“Michael Jackson may be the purest talent I’ve ever seen.  He’s incapable of a false moment.”

Sidney Lumetart only three

From Michael…

“Prince, I wish for you to learn about perseverance and confidence and the true meaning of success…which is LOVE. 

And, that you can reach any goal that your heart desires.  It’s totally up to you.  You can be anything you want to be.art only 

And, I love you.”

For Prince

How does one throw dance into the lives of multitudes?  How does one bring curve to the straight lines that cripple so many?  How does one become a tangible part of the lives of people from different cultures, all ages and religions and colors?  How does one inspire seeds to unfold into flowers?  There is around Michael Jackson a light which radiates delicious opportunity, bringing personal human stories to the big stage with textures that translate into pure soul.  His musical and visual landscapes have left so many eager vessels, ready to receive and share what he has bequeathed to the world.  The good in his actions lasts.  We are magnetically drawn, as the messages of God areart only two revealed.  Michael did not dream on a budget.  Although many, trapped in their imaginations with no way out, held onto the “candle-snuffing word just” (Finding Neverland), Michael spread his wings and taught us how to fly.  It was never just an empty promise or illusion.  ~What you believe you become~ No matter the volume of those who “enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought” (JFK), we have become addicted to the light, understanding that the deeper the feeling, the greater the pain.art only seven

“Few men are willing to brave the disapproval of their peers, the censure of their colleagues, the wrath of their society.  Moral courage is a rarer commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence.  Yet, it is the one essential vital quality for those who seek to change a world that yields most painfully to change.”

Robert Kennedy

Michael Jackson’s spiritual health often was shown in his capacity for enthusiasm.  As he spoke to Prince, he helped his young son realize the value of confidence and perseverance.  Along with his three children, we all feel Michael watching over our dreams, his glowing light leading from the back, as all good leaders do. Our fight to defend Michael Jackson is not over because we live in a world which often reflects Eckhart Tolle’s words:  “There’s a huge amount of suffering that is generated not by the actual challenges of life, but by the fictitious problems the mind generates.”

~I will always be Peter Pan in my heart~Michael Jacksonart only four

Michael’s irrepressible youth powered a light, enveloping him, and electrifying ours.  Genuine and of pure intent, we see the gateway standing wide open.  As we look through, the paths ahead provide the realities of suffering and pain, the magnificence of imagination and wonderment, the tapestry of our unique gifts, opportunities to reach our potential…and the blueprint for all:  LOVE. 

~Truth so ecstatic, yet so plausible at once~ academic structure, but so emotional and incredible~

Saint Teresa  (Siren)

The gift of seeing Michael happens everyday…just by believing…opportunity for us all to be able to serve others, and share our unique talents.  With divine art only sixlight…MICHAEL’S MESSAGE IS LOVE.

~Michael, we can see your HALO…you’re everything we need and more…we’re surrounded by your embrace~  Taken from HALO by Beyonce

“You are the flash of the lightning bolt

Electrify my soul

Take me to your darkest place

The truth shall make me whole

You are the radiant light of the world

Forsaken once againart only five

But kingdom come, Thy will be done…

Forever, and ever, Amen.

~taken from RADIANCE by Siren

Too often we honor swagger and bluster and wielders of force; too often we excuse those who are willing to build their own lives on the shattered dreams of others.” JFK.  God comes through a person to us.(Sue)  When that person is a dreamer, an inspirer, a believer, a peaceful warrior seeking to improve the lives of others, one who knows suffering and childhood pain, one who possesses a boisterous inner child…someone who truly loves from the heart…our confusion and misdirection dissolve.  We are sharing a short moment in life, and we refuse to allow tragedy to be a tool for living.  Instead, we gain wisdom from the light.art only ten

There was a time when I was alone

Nowhere to go and no place to call home

My only friend was the man in the moon

And even sometimes he would go away too

Then one night, as I closed my eyes

I saw a shadow flying high

He came to me with the sweetest smile

Told me he wanted to talk awhile

He said, “Peter Pan-that’s what they call me.

I promise that you’ll never be lonely.”

And ever since that day…

I am a lost boy from Neverland

Usually hanging out with Peter Pan

And when we’re bored we play in the woods

Always on the run from Captain Hook

“Run, run, lost boy,” they say to me

“Away from all reality.”art only twelve

Neverland is a home to lost boys like me

And lost boys like me are free.

He sprinkled me in pixie dust and told me to believe

Believe in him and believe in me.

Together we will fly away in a cloud of green

To your beautiful destiny

As we soared above the town that never loved me

I realized I finally had a family.

Soon enough we reached Neverland

Peacefully, my feet hit the sand

And ever since that day…

~taken from  Ruth B Lyrics “Lost Boy”

Thank you, Natalia and Sueart only nine

“Neverland represents the totality of who I am.”  Michael Jackson

“Where have you taken us?”

“This is Neverland.  Peter Pan lives here.”

Seth Riggs

You’re everything we need and more

It’s written all over your faceadore nineteen

~Michael, we can see your halo~







Nelson Mandelaactual five

Martin Luther King

Michael  Jackson

~all in a struggle with power, greed, jealousy, those threatened by pure love~

“To be a star you must shine your own light, follow your own path, and don’t worry about the darkness…for that is when the stars shine brightest.”

Napoleon Hill

~Magical child was ready to bowACTUAL

Sow the seed, pick up the plough

With effortless ease, without a sigh

Without a tear, without a cry

With silent perfection

Under God’s direction

To sing together as one race

Stem the tide, transform this place

Michael Jacksonabout twelve

Of late, we have been subjected to a world pointing out violence and devastation, the paint still wet on a portrait of human suffering.  Many voices urge us toward separatism with a distrust of those whose path winds differently from ours.  Seeing into the heart of darkness is both horrifying and seductive, for it creates in it a fear which overtakes us with hopelessness and distrust…putting us in a constant state of great distress.  How contagious hatred can be.  Has hell taken the place of paradise?

~Our problems are manmade

~They can be solved by manactual two

John Fitzgerald Kennedy

When coming face to face with tales of madness, our answers must be drawn from the light.  This light shapes our way of seeing, focusing not on ourselves, but on others.  It shines on those outcast by circumstance, molding us into peaceful warriors…without limitations or condition…whose spirits never die.

“In the stillness  of the quiet, if we listen, we can hear the whisper of the heart giving strength to weakness, courage to fear, hope to despair.”

Howard Thurmanabout three

“Today, we stand together all around the world, joined in a common purpose, to remake the planet into a haven of joy and understanding and goodness.  No one should have to suffer, especially our children.  This time we must succeed.  This is for the children of the world.”

“What we need to learn from children isn’t childish.  Being with them connects us to the deeper wisdom of life which is ever present and only asks to be lived.  They know the solutions that lie waiting to be recognized in our own hearts.”

Michael Jacksonabout fourteen

In Rumi’s words: ~Not only the thirsty seek the water, the water as well seeks the thirsty~  Few have the gifts Michael Jackson possessed, and few have been chosen to cause a love moment of gargantuan size, encompassing the entire planet…to SAVE the planet.   Wisdom and solutions are to be found in the profound simplicity of a child’s heart.

“For without laughter, without joy, without smiles, without happiness, without magic…there’d be no children.

Their souls are the universe.  See it sparkle through their eyes and know we’re all constellations connected in the same, great big world of love.actual four

Love that exudes through the pores of children all over the world, ready to hug, kiss, talk to, laugh and comfort anyone and everyone!  To them, everyone deserves that!  There are no limitations and conditions to their heart.

Oh, we can learn so much from children!”

Ashley Sullivan

Khalil Gibran tells us that ~The teacher who is indeed wise does not bid you to enter the house of his wisdom, but rather, leads to the threshold of your mind~  Michael Jackson has led us as the most powerful teacher of our time, for he touches every age, every race, every culture, every religion.  Through his artistry and his mantra of What do you need and how can I help…all is revealed:about seven

~Now be silent.  Let the One who creates the words speak~ 

~He made the door

~He made the lock

~He also made the key


I believe that Nelson Mandela was correct when he said…History will judge us by the difference we make in the everyday lives of children.

In the light of morning, in the middle of the night, when swimming in doubt or drowning in pain, in the joy of a giggle, when faith is clouded, when a need for escape overtakes us, when dancing is the only thing that will help, when singing at the top of our voices empowers…we find our sanctuary in MICHAEL JACKSON.  He shows us the changes that need to be made…turning random acts of kindness into INTENTIONAL ACTS OF KINDNESS. 

“He made broken look beautiful and strong look invincible.  He walked with the Universe on his shoulders and made it look like a pair of wings.”actual seven


Our hearts and minds have been touched profoundly this month.  Two treasures revealed…Greg Gorman’s photograph of Michael the Dancer, deep in creative thought…and, the exquisite parable written by Brenda Jenkyns with the magnificent Siren and her beautiful paintings.  These treasures offer hours of study and layers of learning, true to Michael Jackson Excellence…giving blood and soul to the work.

“The Maestro devoted his life to giving all of himself to the world.  Eventually, the seventh childtime came when he chose to close his eyes for the last time and melt into the melody again, in the form of pure love.  At that instant, an exquisite glow radiated out across the land, kindling Sparks of Creation within the hearts of people everywhere. The people looked at each other in a new way, and saw  that there were no differences between them.  The Knowledge of Oneness shone away thoughts of separation.  They chose to devote their lives to becoming their true selves, inspired by the Maestro.  They did this by expressing their creativity, and by loving one another as he had loved them.  Many who hadn’t known the Maestro in life felt their hearts open, and began to remember the Oneness that had been so long forgotten.  The land was filled with artists, dancers, writers, bakers, teachers, healers and endless other expressions of the soul.  The Dance of Life that the Maestro had  demonstrated became their Truth.  They were wrapped in His Beloved arms once again. “

Brenda Jenkyns and Siren

The 7th Child is dedicated FOR MICHAEL, OUR MAESTRO.  It is a masterpiece of word and picture…a parable offering greater wisdom with each visit.

Greg Gorman’s photograph offers layers of discussion and has garnered many ABOUT TWENTYviewpoints.  For me, it has been a pictorial definition of Siren’s words:  Heaven hath no beauty greater than this.  It has haunted my dreams, setting me aright with a key to rekindling my creativity.  After a month of quiet at the page, both The 7th Child and the Gorman photograph have inspired me to new words.  Finding REFUGE in Michael’s artistry and in the artistry of those inspired by him, such sanctuary has given new blood pulsing through my veins…expressions of my soul…finding my true self.about ten

~Nature caresses you, the rhythm of each dawn and each sunset is part of you…the falling rain touches your soul and you see yourself in the clouds that are playing tag with the sun~

A Child is a Song

Michael Jacksonabout eight

“I want tolerance and harmony between mosques and churches.  Together we are one.  Religion shouldn’t make enemies.”

Ahlam  11 years old from Gaza

~Magical  children, don’t worry how

Don’t delay, this moment’s now~

Michael Jacksonabout two

Our refuge is in Michael Jackson’s artistry and legacy, his message and life…

“For to have faith is to have wings.”  Peter Pan

I love you all!









A DIALOGUE OF THE DECADES…an immersion into a continuous thread of revelation

~If you know nothing of me at least know thisadorable always two

~That I lived seeking you and this was my best of joy


With a joi de vivre AWE TWENTY FIVE

Believing that music can save

Music can heal

Michael Jackson was a moving star

Never a constant one


If Jennifer Stone is right when she says that, “Longing is all that lasts”…our inexplicable longing reveals the sacred site of our souls.  This spiritual seat of feelings and sentiments, our effective state of consciousness, enables us to experience great joy and profound sorrow.  Ordinary doesn’t come into our warm and full hearts…quite the contrary, Michael Jackson defines the word extraordinary!  A nova who defies its nature by never burning out, his brilliant light burst into cosmic explosions.  More like the speed of light than the speed of sound, we see an artist who shone a thousand times brighter than any other.  Our never-ending longing demands of us greater and greater knowledge.BREATHLESS TEN  Studying the five decades that Michael Jackson danced the planet, a Maestro…this master of art…not only have we learned of his galactic talent, we have come to realize the immense significance of his legacy.  Our journey demands reclaiming more SEXY MAN SEVENTEENMichael…his stages of musical genius, his footprints left on the planet.

“Love, Love, Love.  That is the soul of a genius.”


Circumnavigating the curvature of Michael’s catalog of art brings with it the revelation that layer upon layer upon layer of artistry is like no other.  Unparalleled in scope and texture, with the very foundation of integrity, there is a freedom within the courage. This man combined perfection with creativity, career with outreach, work ethic with play, boldness within tenderness, confidence within humility, maturity that held innocence, joy strengthened by a wounded heart.  He wrote parables speaking from divine inspiration, and channeled the music of the spheres.  By holding masses of people in his hands, he guided a world love movement.  As a teacher and leader, his vulnerabilities aroused and influenced a collective worldwide energy. As his imagination discovered new worlds of creativity, we have discovered new worlds in our collective activism.AHHHHTWO All of this begs the question: Who else has ever done this?  What other human being has so extensively affected multiple spheres.  To be sure, there are artists who have written and composed beautiful music.  There are people who have done philanthropic works for the betterment of mankind.  There are orators who have given speeches that have affected the thoughts of generations.  There are leaders who have succeeded in bringing about cultural change.  There are stars of stage, screen, and music who are loved.  There are dancers who have mesmerized.  There are writers who have moved the human spirit.  There are those who have kept their humility, even their childlike innocence.  There are those who have faced great suffering and pain bravely.  There are those who have been cruelly attacked and treated unjustly.  But, in my lifetime and my studies, I have never discovered ONE human being that has done them all…save Michael Jackson.BE STILL MY HEART TODAY FOURTEEN

~compare…to examine for the purpose of noting similarities and differences, like and unlike characteristics

~contrast…with an eye to differences, placing together so differences are striking

~unique…existing as the only one…sole example…having no like or equal, unparalleled, incomparable, impossible to duplicate

Just the other day another online voting contest appeared, paring entertainers, giving  Fans an opportunity to support and award their favorite artist.  Michael Jackson is a part of a multitude of competitions like this.  During the five decades of Michael’s career, he was honored with awards…often these awards were the first to be given because Michael’s career constantly pushed the envelope.  Groups found it necessary to invent a new award because any pre-existing awards just didn’t fit Michael’s achievements.WOUNDED WARRIOR

“Any words one speaks or writes are sort of redundant in the face of what we’ve just seen and heard.  He is probably the most famous person on the planet, God help him. ahhhh four He has also sold more records than anybody else on the planet.  And he has also written, recorded and performed some of the most glorious music in the pop canon.  So along  with all the gaff written about him, it’s probably one such justification that he’s continually referred to as the King of Pop.  They came up with Artist of a Generation Award to give him.  But Michael Jackson has been making music literally since he was a baby.  So, what generation?  At least three have been listening to him already.  And, who will they give it to next year?  Or is this award in itself a one-off like the man himself.  Because childhood prodigy to adult genius, when Michael Jackson sings, it is with the voice of angels, and when his feet move, you can see God dancing.  So, tonight, the BRIT’s Artist of a Generation is:  Michael Jackson.”AWE TWENTY FOUR

The sheer volume of work Michael Jackson has accomplished, professionally, personally, philanthropically is unique.  Comparisons to discover similarities can only be done in part…contrasts being far more realistic.  Michael embraced his God-given talent with a joi de verve…offering himself completely, offering his fame, fortune, even his home.  In my lifetime, I have never witnessed the sheer volume of it all…witnessed someone offering their home and everything that included…with a pure and unconditional love for children and the inner child that lives in us all.  Opening his doors…asking nothing from guests but a smile…giving, asking nothing in return. Five decades of love, artistry, personal connection…has turned into a sixth.  People across the planet continue to flock to Michael.  A bond that is personal and unbreakable not only keeps Michael’s artistry alive…it continues his messages.  Who else can remain vital after leaving this earth?  Who else can inspire masses of people to make change…change for healing a wounded planet?  Who else inspires a quest for more knowledge?  Who else empowersAHHHH SIX a collective movement almost six years after they have passed?  Who else influences music and fashion and film almost six years after they have passed?  Who else inspires a quest for justice and an end to racism, prejudice and bigotry?  Who?

“You are connected to a higher source and you just go with the moment and you become one with the spirit, very much like religion.  It’s a God-given gift and you BREATHLESS SIXjust go with it.  I’m honored to have been given it and it’s fun to become one with the audience.  It’s a oneness, you know.”

Michael Jacksonahhh six

There is a longing that resides deep inside Michael Jackson Fans.  It is complicated and complex and emotional and passionate, just as it should be…how could it not?  Our dedication grows and with that growth comes our yearning to educate the world.  The demands of that are extensive because Michael Jackson is unique…that uniqueness is multifaceted, many layered, unparalleled…filled with wondrous magic and powerful threads of beauty, joined together in compelling revelations.  Inspired with:  I’m invincible…I’ve been through it all.  You can’t hurt me.  Knock me down.  I get back up.”  Michael Jackson.


~Words are our inexhaustible source of magic…capable of inflicting injury or remedying it.  Rowlings

We are here to carry on.

Judebreathless eleven



ONE SONG WE SING…an immersion into devotion

“Glory follows virtue as if it were its shadow.”

Ciceroepic performance

Michael Jackson’s art transcended every way that human beings have thought of to separate themselves and then healed those divisions…at least at the instant that we shared his music as the globally understood grammar of love.”

Michael Eric Dyson

Michael Jackson’s multi-faceted artistry came from deep within his soul, revealing a connection between the roots of all living things, leading to universal self-discovery.  His marriage to his art, cherished for a lifetime, went beyond a singular body of experience.BEAUTY FOREVER TWO  He sang and spoke, danced and created:   as a child, as a man.  His sounds were food for the brain of all mankind, his power was used constructively to bring light where only darkness existed.

Michael was unique on every level.  Since he saw art in everything, it isn’t difficult to understand that he included his body as canvas…from the top of his head to his beautifully long, slender fingers, to the tip of his magical toes.  Those who know Michaelonce easily understand that his face held a stunning beauty, captivating all.  Through time, with age and changes in hairstyles, make-up, life experiences…depending on the creative vision of each era and each project, Michael’s biography was “written” on his face.  Michael’s art constantly pushed the envelope, creating excitement, a pioneer in visual images.  How frustrating it must have been, to live in a world of narrow-minded, limited imagination myth-makers, who distorted every possible facet of Michael’s artistryBEAUTY PERSONIFIED EIGHT and personal life.  Those who claim to have been friends and proceed to denigrate Michael’s appearance lend truth to the statement, “With friends like these, Michael didn’t need any enemies.”  And, with all forms of media who gleefully give time to these so-called friends, claiming to be bastions of equal opinions, Michael’s artistry continues to be assaulted.

Try as they might, the reality is that Michael Jackson’s art is a definitive way to reach the truth.  The truths he sang about, spoke about…the stories he told…trigger our emotions and uplift our intentions, and no amount of media fodder changes that.  Using every gift God gave to him, Michael spread his messages to a global public.  He used his travels to experience first hand the world’s sufferings and beauties.

Michael continues to hold us in his hands.  Because he acted in accordance with his truest nature, those who experience his art feel its authenticity, its sincerity, its universality.  It is all real because Michael is real.  Far exceeding the idea of product, human beings are drawn to the heart and soul of another human being…when that human being gives it all for love.  We are drawn to Michael’s stunning appearance, andICONIC POSE then travel through his genius musical mind, right down into his heart.  And, there we stay.  We are captivated, mesmerized, attracted and bonded forever.  Moving from physical appearance and fashion leader, Michael gives all his energy, all his talents, and all his love to those who are within his grasp…devotion to his artistry and to the man, follow.beauty personified seven

What holds Michael to masses of people across the planet, what causes hundreds of millions of people to flock to him, is his artistic message.  Not only do we experience deep emotions…we come to serious realizations about ourselves.  Our epiphanies change who we are and help us focus on the next step.  Those who have missed this, either accidently or by design, claim idol-worshipping, fanatical mindlessness.  In reality, cynicism or agenda has gotten in their way.  Researching  has taught me that Michael’s artistry is irresistible to those who come with open minds.  Why?  Because it deals with the human experience, the human condition, the basic goodness of man, the gifts of innocence in a child’s heart, the saving of the planet, the rescuing of children, the power of music and dance.  It is about pure and unconditional love.  WHO COULD POSSIBLYTIMELESS RESIST?

THE SEVEN VIRTUES, a beautiful book by Siren, offers stunning paintings of Michael and, studied definitions.  Each virtue defines Michael so completely, it takes your breath:  Diligence, Chastity, Humility, Patience, Charity, Temperance, Kindness.  Simply put: We recognize Michael’s character of… upholding convictions, work ethic, capability of not giving up, honesty, embracing moral standards, selflessness, ability to calendarconfront fear, endurance, generosity, unlimited kindness towards all, proper moderation between self-interest and public interest, compassion, trust without prejudice, inspiring kindness in others.  Many often say that a sense of bliss comes over them when theypure love sixteen journey alongside Michael Jackson.

Michael described it in these words:


You and I were never separate

It’s just an illusion

Wrought by the magical lenses of perception

Let us celebrate the joy of life

Let us dance the dance of creationKING FIVE

Who could possibly resist?  Yes, Michael Jackson is the King of Pop.  But, that title is only the beginning of the definition of the man…a starting point.  Further education opens up a universe of where we can go.  As we learn more and more, we feel compelled to follow the Chinese Proverb that tells us that once we learn something that we have benefitted from, we are obligated to share it with others.  Michael has given usANGEL FACE TWO the mantra to HEAL THE WORLD…and, in order to do that…we will share what we know.  We will carry on Michael’s messages and visions for the future.  That is our devotion to the man we love…who loved us first.

We see the dream and the glory, we bask in Michael’s artistry, we listen and we learn.

“I believe children bully for attention.  I think you could trace every evil in adults to when they were growing up.  We have to be so careful and love and be loving toursall the time.  Know how you are hurting them later on in every little incident.  I read children’s eyes and find out who is hurting the most and give them the longest hugs…I pick the fattest or the most grotesque-looking, and people would say, ‘Why did you pick that one?’ and I would say, ‘This is the one who needed it the most.’  When I look into the eyes of my son, Prince or my daughter, Paris, I see miracles and beauty.  Having children allows me to enter that magical and whole world every moment of every day.  I see God through my children.  I speak to God through my children.  I am humbled for the blessings he has given me.”SCHOOL TWO

Michael Jackson



Thank you, Michael.  We will sing with you forever.


“The only limits  you have are the limits you believe.”

Wayne Dyer


“I’m interested in making a path instead of following a trail and that’s what I want to do in life-in everything I do.”DWT TWO

Michael Jackson, Ebony, 1979

“There is no way his light can be contained now. Too many have been affected…changed.  It is done.  Now, we have the Bliss of living him.”


Michael Jackson Fifth Anniversary


“At the end of his remarkable journey, the fuse was lit in our hearts to follow his light.

Jude Ling

The HONESTY PATH versus the “myth trail”…WE in the Michael Jackson Fan Community have discovered the realities of truth, and are defining those realities by forming THE NEW MEDIA…alight in the bliss, our lives changed.  Our collective energy is thwarting media vicious assault.   Lies and unethical practices have for years garnered “talking head” adulation.  But, as with the boy who cried wolf, such repeated behavior in the face of real fact reaps backlash…and, the distrust that ensues grows a tap root so strong that it reaches everywhere.  Some may find a steady diet of ridicule, sarcasm yokohoma twoand disrespect entertaining, but the savageness leads to asking WHY?  For the Fan Community, each blow felt by Michael Jackson, empowers and strengthens resolve…there may be debate from time to time, but, when faced with a choice…THE NEW MEDIA CHOOSES MICHAEL JACKSON.  Loyalty and inspiration are well-DIRTY DIANA SIXearned.

Those whose attacks take the shape of defaming Michael and painting a self-serving picture have yet to realize that walking the talk requires deep commitment far beyond an interview on network television.  These people neglect to remember Michael’s INEXHAUSIBLE TALK-WALKING.  Michael’s public and private life was the very definition of PURE LOVE.  HE NEVER CHANGED.  It is a mistake to underestimate Michael Jackson’s Legacy…and, to underestimate the light power affect he has in the world.

“Nothing would make me happier than if someone were comforted knowing the enormity of Love, respect, and reverence that is demonstrated at Holly Terrace inHANDSOME TWELVE His name on that day by so many.  And these are only the few that can travel there…imagine the immensity of everyone on earth who Loves Him coming together on that day???!  They wouldn’t even fit inside the gates.  Nothing can undo our love and what we know.  He is a HUGE LIGHT in this world-like nothing before.  I SO believe in Him with all my soul.”

Siren…Reflections June 25, 2014

Forest Lawn

There is a growing congregation commemorating all dimensions of living well…kindred hearts who have honored privacy, but now, wish to celebrate.  My efforts in memory- keeping lead me to the page.  Over and over again, I live the Chinese Proverb:  “If photo shoot twosomeone shares something of value and you benefit from it, you have a moral obligation to share it with others.”  My dream is to provide a record in PAYING MICHAEL FORWARD.  It is my attempt to assist in the NEW MEDIA…telling Michael Truths.

“Michael wanted to be photographed in an artistic setting and the Brooklyn Museum gladly accommodated us all.  We shot in the midst of ancient and contemporary history and it was powerful to be in that space.  We worked with celebrity fashion stylist, Phillip Bloch, to develop concepts for wardrobe and then his team went shopping.  We really wanted him to lookphoto shoot elegant and timeless on the cover.  We found a number of looks that would achieve that and presented them to Michael.  He ultimately chose what he would be happy to wear, which turned out to be far more outfits than we had time to shoot.  It was a lot of fun to work with someone who looks great in clothes.  MJ was the perfect fit for everything we put on him.  He’s got the body that any woman or man would die for!  At 49 years old, he had a slim dancers’ body.  It was a lot of fun to work with someone who looks great in clothes, who knows how to move his body and who understands the camera.  It was magic!  (“I think that MJ was very sexy.  I think that anytime I put clothes on him, he looked better than any supermodel.”  Rushka Bergman)  For a man nearly 50, he was still incredibly limber.  He showed a few of his classic moves during the photo shoot…the leg twist/kick move in particular. He’s still got it!  (Bryan Jackson Ebony/Jet)

The stories of MJ being extremely gracious are shown to be true.  He made a special wmcig threeeffort to shake the hand of every single photographer assistant, make-up artist, lighting person, magazine representative and venue staff member on set…something that impressed his personal assistant, Michael Amir Williams and Ebony/Jet Editor-in-Chief, Harriette Cole.  What I loved the most working with MJ was how kind he was to everyone.  He was gracious to the elevator operator, the guard and the executives in the museum.  He made sure to thank each person who was in ear shot when the shootGITM THREE was over.  He was generous and kind.  Did some people feel intimidated by him?  I don’t know if that’s the right word.  I think some people were mesmerized.  Some were pinching themselves wondering if they actually were in the presence of the King of Pop.”  New York September 2007  L’Uomo Vogue and Ebony/Jet  LAST PHOTO bow twoSHOOT DOCUMENTATION

“Recently, a young man asked me what it was like to share the stage with Michael JacksonBeing on stage with MJ was a ride in a whirlwind.  The entire band, singers, and dancers accepted the challenge of bringing it in the same way Michael brought it.  We weren’t stopping til the train pulled all the way into the station.  Michael hit it hard, so hard, too hard!  Every single night out, he would hammer down the show like he was trying to bust up a mountain.  It was always: ‘This is my last show.’  Most of us say it, but, that’s the way he did it!  He danced hard.  He sang hard.  He always struck me like an artist just getting in the business and trying to make a name for himself, like he had something to prove.adorable twenty one  He tried to slay it as well.  We rode Tyrannosaurus Rex into the mouth of a volcano.  We surfed the lava, the board melting under our feet.  Whatever MJ did, we followed him.  If he stopped, we hit the brakes.  If he kept going, we fired it off.  All the way up.  All the way down.  Talk about a high.  WOOO!  After each show, it felt like I’d ridden a comet to the moon.  Can’t even describe it to you.  My first world tour.  MJ’s first world tour.  We were out to conquer the universe.”  Dorian BADTWENTY-FOURHolley  2013 

“Michael Jackson inspired millions of people around the world, he is the artist the other artists look up to.  Meeting MJ may be considered quite an unreachable privilege, he’s the star among the stars, a dream that few, even in the entertainment world, can say they have achieved.”  Gessica Puglielli and Gianni D’Andria

At 2:26pm on June 25th, following a moment of silence, as we stood in a huge circle joining hands in front of Holly Terrace, a group prayer was offered from one very elegant man.  His prayer was so deep and inclusive and full of LOVE…one that acknowledged who Michael was and what He came here for.  He spoke of Michael’s message and impact on our hearts…and, we cried from JOY.  Then, we all sang MAN IN THE MIRROR from our souls like we couldn’t hold it in, like a gospel choir.  It was spiritual and of such FORCE! 

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The truth dazzles!  In reaching for it, we see its blinding light.  Although we often wish it would happen more quickly, we accept its gradual force and we are grateful.  “Perhaps everything terrible is in its deepest being something helpless that wants help from us.”  Rainer Maria Rilke  We are inspired by a man who could turn pain into fuel and burn it for the good of the planet.  His impact drives us forward to share what we know.  As the NEW MEDIA grows, can justice be far behind?  Everything inside of our beings and outside in the world joins together in action REACHING FOR THE TRUTH.

I love you.


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