~tell me why is it so~
~I’ll never let you go~
He moves too fast.
One breath, He is outside the window.
Next breath, He is inside my heart.
My mind is not here,
He is all I see.
“Whatever you thought about Michael Jackson is correct because, it is more about WHO YOU ARE BEING than it is about Michael Jackson. He wasn’t just the man in the mirror…HE WAS THE MIRROR.”
Barbara Kaufmann
“We have to protect his legacy because all the good he did for others will vanish behind lies and corruption. They will slander his name for centuries to come if we don’t protect him. Michael was an extremely Godly man, and it is known that he has many of the qualities of Jesus Christ.
“The words of his 1991 hit song Heal the World continue to echo from his grave. It is my wish that history will record our time in this hall as one that gave reality to Michael Jackson’s song…Heal the world, make it a better place, for you and for me and the entire human race.”
Ghana President John Mahama
The United Nations General Assembly
September 21, 2016
“The more Michael Jackson was attacked by the tabloid press, the more dedicated became his fan community…loyalty to the singer in the face of adversity has become his own badge of honor.”
B. Higgins
“If we all had a little bit of Michael Jackson in us, I think it’d make the world a better place.”
Tracy Morgan
~Jermaine wept as he recounted the nervous moments before the King of Pop learned his fate. Sister Rebbie said that Michael read a few scriptures, stomping his leg into the car, saying
Minutes before the verdict June 2005
Adrian Grant
We find ourselves today in a world that often seems to spin somewhere between evil and crazy, and maybe beyond. It’s because often, proof isn’t good enough…changing the old adage…all is fair in love and, if you can get away with it. Why? Daily, we see an epic failure of the media when a lie is not called a lie…and, liars simply stretch the truth. Why?
Maya Angelou said: When someone shows you who they are, believe them.
“When we were in Philadelphia, we went to visit a house intended for disabled children. There was a boy who had no legs or arms. Michael curiously asked the director what would this boy most desire? She said: You will find it very interesting. He would like to have a motorcycle…but, he has no arms or legs. Michael was silent and then smiled. Upon leaving, he got in touch with his lawyer, ordered a special motorcycle adapted for the boy, and also provided that prosthetic arms and legs be fixed to the boy. He also paid for a professional to train the boy to ride the motorcycle.”
Chef Rona Remy Michael’s Former Chef
“Regardless of any and all allegations proposed against Michael Jackson, it cannot be disputed that he worked hard to improve the world he saw so many problems with. Unlike many of us, wishing things were better wasn’t enough. Michael saw the world not just for what it was, but for what it could be, and because of this, he spent his entire life using his gifts and skills to change the world. Michael is a testament to the amount of difference a man can make when he truly dedicates himself.”
~taken from
PEOPLE WORTH KNOWING SERIES…featuring people in history that have had a great impact and changed the course of history
Michael spent little time allowing despair to get in the way of his dreams. He had the ability to distinguish between bad luck and new beginnings…first the gesture, then the grace. He saw the gifts behind problems and fears and learned from them, being the savvy innocent he was. His days were filled with a powerful desire to affect change. Those of us who have studied his words, lyrics, speeches, stories and choices, feel a closeness to him…closer in the destinies we have chosen than we are with many friends we know personally. Divination is the means by which you engage in dialogue with the divine. In an ancient form of prayer, Michael offers us divine guidance. And although we often feel the hard knocks of adversity, we hold on to Michael’s soft touches. Being joyful is within our grasp. We listen for the holy whispers of all things possible, appealing to our better angels. In falling in love with Michael Jackson, we have a better understanding of our soul intensity.
We’re taking over
We have the truth
To see it through
We have learned that love needs expression for the story to be told every day, and the love to grow. At the recent opening of the African-American Museum in Washington, D.C. we learned: MEMORIALS FORGIVE BUT NEVER FORGET. Everything Michael did had a purpose. Why are we here? What is our purpose? Where is our strength? When things get chaotic and life seems to be spinning out of control, we turn to our True North, seeking to escape, finding answers to our questions. Michael answers every WHY. And, even when HE ASKED WHY…he followed that question with a path.
“When a Black voice is raised in protest to oppression, those who are comfortable with our oppression are the first to criticize us for daring to speak out against it.
Harry Belafonte
In studying Michael Jackson, we discover who we are. And, we realize that his history must not be allowed to vanish under the force of myth and lies.
“Michael Jackson didn’t just grab the gold ring. He hooked it to a new bar and set it even higher. And nobody has yet snatched it with quite the same flair or results.”
“The point about Michael Jackson is not that he is odd, but that the man is a genius. As a dancer, he ranks well up there with Fred Astaire and Rudolf Nureyev. As a singer, he has been dazzlingly brilliant since he first cleared his throat on stage when he was eight. To put it at its clearest, Michael Jackson is an extremely important figure in the history of popular culture.”
WHY? “If there were none who were discontented with what is, the world would never reach for anything better.” (Taken from Florence Nightingale) We stand fast in educating the world. We stand fast in making sure that myth and lies never erase Michael Jackson’s legacy. With Michael Jackson there is never too much of a good thing. WHY? Because we are here to celebrate passion and inspiration and a fulfilled vision of what the world can become.
I reach out my hand to you
I have faith in all you do
And I’ll be there
~The moment that made a difference in the trajectory of my life~
June 25, 2009
I love you, Michael!
I am very happy to know that a British journalist realized that Michael WAS a genius, was a brilliant dancer (who was in the same category as Astaire and, indeed Rudi Nureyev)….and who had an awesome voice….with a huge vocal range and the unusual ability to emote with his voice! Very few singers can do that…..(opera star Maria Callas comes to mind). But no one else. Michael was also a very godly man….he was just unbelievably GOOD! And generous! He exuded a magical charisma that was transforming to anyone who was in his presence. I know….because I felt that! I was so happy to be with him…..and shall never forget that feeling! He will never be forgotten….he was so memorable and extraordinary! Bless him!
Thank you, Jude, for a very good one.. Michael did answer to all my WHYs and continue to answer. To me personally he is a superior teacher and somebody originated from higher spheres and a divine creature. Michael’s multiple unique abilities prove it right. Thank you, Jude, for a perfect definition of what we do: dialogues with the divine. In these dialogues he teaches us what to do, where to go, how to overcome obsticles, how to stand against storms, and most important – how to love, be kind, compassionate, understanding, tolerate.. that means how to be divine. That’s right: if we all could have a little piece of Michael Jackson inside us this world will be a much much better place. But Michael, we still learn your lessonsand we’ll never stop.
BEAUTIFUL as always, dear Jude. Had me tearing up, yet again, because it feels like those of us who knew and understood the truth and his mission in our childhood, have been fighting to protect this dear man for so long. And still there is little change. However, with writings like this, with a passion like yours, and with the collection of beautiful quotes and passages that you are amassing right here, together we can ensure that HIStory will NOT be re-written, and that in time, his life and legacy will shine so brightly that even the most ardent detractors will not dare speak his name without reverence and without the respect he has always deserved.
Michael was a total genius…in everything he did! Dancing, singing, composing, choreographing, staging those mammoth shows…He could do everything…supremely gifted! It was difficult to NOT stare at him (for me)…he was so good-looking! Not many like that…in fact, I cannot think of another person. He will be remembered for all that he did in the arts…and ALL he did for people…he was a great humanitarian, to be sure. I am happy that more people now actually realize WHO he was…and WHAT he did. And his legacy will shine very brightly….in the years to come. Thank you, my dear Michael for being who you are…and for all you have done!!