordfish and groupers, but every time he made his short speech, they turned their backs and would have nothing to do with him.  Feeling hopelessly confused, the little fish sought out the wisest creature in the sea, who happened to be an old blue whale with three harpoon scars on his side.

“Excuse me, but I’m thirsty!”  the little fish shouted, wondering if the old whale could even see him, he was such a tiny speck.  But the wise one stopped in his tracks.  “You’ve seen God, haven’t you?”  he said.

“How did you know?”

“Because I was thirsty once, too.”  The old whale laughed.LOVE TWO

The little fish looked very surprised.  “Please tell me what the message from God means,”  he implored.

“It means that we are looking for him in the wrong places,”  the old whale explained.  “We look high and low for God, but somehow He’s not there.  So we blame Him and tell ourselves that He must have forgotten us.  Or else we decide that He left a long time ago, if He was ever around.”

“How strange,”  the little fish said,  “to miss what is everywhere.”

“Very strange,” the old whale agreed.  “Doesn’t it remind you of fish who say they’re thirsty?”

Michael Jackson

DANCING THE DREAMdangerous four

Michael’s messages are universal.  They reside in his daily life, his massive legacy and inspiration, his faith in God.  That is why they last and need to be revisited…nurtured in our dreams and defined in our actions.  Re-evaluation from time to time, helps us rediscover our belief in the blessings of life…IF WE ONLY BELIEVE.dancing the dream

I love you, Michael.  I love  you, My Dear Friends.  I am grateful to be here and honored  by your visit.


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“On stage is the most magic place I can be.  I can’t put it into words.  IT’S ESCAPISM.  It’s like walking on air.  For me, it’s the safest place in the world to be.   I can’t be hurt on stage.  I can sleep on stage.  I hate to leave stage.  It’s wonderful.  I was raised on stage.  I LOVE IT.  When I say magic, I mean wonderment, excitement, ESCAPISM, another world.  And, there are people who gbowrdo that sort of thing, like Steven Spielberg or Walt Disney…and for the spectators, it’s exciting, its entertainment, it’s joy, it’s love.  It makes my eyes light up when I see E.T., when they fly in the sky, or, a great concert.  I like to create magic myself, I love magic.

Michael Jackson

“Seeing all the races together, which I love so much.  All the colors in the audience capt eo threeloving one another, getting on with each other and enjoying the music…a unified field.”

Michael Jackson

“Ever since I was a little boy, I had dreamed of creating the biggest-selling record of all time.  I wanted to do something special.  I’d stretch my arms out, as if I were sending my thoughts right up into space.  I’d say to myself, ‘THIS IS MY DREAM. THIS IS MY WISH,’ every time before I’d dive into the water.  I believe in wishes and in a person’s ability to make a wish come true.”

Michael Jackson

My retreat into magic comes when I enter Michael’s world.  In essence, he has become my LIFE COACH turning me into a believer…someone who embraces the notion, wherejam two you believe there is magic, you will find it.  His is a style of teaching in which enchantment is the reigning character.  When in his company, I abandon distrust and offer myself up entirely.  I shift my fixation from MUST do, to WANT to do…allowing myself to simply enjoy.  Escapism absorbs my mind in irresistible play.

Michael understood the power of play.  “It’s all meant to be play.  Keep to your course, childrenbut dance while you do it.”  MJ  “Wonderment and magic are things I’ve just never grown out of.”  Laughter is immeasurable and Michael’s giggles are legend.  He helped to quell the pressures of living, as the most famous person on the planet,  bonding with children and nature, animals and art, escaping his realities with playfulness.  His inner child intact, he teaches me how to nurture mine.  Michael’s life embraced his friend, Katharine Hepburn’s philosophy, ‘If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun!” Or, from William Butler Yeats, “Fairies come take me out of this dull world, for I would ride with with childrenyou upon the wind, run on top of the disheveled tide, and dance upon the mountains like a flame.”  When the world made things hard, Michael did what was hard…and, in my memory, I know of no one who was expected to face hardship more.  That is one of the reasons I marvel at Michael…seeing him so thoroughly enjoy the moment, embracing everything and everyone…the quintessential  role model.  These are the experiences that expand, slipping into my psyche and taking up residence there.  animals fourMAGIC RULES.  I escape.

In my articles, I feature Michael and those who love him.  This second group numbers in the millions, growing daily…there is so much inspiration and infectious charm to go around.  For me, I have made what I love a part of what I do.  The result is healthy indulgences into research, musical and live performances, books, articles, speeches, interviews all evoking joy.  In satisfying my creative spirit, I am at play, walking on air in my very own fairyland.  “The world needs dreamers and the world needs doers.  But, most of all, the world needs dreamers who do.”  Sarah Ban Breathnach  Michael showslma three me what a dreamer who does looks like.  All who are kindred spirits understand that we occupy a single soul.  My interpretation of fun wraps around everything Michael.  Michael lived this line from Hans Christian Anderson, “Life itself is the most wonderful fairy tale.”  Michael told us that he would never stop being Peter Pan in his heart.  The garden that was Neverland was not there just for him…it was there to be shared in an awakening of the human spirit…a fantasy scape meant to heal those children whose lives were overtaken by terminal disease, by poverty and lack…healing that brought with it laughter robtwoand play and joy.  Michael’s loving words to and for children defined a diplomacy that needed all the words and actions it could get.  These large thoughts were wrapped in giggles and escapism and pure love.  It’s excitement, it’s entertainment, it’s joy, it’s love.

“I have so many memories of him pranking me onstage.  Our quick-change tents shared a side, and as we were rushing to change our wardrobe in between songs, invariably athrowing things grape or a carrot would come rocketing over the top of me.  I could always hear him giggling through the wall.  He rented out amusement parks a lot.  I remember riding a swinging-pirate-ship ride with him somewhere in Germany and because we were the only ones on the ride, he wouldn’t let the operator stop the ride, as I got sicker and sicker.  He thought is was hilarious.  When we were in Tokyo, I got a call from him at night inviting me to come to his hotel-where we watched Amos and Andy Shows.  He laughed and threw popcorn the whole time.  My most beloved memory, however, was watching him perform HUMAN NATURE every night from the side of the stage.  There was something so genuinely vulnerable in his voice in that song and watching the freedom with which he danced, doing the moves he invented, only made me more keenly award of the greatness I was blessed to be witnessing.”

Sheryl Crow

“The eternal child, Michael was always friendly and playful between takes.  He would mj and mmhang out with the crew and joke with them, rather than hide in his dressing room.”

Douglas Kirkland


“If you couldn’t have fun or you didn’t want to, then Michael didn’t want you around him.”

Michael Bush

KING OF STYLE Dressing Michael Jackson

“That’s Michael!”  Obviously he had watched us fans enjoying his park and he probablylove the children thought that the dark corner from where he looked would be perfect to watch.  Of course, that was typically Michael.  He loved being a fly on the wall and probably had watched us since we entered Neverland.  Convinced by the guards that Michael could hear, all one hundred fans began to sing, ‘ HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MICHAEL!’  The song was repeated in four languages. What a sound echoed through the usually peaceful landscape that night.”

Marina Dobler, Germany


Dreams are living things.  They exist outside time and space, yet they help us understand and fashion our own worlds.  When carefully nurtured, they have the unlimited capacity for growth and change.  Dreams are generous, forgiving and life-long companions.  They urge us to reach beyond our very best efforts, to seize something greater than ourselves.  The happiest feeling imaginable is when a dream embraces reality.  You have shared your dream with us and taken us into its special world of delight and fulfillment and happiness.  We, too, have sharedlondon our dreams with you…to create one of the most beautiful carousels ever conceived.  Thank you for enabling us to realize our dream and may all your dreams find fulfillment.

Chance Rides Inc., October 29, 1990

My ESCAPE today came in the luscious form of Michael’s newly released demo “LOVE NEVER FELT SO GOOD”! (the solo demo version).  Suddenly, I was singing and dancing…that familiar feeling of ecstasy mesmerizingly soothing and energizing at the same time.  I thought of the line from Albert Camus, “The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.”  The genius in Michael’s freedom to create astounding music presented rhythms and melody and harmonies onlyadorableeight heard in Michael’s studio…until now.  And, again, I escaped into Michael’s magical world.  I haven’t stopped smiling.  It was play, it was fun, it was escapism…walking on air in my own fairyland.  THE DREAM CONTINUES.






“A child’s mind needs the nourishment of mystery, magic and excitement.  I want to work to help people rediscover the child that’s hiding in them.”

Michael Jackson


Thank you, Michael.  I love you.peter pan


HIS tory


